Sunday, January 26, 2020

Swedish and Lule Sámi prayer for Kristina, year 1638


Forsgren, Tuuli (1988): Samisk kyrko- och undervisningslitteratur i Sverige 1619-1850. – Johansson, Egil (red.) Scriptum nr. 6. Rapportserie utg. av Forskningsarkivet vid Umeå Universitet. Umeå

Swenske och Lappeske ABC-book, 1638

This prayer mentioning Kristina, written in Early Modern Swedish with a translation into an archaic dialect of one of the Sámi languages, was included in a 1638 children's book titled Swenske och Lappeske ABC-book, one of the earliest known written works in any Sámi language. It is most commonly believed to be in Northern Sámi; however, it has been proposed by Bergsland (1982) that, due to differences between this and other early books in the Sámi languages, the language used here might actually be an archaic dialect spoken by a now-assimilated population of Forest Sámi in the Luleå area (the Forest dialects in this part of Sweden would have been and are spoken near Gällivare and Serri), and I myself have found from looking at some of the vocabulary that it does indeed fit better with Lule Sámi than Northern Sámi. At the time, some words from Swedish existed in the Sámi languages that are no longer in use today; and the word Lapp, another name for the Sámi peoples, their languages and their lands, is now considered offensive.

The prayer in Early Modern Swedish:

Gudh gifwe wårom Drottning och all Öffwerheet / Fridh och gott Regement / At wij vnder henne / Jtt roligit och stilla leffuerne föra måghe / J all Gudachtigheet och Ährligheet / Amen.

The prayer in Early Modern Lule Sámi:

Jubmell watte mijan Dråttningin ja kaik Öffwerhetin / raffem ja puårem Regementam / jåtte mija suun wåltne autam juollo ja kiappes viesomem tållwåbb / kaik Jubmellen palon ja puårrewådan / Amen.

English translation (my own):

God give our Queen and all the authorities peace and a good reign, so that we may lead a tranquil and still life under her reign, in all godliness and honesty. Amen.

Above: Kristina.

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