Sunday, April 19, 2020

Kristina's "sybil" Giulia and her prediction of Kristina's death, year 1688


Histoire des intrigues galantes de la reine Christine de Suede: et de sa cour, pendant son sejour à Rome, by Christian Gottfried Franckenstein, 1697

The history of the intrigues & gallantries of Christina, Queen of Sweden, and of her court whilst she was at Rome faithfully render'd into English from the French original, translated by Philip Hollingworth, 1697

A young Italian woman named Giulia lived and served at Kristina's court in Rome as lady's maid. She was regarded as a clairvoyant and famous for her predictions, and Kristina nicknamed her Sybil.

The most famous of Giulia's predictions was in around December 1688 when she predicted Kristina's death and said it to her face, and instead of being insulted, Kristina was amused at the prediction and the conversation that followed, all of which is relayed in the following anecdote. Giulia made her prediction six months before Kristina died.

The anecdote:

La mort de la Reine fut précedée de quelques pressentimens qui lui firent connoître qu'elle ne vivroit pas long-tems. Six mois ou environ avant sa maladie, elle se fit faire un habit de brocard à fond blanc broché à fleurs, & autres ouvrages d'or garnis d'agrémens & de boutons à cannetilles d'or avec une frange de même au-bas.

Cet habit dont elle avoit inventé la mode servoit de manteau, & de juppe tout ensemble. Il étoit clos par devant sans queue, & rond par le bas, la Reine l'essaya la veille de Noel, & fit plusieurs tours dans son cabinet, sans rien dire, se regardant souvent devant & derriere dans deux miroirs opposez l'un à l'autre, puis recommençant à se promener dans un profond silence. Son Tailleur qui croyoit avoir mieux reussi qu'à l'ordinaire, s'applaudissoit en lui même, & il n'y avoit que lui dans la chambre avec la Marquise Caponi, & deux filles de la Reine quand la sybile y entra.

Cette sybile étoit une femme sçavante dans les opérations de la Chymie dont la Reine se servoit depuis quelque tems; Le Cardinal Azolin l'avoit introduite auprés de sa Majesté pour contrequarrer le Bandiere, elle s'appelloit Julia, & étoit fille d'un apoticaire grand simpliste qui lui apprit son metier, auquel elle rencherit par l'invention de quantité de beaux secrets. Il y avoit quelque chose de merveilleux en sa personne, & sa naissance avoit été extraordinaire. Quand sa mere accoucha d'elle, qui fut au mois de Novembre 1665, elle fut sept heures en travail souffrant de grandes douleurs, & elle n'en fut delivrée que par un horrible eclat de tonnerre precedé d'un eclair qui fit paroître toute la chambre en feu. La peur fit une telle impression sur elle que l'effort qu'elle fit lui sit pousser son enfant dehors.

Son sexe fut d'abord douteux, mais on reconnut avec le tems que c'étoit une fille; elle conserva toûjours neantmoins les inclinations des hommes, fuyant la Compagnie des filles, & cherchant celle des garçons, elle jettoit des pierres comme eux, se battoit à coups de poing, & montroit en toutes choses une ame virile: elle apprit le Latin, & fit de fort grands progrez non seulement dans la Pharmacie, mais encore dans la Chymie. Outre cela, elle touchoit bien des instrumens, mais elle avoit encore une qualité qui plaisoit mieux à la Reine que toutes les autres, c'est qu'elle se mêloit de predire l'avenir, c'est pourquoy sa Majesté lui avoit donné le nom de Sybille. ...

La Sybille en abordant la Reine la felicita sur son bel habit, exagérant la richesse de l'etoffe, sa beauté & la façon qui convenoit fort bien à la personne de sa Majesté.

«He bien! Sybille», dit la Reine, «cet habit est il à vôtre gré?»

«Ouy Madame», repondit elle, «il est parfaitement bien fait.»

La Marquise Caponi prenant la parole lui dit, «vous avez bien fait de venir, car nous faisons icy la Comedie des muets.»

«Il est vray que personne ne disoit mot», repliqua la Reine, «ni moy non plus, mais cet habit que vous me voyez me fait penser à des choses de grande consequence, et il me servira bientôt à une des plus grandes fonctions qu'on se puisse imaginer, mais tu ne devineras pas Sybile, à qu'elle fonction ce sera?»

«Pardonnez-moy, Madame», repondit elle, en regardant la Reine attentivement, «Vôtre Majesté pensoit que cet habit lui devoit servir, le dirai-je, Madame?»

«Ouy» repondit la Reyne, «je le veux sçavoir.»

«Cette pensée m'afflige» dit la Sybile, «Vôtre Majesté pensoit qu'elle seroit enterrée avec cet habit dans peu de tems.»

«Et moy» interrompit precipitamment la Marquise Caponi, «je croy que la Reine pensoit qu'il servira pour aller souhaiter une nouvelle année au Pape.»

«La Sybile a dit la verité», repliqua la Reine, «c'étoit à quoy je rêvois, mais il faut mettre le tout entre les mains de Dieu, nous sommes tous mortels, & moy aussi bien que les autres.»

Le Tailleur pour faire diversion de cet entretien fâcheux s'addressant à la Reine, lui dit, «Madame Vôtre Majesté ne trouvera-telle pas bon qu'on fasse une cassette exprés pour y mettre cet habit?»

«Pourquoy cette cassette exprés, grosse bête?», repondit la Reine.

«C'est afin», dit le Tailleur, «qu'il se conserve une vingtaine d'années & plus, car s'il est destiné pour servir à la fonction à laquelle Vôtre Majesté pense, il faut prendre garde que les vers ne le mangent.»

Elle se mit à rire, & lui sçût bon gré de cette repartie.

English translation (from source 2):

The Queen had some Pre-sentiments of her Death, which made her apprehensive, she should not live long. Six Months before her Sickness, or thereabout, she made her a Habit of Sattin, white Ground, stitch'd with Flowers, and other works of Gold, garnish'd with Lace, and Buttons set in Gold, and Fringe of the same below.

This Habit was Invented by her self, and serv'd for a Manteau and Body together. It was close before, without a Tail, and round at the bottom, and the Queen tried it on upon Christmas Eve, and took many turns in her Closet, without speaking a Word: She look'd upon her self often, both before and behind, in a couple of Looking-glasses, which were set oppo∣site one to another, and then walked again, in profound Silence. Her Taylor, who thought he had done better than ordinary, rejoic'd within himself; And there was none but him, the Marquiss Caponi, and two Maids there, when Sybil entred.

This Sybil was a Woman well skill'd in Chymical Operations, and had served the Queen for some time. Cardinal Azzolini brought her in to counter-check Bandiere. Her Name was Julia, and she was Daughter to an Apothecary, a good Simpler, who taught her his Trade, which she improv'd, by the Invention of a certain number of fine Secrets. She had something Marvelous in her Person, and her Birth was Extraordinary. For when her Mother Lay in of her, which was upon the 3d. of November, 1665, she was seven Hours in Travel, with great Pains, and was not Deliver'd, but by an horrible Clap of Thunder: The Lightning that accompanied it, made her Chamber seem all on Fire; and the Fright made such an Impression upon her, that it threw out the Child.

Her Sex was doubtful at first, and though time made it appear she was a Girl, yet she always had the inclinations of Men, flying Girls Company, and seeking after Boys; She would throw Stones as they did, and fight with her Fists, and shewed a Masculine Spirit in all things. She learn'd Latin, and made a a great Progress not only in Pharmacy, but Chymistry; besides this, she touch'd Instruments well. But she had yet a Quality beyond these, which pleas'd the Queen better than all, which was that of the foretelling of things to come, and for this reason, the Queen gave her the name of Sybil. ...

Sybil coming to congratulate the Queen upon her fine Garment, exaggerated the fineness of the Stuff, its Beau∣ty and Fashion, which very well suited her Majesty's Person.

"Well, Sybil", (says the Queen) "does this Habit please you?"

"Yes, Madam", (repled she) "it is perfectly well made."

Upon this, the Marquiss Caponi took up the Discourse, and said, "you are come very luckily, for we are here acting the Comedy of the Mutes."

"It is true", says the Queen, "that no body has said any thing, nor I my self, but this Habit which you see, makes me think of some things of great Consequence, and I believe it will serve me in a little time, in one of the greatest Functions that can be; but Sybil, thou art not able to Divine what Function this should be."

"Pardon me, Madam", (answer'd she) looking attentively on the Queen, "your Majesty thinks this Habit will serve; Shall I speak it, Madam?"

"Yes", saith the Queen.

"The thought afflicts me", saith Sybil, "Your Majesty thinks, you shall be Buried in this Habit in a little time."

"And I", saith the Marquiss, interrupting hastily, "believe the Queen thinks it will serve her to wish the Pope an happy New Year in."

"Sybil has spoke the Truth", replied the Queen, "that was it I thought on, but we must put all into the Hand of God, for we are all Mortal, and I as well as another."

The Taylor, to divert this sorrowful Discourse, addressing himself to the Queen, said, "Will your Majesty have a Cover made for this Habit?"

"Why a Cover, great Beast", says the Queen?

"To keep it twenty Years, and above", saith the Taylor; "For if it be design'd for the use your Majesty speaks, you must take care the Worms do not eat it."

She fell a Laughing, and was well pleas'd with the Repartee.

Above: Kristina.

Kristina's favourite Angelica Giorgina and how an assault on her ultimately killed Kristina, year 1689


Christina, Queen of Sweden: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric, by Veronica Buckley, 2004

Histoire des intrigues galantes de la reine Christine de Suede: et de sa cour, pendant son sejour à Rome, by Christian Gottfried Franckenstein, 1697

The history of the intrigues & gallantries of Christina, Queen of Sweden, and of her court whilst she was at Rome faithfully render'd into English from the French original, translated by Philip Hollingworth, 1697


Angelica Giorgina was a singer and musician who served at Kristina's court during the last year of Kristina's life. She was tall, beautiful, and blonde with ruby red lips, a hooked nose like Kristina's, and sparkling eyes. Angelica was so beautiful that the "severe", "angry" and conservative Pope Innocent XI believed that Rome's worldly temptations would be lesser if she were to be put away in a convent. Angelica was horrified at the very idea and went to live with Kristina, who loved her singing and liked her very much. She took the girl into her protection and tricked the Pope into believing that she would send her to a convent as he had wished. Kristina soon had Angelica installed at her home, the Palazzo Riario, with her mother and sister, who was also beautiful but did not sing as well as Angelica could.

Angelica was a great favourite at Kristina's frequent music parties. Her sweetness and blonde beauty surely reminded Kristina of her lost love, her "Belle", Countess Ebba Sparre, whom she had last seen in 1654 and who had died in 1662. Kristina, who was now 62 years old, fell in love with Angelica and made the young lady her constant companion.

One afternoon Kristina was holding court at a musical picnic in the Palazzo's beautiful gardens, surrounded by many ladies, knights and gentlemen. It was a hot summer day, and they all sat under a tree for the shade, where they snacked on fruits and drank wine as the music played (except Kristina, who always hated wine because of the taste and consequent intoxication). Angelica played guitar, and that evening, after all the guests had gone home, Kristina sent for her so that they could spend an hour or two alone together.

But it was not to last. In the autumn or winter of 1688, Kristina's maid Giulia predicted her death (which I have covered in another post). Kristina was amused instead of upset by the prediction, and when a soothsayer warned her to dispose of her "indecent" paintings, she laughed loudly in response. In February 1689, after a winter tour that she found unpleasant, Kristina fell ill with a fever and a severe infection; and at the end of March she lay unconscious for several days before waking up with springtime.

She might have made a full recovery and lived longer if Angelica had not become the victim of a horrific plot and assault. Angelica's own mother had basically sold her for 1,000 silver crowns to the Abbé Vanini, who years earlier had abused and caused the death of another girl in Kristina's household. The Abbé had long wanted to have his way with Angelica, but she refused him every time.

One day, as Kristina lay resting, Angelica's mother took her into a small chamber upstairs. Angelica was very surprised to find the Abbé there waiting for them, but she was overcome with shock and terror as her mother left the room. She was alone with the Abbé, who took his chance quickly and r*ped poor Angelica. She tried as hard as she could to stop him, screaming for help and knocking over tables and chairs. Help came too late. Angelica was crying desperately, and it was hastily commanded that the Abbé be killed for his crime, but because he had friends in high places, he was allowed to escape the Palazzo. Angelica, traumatised by her ordeal, stayed in her rooms for weeks, sickened and weeping.

By now, Kristina, who was recovering, had made Angelica part of her daily routine and was therefore used to seeing her often and asked for her constantly to anyone who listened, but was told that she was unwell and couldn't come to her. Cardinal Decio Azzolino feared that the shock would cause Kristina to suffer a relapse of the illness if she were told the truth, and he had forbidden the servants to tell Kristina what had happened, but Giulia let it slip that Angelica was not sick. Kristina sent for her immediately and demanded to know what happened, but Angelica was crying so hard she couldn't talk and refused to say anything about the attack, so after relentlessly questioning and threatening them, Kristina learned the truth from Azzolino and some servants.

Kristina went into a rage and sent for Captain Merula, who had recently killed one of the Pope's men, and ordered him to bring her the Abbé's head. But even killers have standards, and he wanted things to be less bloody, so he accepted payment from the Abbé's previously mentioned friends to do nothing, and the Abbé escaped to Naples. When Merula returned empty-handed, Kristina was so furious at having been defied that she scratched him in the face and punched him, screamed at him, and tried to strangle him, but she was still too weak. The shock of the assault on Angelica and the hyperempathy for her consequent trauma suddenly hit Kristina, who fainted and whose fever returned. This time there would be no recovery.

The story in full from the source:

Angelique est une fille incomparable pour sa beauté, & pour son esprit, sa taille est au dessus de la mediocre, bien prise, & degagée, son visage un ovale parfait, ses yeux brillans, ses cheveux blonds cendrez, le nez aquilin, les dents blanches, & les levres vermeilles, la gorge bien taillée, l'esprit juste, la conception aisée, l'humeur complaisante, & je ne sçay quel agrément repandu dans toute sa personne, l'ont fait aimer des grands, & des petits, car on peut dire que depuis le sceptre jusqu'à la houléte, tous les Etats & conditions ont rendu du hommage à son merite. Enfin pour en faire un portrait qui fût juste, il faudroit prendre une Muse pour Modele, car elle en a toutes les perfections, elle chante à ravir ceux qui l'ecoutent, & touche des instrumens à merveille. Son Pere putatif étoit controlleur au Mont de pieté, & parce qu'il s'appelloit Georgino, elle en a aquis le nom Georgina. Sa mere qui est fort intriguante l'avoit euë quelque tems avant son mariage, d'un Chevalier de l'ordre de Melchisedec. ...

Un jour que la Reine tenoit une Academie de Musique dans le jardin, où elle étoit avec toutes ces filles, il y avoit une grande compagnie de Dames & de Cavaliers qui étoient assis au frais à l'ombre d'un bosquet, ecoutant une belle symphonie. Aprés qu'Angelique eut chanté son rolle, elle se glissa dans une allée avec sa sœur, & entra dans un cabinet de Verdure où Theodon avoit fait apprêter une magnifique Collation qu'il lui presenta en compagnie de son ami, où il y avoit les plus beaux fruits du monde avec des Vins de liqueur les plus exquis. C'étoit dans le tems qu'on chantoit les Flon, Flon: On avoit posté sur une Colline dans l'enceinte du jardin les Trompettes du Marquis de Lavardin, qui faisoient de tems en tems des fanfares sur le même Ton. Les Echos repétoient les dernieres paroles, tout le monde les chantoit, & la Reine comme les autres chantoit aussi Flon, Flon. La joye étoit universelle, le Vin fit devenir Poëtes nos amans, & aprés avoir bien bû, on proposa de faire chacun un couplet sur cet air nouveau. Angelique prenant sa guitarre se mit à chanter. ... L'Ami du sculpteur le Verre à la main, chanta à son tour. ... Mille eclats de rire interrompirent cette belle Musique, c'étoient les autres filles de la Reine qui se promenant dans le jardin s'étoient approchées du berceau au bruit qu'elles entendirent. On leur presenta des fruits, & elles se mirent à table à côté d'Angelique, on redoubla les santez, & ce badinage dura jusqu'à la nuit, qu'un valet de pied vint les avertir de se rendre auprés de la Reine, parce que la Compagnie se separoit. Il fallut se faire violence pour interrompre une si douce conversation, avec promesse de se revoir le plus souvent qu'on pourroit.

Mais ce bon tems ne dura gueres, car quelque tems aprés la Reine tomba malade, ce qui fit cesser toutes fortes de divertissemens. Cette maladie fut fatale à Angelique, & sa propre mere la livra à beaux deniers comprans, à un infame qui avoit dêja deshonoré le Palais de la Reine, c'est l'Abbé Vannini dont je parle, le même qui avoit abusé la Signora Giovannina, ce qui fut cause de sa mort, comme nous l'avons dit. Le Prelat ambitieux qui vouloit faire parler de soy, gagna la Signora Catarina par un present d'argenterie qui valoit plus de mille écus. Angelique avoit toute sorte de liberté de sortir avec sa mere, qui la menoit promener & en visite chez des Dames où elle rencontroit toûjours l'Abbé Vannini, qui l'obsedoit perpetuellement, mais toutes ses fleurettes ne lui plaisoient point, & elle avoit un depit extrême de ce que sa propre mere l'exposoit si souvent aux outrages de ce temeraire. Elle lui protesta qu'elle ne vouloit plus sortir du Palais de sa Majesté, dont la maladie augmentoit tous les jours, & en même tems les alarmes de la maison.

L'Abbé ne se rebuta pas des dedains d'Angelique, & il crut pouvoir obtenir à force de presens & d'importunité, ce qu'il ne pouvoit avoir par son merite personnel, mais il n'avança pas d'avantage de ce costé là, ses presens furent rebutez & ses soupirs meprisez.

Enfin étant irrité de la resistance qu'il ne croyoit pas trouver, il entreprit l'action la plus teméraire, & la plus perilleuse qui peut tomber dans la pensée d'un homme aussi meprisable que lui, qui fut de faire violence à l'honneur d'Angelique dans le Palais même de la Reine. Pour cet effet il gagna un valet de chambre de sa Majesté qui étoit Napolitain, avec son frere l'anspessade, & de Ballyeur secret, qui l'introduisirent dans la chambre d'Angelique, du consentement de sa Mere. Angelique étoit alors auprés de la Reine qu'elle n'abandonnoit point, parce que la maladie étoit fort dangereuse, ainsi elle fut fort surprise quand entrant dans sa chambre pour quelque affaire, elle vit une superbe collation preparée, & l'Abbé Vannini qui l'invita sans façon à manger avec sa mere, & les honnêtes gens qui étoient du complot.

Angelique trahie par sa propre mere fit un cri qui marqua son etonnement. L'Abbé se jetta à ses genoux, & tâcha de la rassûrer par de belles paroles, dans le même tems tout le monde sortit de la chambre où on les laissa seuls, & on peut s'imaginer que l'Abbé étant le Maître ne perdit pas le tems. La chambre étoit si haute qu'on ne peut entendre les cris d'Angelique, mais on eut d'autres signes de la resistance de cette genereuse fille, car la table & les chaises furent renversées, enfin on fit tant de bruit dans cette chambre qui étoit justement sur celle de la Reine, que sa Majesté se plaignit qu'on perdoit le respect.

Un de ses Gentilhommes courut en haut, où il vit cette belle farce, il cria au secours en appellant quelques Anspessades & valets de pied qui étoient de garde. L'amy de Theodon monta au bruit, Angelique l'embrassant le pria d'avoir pitié d'elle, il prit l'Abbé par la gorge, & l'auroit etranglé si on ne le lui eût arraché des mains.

On envoya chercher Monsieur Pompée Azolin neveu du Cardinal du même nom, pour sçavoir ce qu'on feroit de cet effronté. Sa premiere pensée fut de le faire hacher en morceaux, en cela il auroit suivi le genie de la Reine, & vangé hautement l'injure faite à sa Majesté. Mais la voyant fort malade, & considérant que l'Abbé étoit bien apparenté, il jugea a propos de ne se pas faire des ennemis, ainsi l'ayant tiré à part il le laissa evader. Il se sauva chez le Cardinal D'est, les deux Napolitains s'en-fuirent aussi, & on ne les vid plus depuis. On fit entendre à la Reine que le bruit venoit de quelques chats qui avoient renversé des meubles & causé tout ce Vacarme.

Angelique aprés un affront si sanglant s'abandonna à son desespoir, & resta long-tems pasmée, & toute etourdie, ne sachant que faire. Sa sœur survenuë au bruit la fit mettre au lit, car sa traitresse de mere s'étoit eclipsée comme les autres, la fievre se mit de la partie, & elle fut quelque-tems malade de chagrin.

Cependant la Reine commença à se mieux porter, toute le monde se rejouit de sa convalescence, car elle étoit bien aimée dans Rome, outre qu'elle y faisoit une grosse dépense qui faisoit subsister bien des gens. La Nation de la Marche d'Ancone fit une belle fête à son Eglise Nationale de Saint Sauveur du Laurier, dont le Cardinal Azolin étoit Protecteur, en l'honneur de la Reine, & le même soir, il y eut de belles illuminations dans la Rue des Coronari qui en est tout proche, avec des feux d'artifice, & autres rejouissances, au son des Trompettes & des Tambours. Le Comte d'Alibert fit aussi une fête au Jesus, fort magnifique, où l'on chanta une Messe votive de la Vierge, en action de graces de la Convalescence de la Reine. Il y avoit fait venir les meilleurs Musiciens de Rome, & l'Eglise étoit parée des plus belles tentures de tapisseries de haute lice de sa Majesté.

Tout le monde s'empressoit de venir temoigner la joye qu'on avoit du retablissement de sa Sante, mais elle s'apperçeut enfin qu'Angelique manquoit à ce devoir, elle la demanda plusieurs fois, on lui disoit toûjours qu'elle étoit malade: Le Cardinal Azolin avoit defendu qu'on parlât du scandale arrivé dans son Palais à son sujet, une certaine femme qui demeuroit au Palais où elle servoit aux Operations de la Chymie avec le Bandiere, cette femme, dis je, qu'on appelloit la sybille pour les raisons que nous dirons cy aprés, dit à la Reine par megarde, ou par malice, qu'Angelique se portoit bien.

La Reine l'envoya aussi-tôt appeller avec empressement, cette pauvre fille alarmée ne pouvant eviter de paroître devant la Reine, qu'elle croyoit informée de ses affaires, se jetta à ses pieds fondant en larmes, ne pouvant parler tant elle étoit saisie de douleur. La Reine la pressa de dire le sujet de ses pleurs, elle repondit que son malheur n'étoit que trop public: Sa Majesté lui ordonna de s'expliquer, mais ses sanglots interrompoient ses paroles à tout moment. C'est pourquoy elle pria le Cardinal Azolin qui étoit survenu alors, d'informer sa Majesté de toutes choses. Azolin fâché de ce contre-tems, voulut pallier la chose, & ne dit à la Reine que ce qu'il jugea à propos de lui decouvrir, de peur qu'elle ne se mît trop en colére, ce qui pourroit la faire retomber; mais cela ne la satisfit pas, elle vit bien qu'on lui cachoit la plûpart des circonstances, ainsi elle n'eut point de repos qu'elle n'eût appris toute l'histoire de ses autres Domestiques, à force de les questionner, & de les menacer.

Ce qu'on avoit prevû arriva, elle se mit en une colére horrible contre l'infame Abbé, & contre ceux qui l'avoient laissé echapper au lieu de l'assommer, & de le jetter par les fenêtres. Aprés avoir consolé Angelique de sa disgrace dont elle n'étoit pas coupable, elle fit entrer le Capitaine Merula, qui étoit son brave, & lui commanda de lui apporter la tête de l'Abbé Vannini, lui ordonnant de le chercher si bien qu'il prît du monde, & de l'argent autant qu'il en auroit de besoin, lui promettant une bonne recompense, & sa protection envers & contre tous. On ne sçait si cet Assassin de profession découvrit ses ordres lui même, ou si cela fut sçu d'ailleurs, mais Vannini s'enfuit de Rome à subiacco Abbaye du Cardinal Charles Barberin, dans un Carrosse de son Eminence, où il s'evanoüit plusieurs fois par le chemin, & y arriva enfin plus mort que vif, tant il est vray que le vice est son propre bourreau. On le fit de là passer dans l'Abbruzzo Province du Royaume de Naples, où il resta jusqu'à la mort de la Reine. Cependant le Merula le cherchoit par tout, ou faisoit semblant de le chercher, car on tient que les deux Cardinaux Protecteurs de l'Abbé, lui firent un present de mille écus, pour lui faire manquer son coup, outre qu'il appréhendoit leur ressentiment en cas que la Reine vint à mourir bien-tôt, comme il y avoit de l'apparence.

La Reine impatiente demandoit souvent au Merula l'effet de ses promesses, car il se retiroit au Palais de sa Majesté, ne pouvant rester en seureté ailleurs, de crainte de la justice pour les autres meurtres qu'il avoit fait. Un jour qu'elle le pressoit plus qu'à l'ordinaire, il lui avoüa sans y penser, que le Criminel lui étoit echappé des mains, & s'étoit sauvé dans le Royaume de Naples. A ces mots la Reine lui sauta au visage, où elle lui donna vingt coups de poing, en lui reprochant sa perfidie, & elle l'auroit etranglé si elle en avoit eu la force, tant elle étoit saisie de rage; mais elle se tua elle même par l'effort qu'elle fit, car cette agitation lui redonna la fievre qui la mit au tombeau dans peu de jours.

English translation (by Hollingworth):

Angelica was a Virgin, incomparable both for Beauty and Wit; her Stature was something above the ordinary size, well taken and slender; her Visage a perfect Oval, her Eyes Sparkling, her Hair of a bright Flaxen colour, but inclining to White, an Aquiline Nose, white Teeth, vermilion Lips, and her Neck excellently Shap'd; Her Wit was full and exact, her Conception easie, of a complaisant Humour, and such an agreement in her whole Person as made her Beloved by great and small, for it may be said, that from the Scepter to the Spade, all Estates and Conditions of Men have done Homage to her Merit. In fine to make a just Portraiture of her, one must take a Muse for a Model, for to all her Perfections, she would sing so rarely, that it would Ravish all that heard her, and touch'd Instruments to a Miracle. Her putative Father was Comptroller of the Mount of Piety and because he was call'd Georgino, she acquir'd the Name of Georgina. Her Mother who was very Intriguing, some time before her Marriage, had a Knight of the Order of Melchisadec. ...

One day the Queen kept an Academy of Musick in her Garden, and there was a great many Ladies, Knights and Gentlemen, under the shady Grove, where was a fine breeze of Air: Angelica, when she had sung her Roll, slipt down an Alley with her Sister, and entred into a little Banquetting-House, where Theodon had made a magnificent Collation to present her with in his Friend's Company, of the best Wines that were to be had. It was about the time that the Song of Flon, Flon, was in request; and the Trumpets of the Marquiss de Lavardin, being posted upon a little Hill in the same Garden, sounded the same Tune. The Eccho's repeated the last Words; All the World Sung it, and the Queen her self sung Flon, Flon. The Joy was universal, and the Wine made our Lovers become Poets; For after they had drank plentifully, they propos'd to make every one a Couplet to this new Air, and Angelica taking her Guitarre, began, and did it very well for an Extempory Effort, and was follow'd by Theodon's Friend. A thousand sits of Laughter accompanied the Musick, insomuch, that others of the Queen's Maids walking in the Garden, were drawn thither by the Noise. They presented them Fruits, and they sat down on Angelica's side, and drank their Healths over and over, and the Sport sted till almost Night, when a Footman came to give her notice, that she must wait upon the Queen, the Company be∣ing now gone. She broke off therefore this sweet Conversation, but with Violence to her self, and promis'd to see him again as often as she could.

But this happy Season did not last long; for a little after the Queen fell Sick, and so all sorts of Divertisements ended. This Sickness was fatal to Angelica, for her own Mother deliver'd her up to be Dishonour'd by an infamous wretch in the Queen's Palace. It was to the Abbot Vannini, (whom I have mention'd before) the same that abus'd Signora Giovannini, and was the cause of her Death. This Prelate, who was ambitious to make himself Talk'd of, had gain'd Signora Caterina, with a Present of Silver, of above the value of a thousand Crowns; Angelica having all sorts of Liberty of going out with her Mother; was carried to walk among Women, where she always met the Abbot Vannini, who perpetually courted her, but to no purpose; For she was extreamly angry, that her own Mother should so often expose her to the Outrages of this rash Man, insomuch, that she protested, she would no more go out of her Majesty's Palace, whose Sickness encreas'd daily, and at the same time, the Fears of the House.

The Abbot, notwithstanding all the Disdain of Angelica, was neither asham'd, nor dejected, but thought to obtain that by Presents and Importunity which he could not by Personal Merit; but he advanc'd nothing at all that way; for all his Presents were rejected, and his Sighs despis'd.

At last being provok'd by such a Resistance as he expected not to find, he undertook one of the rashest and most dangerous Actions that could fall into the Imagination, of so contemptible a Person as himself, which was to do Violence to the Honour of Angelica, even in the Palace of the Queen her self. To this end and purpose he gain'd a Neapolitan, who was one of the Queens Valet de Chambres, with his Brother an Anspassade, and they brought him privately into Angelica's Chamber, with the consent of her Mother. Angelica was then with the Queen, scarcely ever forsaking her, because her Sickness was very dangerous; But coming into her Chamber by chance to do something, she was extreamly surpriz'd to find a great Collation, and the Abbot Vannini, who invited her to eat, with her Mother, and those honest People, that were of the Plot.

But she, seeing her self Betray'd by her Mother, was perfectly Astonish'd, and set up a great Cry. The Abbot threw himself upon his Knees, and endeavour'd to assure her, by good Words, but in the mean time they all slipt out of the Chamber, and left them alone, and one may easily imagin that the Abbot being Master, did not loose time. The Chamber was so high that Angelica's Cries could not be hear'd; but there was other Signs of the resistance of this Generous young Woman, for the Table and Chairs were all overturn'd, and at last so great a noise was made, her (Chamber being just over the Queen's) that her Majesty complain'd they had lost their Respect.

One of the Gentlemen run up and saw this fine Farce, and cry'd out for help to some Auspessades and Foot men, who were upon the Guard. Her Friend Theodon ran up at the Noise, and she Embracing him, begg'd that he would have Compassion of her; He presently took him by the Throat, and would have Strangl'd him, if he had not been forced out of his hands.

They then sent to seek out Monsieur Pompey Azzolini, the Cardinal's Nephew, to know what they must do with this impudent Person. His first thought was, that he should be hewed in Pieces; and in so doing, he had followed the Queen's Genius, and highly reveng'd the Injury done to her Majesty. But considering that the Queen was Sick and the Abbot well Allied, he thought it convenient, (for fear of making himself Enemies) to suffer him to Escape. He sav'd himself at the Cardinal D'Estes, and the two Neapolitans Fled, and were never heard of since. They told the Queen, that the noise came from Cats, who had overturn'd the Utensils of the Chamber, and caus'd this Alarm.

Poor Angelica, after so bloody an Affront, abandon'd her self to Despair, and was a long time in a Swoon, and amaz'd, not knowing what to do. Her Sister coming up at the Noise, put her to bed, for the Traytress her Mother was as invisible as the rest, and Angelica was seiz'd with a Fever, and sick of Grief for a long time.

In the mean time, the Queen began to be better, and all People rejoyc'd for her Recovery. For she was well Belov'd in Rome, because she gave much in Charity towards the Subsistance of the Poor, and Maintain'd a great many People. The Nation of the Marca d'Ancona, made a fine Feast at the Church of St. Saviour du Lauier, in honour of the Queen, and fine Illuminations in the Street of Coronari, which is near it, with Bonfires and other Rejoicings of Drums and Trumpets. Count Alibert also made a very Magnificent Feast at Jesus, where a Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin, was Sung in a Thanksgiving for the Queen's Health, and he had the most excellent Musicians in Rome, and the Church was hang'd with the richest Tapistry her Majesty had, and all People crowded into testifies their joy.

But at last she perceiv'd that Angelica fail'd in her Duty, and asked for her very often, but they always told her she was Sick. Cardinal Azzolini had forbidden any body to speak of this Scandal which had happened in the Queen's Palace. But a certain Woman who help'd Bandiere in his Operations of Chymistry, whom they call'd Sybil, for the reasons we shall afterwards mention, told the Queen either by Accident, or out of Malice, that Angelica was Well.

The Queen sent presently to call her in all haste, and the poor Girl being frighted, because she was forc'd to appear before her, whom she believ'd to be inform'd of all the Affair, cast her self at her Feet, pouring out abundance of Tears, and could not speak for Grief. The Queen press'd her to tell the reason of her Tears, and she answer'd, that her Misfortune was but too publick. Her Majesty order'd her to Explain her self; but Sobs interrupted her every Moment; and therefore the Queen desir'd Cardinal Azzolini who was then come to her, to inform her of all the Affair. Azzolini being troubled at the unseasonableness of the time, palliated the Matter, and told her only what he thought convenient to discover, for fear she should fall into an excessive Passion, which might make her relapse. But this did not satisfie her, for she saw well enough, that he hid the greatest part of the Circumstances from her, and therefore could not be quiet till she had learn'd the whole Story from her Domesticks, by Questions and Threatning.

What he had foreseen, fell out, for the Queen presently fell into an horrible Passion against this infamous Abbot, and against all those that suffer'd him to Escape. After she had comforted Angelica, about the Disgrace she was no way guilty of, sent for Captain Merula her Bravo, and commanded him to bring her the Head of the Abbot Vannini, and to observe him so narrowly, that he did not Escape; and because she would be sure of her Blow, she order'd what Men and Money he had need of, promising him a good Reward and protection against all his Enemies. It is not known whether this Assassin by Profession, did himself discover her Orders, or that it came to be known some other way; But Vannini fled from Rome, to Subjacco an Abbey of Cardinal Charles Barberini in one of his Eminence's Coaches, but absconded often by the way, and at last when he came there, look'd more like Dead, than Alive, so true it is, that Vice is its own Executioner. He pass'd from thence into Abruzzo, a Province of the Realm of Naples, where he remain'd till the Queen's Death. In the mean time, Merula sought him every where, or pretended so to do; for 'tis believ'd, that the two Cardinals who were the Abbot's Protectors, presented him with a thousand Crowns, to hold his Hand. Besides that, he might fear their resentment if the Queen should Die quickly, of which there was great likelyhood.

The Queen being impatient, often demanded from Merula the effects of his Promises. But one day he own'd, without thinking on't, that the Criminal had scap'd out of his Hands, and had refug'd himself within the Realm of Naples. At these words, the Queen was in such a Rage, that she Scratch'd him in the Face, and gave him twenty blows with her Fist, reproach∣ing him with Perfidiousness, and had certainly Strangled him, if she had not wanted Strength. But she kill'd her self in the Effort which she made; for this Agitation brought her Feaver on her again, and sent her into her Grave in a little time.

Above: Kristina.

Kristina's letter to Johan Olivekrantz, dated March 20/30 (Old Style), 1689


Mémoires concernant Christine, volume 2, pages 305 to 306, Johan Arckenholtz, 1751

Drottning Kristinas sista dagar, page 28, by Carl Bildt, 1897

"Ceux qui ont donné des relations de la vie de Christine, s'accordent à dire, qu'au mois de Février & de Mars de cette année [1689], elle avoit été fort mal, & qu'on avoit apperçu sur elle une enflure qu'on avoit prise pour une marque d'hydropisie, mais que cela s'étoit passé, qu'elle avoit été incommodée ensuite, d'une érisipelle, accompagnée d'une fièvre maligne: mais que par la force de son tempérament elle s'étoit rétablie, de la manière qu'elle s'en explique elle-même dans cette lettre à Mr. d'Olivekrans, son Gouverneur Général.

[On rapporte que, peu avant cette maladie de Christine, on avoit trouvé chez elle un billèt qui lui avoit été mis en main, & qu'elle avoit lû en souriant: par lequel on lui annonçoit la mort & on l'exhortoit à mettre ordre à sa Maison & à jetter au feu toutes ses peintures & statuës peu décentes (Theatrum Europæum).]"

"Those who have given accounts of Kristina's life accord themselves to say that in the month of February and March of this year [1689], she had been very ill, and that a swelling had been seen on her which had been taken for a mark of dropsy, but that it had passed, that she had subsequently been inconvenienced by erysipelas, accompanied by a malignant fever, but that, by the force of her temperament, she was restored in the manner that she herself explains in this letter to Lord Olivekrantz, her governor general.

[It is reported that, shortly before Kristina's illness, a note was found at her home which had been placed in her hand and which she had read with a smile, in which one told her of her death and exhorted her to put order to her household and to throw all her less than decent paintings and statues into the fire (Theatrum Europæum).]"

The letter:

Dieu m'a voulu arracher d'entre les bras de la mort contre mon espérance, & je m'étois déja toute résoluë à ce dernier passage, que je croïois inévitable. Cependant je suis encore pleine de vie, par le miracle de la grace, de la nature & de l'art, qui ont conspiré à me rendre la santé & la vie. La force de mon tempérament est venuë à bout d'une maladie capable de tuer vingt Hercules. Mais je suppose, que c'est la grace qui a fortifié ce tempérament à un dégré si surprennant, que cela donne de l'admiration aux Médecins. J'ai ordonné qu'on fit une relation de tout ce qui s'est passé, dans laquelle vous verrez toute l'histoire de mon mal & de ma guérison. Cependant je ne puis éviter une longue convalescence, dans laquelle on me fait observer une règle si éxacte, qu'elle m'incommode fort. Mais j'espère qu'à Pâques tout sera fini, & que je sortirai alors tout à fait de dessous la ferule du Médecin. Le Médecin me gronde quand il me voit écrire. L'affaire dont l'Envoïé de Brandenbourg a parlé au Marquis est une vieille histoire, qui est terminée il y a longtems, à la satisfaction réciproque des deux parties. En semblable occasion on ne doit répondre que ce peu de paroles: La Reine fait ce qu'Elle fait & ce qu'elle doit faire. Que cette lettre soit commune pour vous & le Marquis. J'approuve au reste toutes vos résolutions prises & tout ce que vous aurez fait en Suède. Je vous attends avec impatience & vous renvoïerai bien-tôt. N'en doutez pas. Adieu.
Rome, 20. Mars 1689.

Je n'écris pas au Marquis, car je n'ai plus rien à dire.

Swedish translation (by Bildt):

Gud har velat rycka mig ur dödens armar mot mitt eget hopp, och jag var redan resignerad till denna sista öfvergång, som jag trodde oundviklig. Likväl är jag ännu full af lif, tack vare ett underverk af nåd, natur och konst, hvilka konspirerat för att återgifva mig hälsan och lifvet. Mitt kraftiga temperament har öfvervunnit en sjukdom, som kunnat döda tjugu herkuler. Men jag förmodar, att det är nåden som styrkt detta temperament i en så förvånande grad, att det väcker läkarnes beundran. Jag har befallt, att man skall göra en berättelse om allt som händt, i hvilken ni skall finna hela historien om min sjukdom och mitt tillfrisknande. Jag kan dock ej undslippa en lång konvalescens, hvarunder man låter mig iakttaga en så sträng regel, att den mycket besvärar mig. Men jag hoppas, att allt skall vara slut till påsk, och att jag då helt och hållet skall slippa läkarens färla. Läkaren bannar mig, då han ser mig skrifva. Affären, hvarom Brandenburgs sändebud talat med markisen, är en gammal historia, som för längesedan är afslutad till båda partnernas ömsesidiga belåtenhet. I dylika fall bör man endast svara dessa få ord; drottningen vet hvad hon gör och hvad hon bör göra. Detta bref vare gemensamt för Eder och markisen. Jag gillar för öfrigt alla de beslut Ni fattat och allt hvad Ni kan hafva gjort i Sverige. Jag väntar eder med otålighet och skall snart sända Eder tillbaka. Tviflen ej därpå. Adieu.
Christina Alexandra.

P. S.
Jag skrifver ej till markisen, ty jag har intet att säga honom.

English translation (my own, from the original French):

God has wished, against my hope, to snatch me from the arms of death, and I had already resolved myself to this last passage, which I believed to be inevitable. However, I am still full of life, by the miracle of grace, nature and art, which conspired to restore my health and life. The strength of my temperament overcame an illness capable of killing twenty of Hercules. But I suppose it is grace that has fortified this temperament to such a surprising degree, that it gives admiration to the doctors. I have ordered that a report be made of all that has happened, in which you will see the whole story of my illness and my recovery. However, I cannot avoid a long convalescence, in which I must observe a rule so exact, that it annoys me greatly. But I hope that at Easter everything will be over, and that I will then come out completely from under the doctor's watch. The doctor scolds me when he sees me writing. The affair of which the envoy from Brandenburg told the Marquis is an old story, which ended a long time ago, to the mutual satisfaction of the two parties. On such an occasion one must answer only these few words: The Queen does what she does and what she must do. Let this letter be common to you and the Marquis. I approve, moreover, of all your resolutions taken and all that you have done in Sweden. I look forward to seeing you and will send you back soon. Don't doubt it. Farewell.
Kristina Alexandra.

P. S.
I do not write to the Marquis, because I have nothing more to say.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Johan Olivekrantz.

Kristina's will, dated February 19/March 1 (New Style), 1689


Mémoires concernant Christine, volume 2, pages 314 to 319, Johan Arckenholtz, 1751

I Papi della Memoria: La storia di alcuni grandi Pontefici che hanno segnato il cammino della Chiesa e dell’Umanità

Archivio di Stato di Roma; Collezione pergamene; x_Appendice B - Instrumenti notarili; "Testamento di Cristina di Svezia (1 marzo 1689); membr., mm. 505x 810; sigillo impresso cartaceo. Notai del tribunale dell'A. C., vol. 915"

Riksarkivet, pages 9 to 14; pages 17 to 19; in K 99; Testaments- och kvarlåtenskapshandlingar; Drottning Kristina d. y. (Christina Alexandra); Svenska drottningars arkivaliesamlingar i riksarkivet; Kungliga arkiv

In 1689, after having returned to Rome from a short winter tour of the southern provinces, during which the travel was, for once, unpleasant to her, Kristina fell dangerously ill at the beginning of February. She started to have fainting fits, came down with a fever, and had a dropsy swelling that caused her other ailments to flare up. The diagnosis given by the physician Spezioli was a severe infection, and although Kristina dismissed the seriousness of it, she was soon spending weeks in bed. It was so severe that she was believed to be dying, and this drove her to make a will. It was written in Italian and signed by a weakened Kristina, and she gratefully made Cardinal Decio Azzolino her heir. A few weeks later, Kristina fell unconscious, and although Azzolino sat constantly at her bedside, nothing changed. But then Kristina woke up just in time for spring. The fever disappeared and the swelling had gone down, to everyone's great relief and joy — but sadly, that would not last very long.

The will (some parts have faded to the point of being illegible or nearly illegible):

Noi in virtù del presente nostro Diploma facciamo noto che ritrouandoci Noi aggrauata da tale indispositione che potrebbe abbreuiarci la Vita, habbiamo voluto mentre siamo per grazia di Jddio sana di mente pensar seriamente alla salute dell'Anima Nostra, e disporre delle nostre facoltà, si come di piena nostra potestà da Dio solo concessaci ne disponiamo mediante il presente Nostro Nucupatiuo Testamento nel modo, e forma, che seque. Primieramente, hauendoci il Signor Jddio chiamata alla luce della sua vera fede ch'e quella che professa la Nostra Santa Madre Chiesa Cattolica, Apostolica Romana, ed hauendoci data grazia e virtù non solo di poter professarla à tanto nostro costo, mà anco di perseuerare constantemente in essa, malgrado tutte le contradizzioni dell'Jnferno, c'hà potuto suscitarci, protestiamo con una intiera risegnazzione alla Diuina volonta di voler morire nel grembo della medema Santa Chiesa, credendo fermam[en]te, che fuori di lei non vi sia salute. Dolendoci però con la più vera contrizione del cuore di tutti li peccati da Noi comessi dall'[...] della ragione sino all'ultima nostro [...], e detestandoli come offese fatte al Signor Jddio humilm[en]te lo supplichiamo del plenario perdono, sperandolò dalla sua infinita misericordia, si come della me[de]sema habbiamo riceuuti innumerabili beneficij de' quali ringraziamo S. D. M. con supplicarla à perdonarci la nostra ingratitudine. Raccomandiamo l'Anima Nostra à Dio Nostro Creatore, Redentore, alla beatiss. Vergine Maria Nostra Auuocata, al Nostro Angelo Custode, a S. Michel Archangelo, ed a tutti li Santi del Cielo acciò la proteggano, e l'aiutino nel punto della morte, affinche sia fatta degna della vita eterna. Seguita la nostra morte vogliamo che dal Nostro Herede siano fatte celebrare ventimil[l]e messe di Requie per l'Anima nostra. Jtem vogliamo che dal medemo Nostro Herede siano erette ed instituite tre Capellanie, ciascuna col peso [...] messa quotidiana à perpetuo, per l'Anima Nostra nella Basilica di S. Pierro di Roma, sotto le Jnuocatione ad arbitrio del Nostro Herede, al quale ne riseruiamo il Juspatronato. [...] lasciamo ad arbitrio del Nostro Herede il [...] dell'elemosine a poueri in quella somma di denaro ch'egli giudicherà conueniente. Jl nostro Cadauere vogliamo che vestito di bianco [e] sia sepolto nella Chiesa della Rotonda di Roma ó in altra, ad arbitrio del Nostro Herede, senza espositione del n:ro Cadauere; prohibendo ogni pompa funebre, ed ogni altra simil' vanità. L'Epitafio sia una semplice lapide con questa [pura] Inscrittione. Deo Opt. Max. Vixit Christina Anno [...] ne vogliamo niente di più nè di meno. Jtem vogliamo che dal Nostro Herede si paghino tutti li N[ost]ri Debiti, se ve ne saranno. Jtem vogliamo che dia lo scoruccio e la quarantena à tutta la Nostra Corte proportionatam[ent]e secondo l'uso della Corte Romana dispaciendoci che lo stato nostro non ci permetta di [...] diuantaggio. Jtem lasciamo al Papa regnante in segno della venerazione, e della stima che Noi habbiamo, come Vicario di Giesù Christo in Terra, Jl Saluatore [fatto] del Bernino. All'Jmperatore al Rè di Francia, al Rè di [...] S. Cardinali [...] et all'Elettore di Brandemburgo, un legato à ciascuno, in conformità dell'ordiné datone al Nostro Herede. Alla March[es]a Ottauia Capponi, oltre le sue prouisioni in vita, lasciamo [...] mil[l]a scudi Romani di sopradote, al pupo della medema cento scudi l'anno, sin a dieci anni inclusiue, ed alla sua Pupa Christina lasciamo la prouisione della zia defonta, sin tanto che sia maritata o monacata. A Porzia Giustiniani [per] l'assiduità, e diligenza con che hà assistito al N[ost]ro servizio lasciamo le prouisioni in vita, e vogliamo che gli siana pagati accresciuta tanto quanto quella della sud[ett]a March[es]a Capponi, e dopo di lei vada la sua prou[isio]ne al Co[nte] Giustiniano suo fr[at]ello in vita. Al March[es]e Gio[vanni] Mattias del Monte lasciamo tutto quello [...] che habbiamo donato al fù March[es]e suo Padre, ed in oltre vogliamo che gli siano pagati dieci mil[l]a scudi Romani per una volta tanto oltre la pensione assegnata al March[esi]no suo figlio, e lo dispensiamo dal render conto. Jtem vogliamo che dal Nostro Herede si paghino al Sgr Santini, Sgr Co[nte] d'Alibert, all'Abb[at]e Cappellano, al Can[oni]co D Stefano de Marchis, Galdemblad S[egretar]io Suedese à Romolo Spezioli à D Franc[esc]o Cameli, al Capitan Franc[esc]o Landini, à Pietr[o] Ant[oni]o Bandiera, ad Alessio Svalla, ed alla sua Moglie, a M[adam]a Giulia Diodati le solire loro [...] loro vita durante, a Christina Aless[andr]a Schiauetta lasciamo la prouisione, e la Dote ch'hanno hauuta le altre n[ost]re Schiave. Al Conto di Vassanò oltre la prouis[io]ne che hà da S[an]ta Brigida, lasciamo cinque cento scudi annui e di [...] benè. Alla March[es]a Ottauia Capponi ed à Porzia Giustiniani lasciamo i n[ost]ri habiti, Biancherie; ed altre Galanterie, che tengono nella loro custodia, e le dispensiamo dal render conto. A Pietro Ant[oni]o Bendiera oltre le prouisioni in vita, lasciamo tutto quello che spetta alla N[ost]ra Stellaria, tanto d'orò, d'argento, rami, ferri, quanto d'ogn'altra cosa appartenente alla sua professione dispensandolo dal rendere conto. Dispensiamo parim[en]te il Can[oni]co di Marchio, N[ost]ro M[aest]ro di Casa dal render conto della sua amministrazione della quale ci dichiariamo pienam[enta] Sodisfatta, e facciamo in virtù di questra N[ost]ra disposit[io]ne, ampla quietanza à tutti sud[ditt]i della loro amministrazione. Commandiamo à N[ost]ri Segretarij, che consegnino al N[ost]ro Herede tutte le Scritture spettanti alli N[ost]ri Dritti, pretensioni ed interessi pecuniarij, e che abbrucinè ogn'altra sorte di Scritt[u]re che terranno nelle loro Segretarie. Lasciamo al N[ost]ro Herede tutti i Crediti che Noi habbiamo colla Corona di Suezia, ò con qual si sia Nostro Ministro, ò altrà persona, secondo le notizie, che hauerà dalle N[ost]re Scritture. Jtem vogliamo che il N[ost]ro Herede Sodisfaccia alle Legati, ed altre disposizioni che Noi haueremo [...] per N[ost]ri Breuetti, volendo che [...] habbino per espressi nel presente N[ost]ro Diploma. Jnstituiamo [per] Nostro Herede Vniuersalissimo con le sud[ett]e condizione et oblig[azio]ne il Sig.r Cardinale Detio Azzolino al quale per le sue incomparabili qualità, e per li gran meriti proprij, e per quelli che hà acquistati con Noi nel [corso di tanti] anni, dobbiamo questa dimostrazione d'affetto, di stima, e di gratitudine. Per N[ost]ro Essecutore Testamentario instituimo il Papa Regnante, sperandoci che hauera la bontà d'accredir questa N[ost]ra disposizione. Finalm[ent]e raccomandiamo con tutto l'animo alla protezzione del Papa, del Rè di Francia, del Rè di Spagna, e a quella del N[ost]ro Herede, la N[ost]ra famiglia, e particolarm[en]te le N[ost]re Pouere Donne. Questo vogliamo, che sia il nostro Testamento, ed ultima volontà, il quale vogliamo che sia di N[ost]ro Testamento, et [...] p[er] ragione di Testamento Nuncupatiuo detto di ragione ciuile senza Scritti, e se per ragione non valesse, vogliamo che vaglia per ragione di [...] non valere vogliamo che vai, e per ragione [...] in causa mortis, e di qualcunq[ue] altra ultima volontà, e disposizione, Cassando et annullando ogni qualcunq[ue] altro Testamento da Noi fatto sin' al p[rese]nte giorno per gli atti di qualcunque Notar[i]o, e con qualsivoglia parole e clausule e derogatorie [...] volendo che quest' ultima [...] che habbia il suo effetto e la sua essecuzione non solo nel modo sud[ett]o, mà in ogni altro megsiore. Jn fede di che habbiamo segnato il p[rese]nte Diploma di N[ost]ra Real [...] e fatto lo munire con [il] N[ost]ro Sigillo Regio. Dato in Roma [il] primo Marzo Anno mille seicento ottanto noue —
Christina Alessandra

Copy of the will (Riksarkivet; K 99):

Christina Alessandra Dei Gratia Suetorum,
Ghotorum Vandalorumque Regina
Noi in virtù del p[rese]nte n[os]tro Diploma facciamo noto che ritrouandoci aggrauata da tale indispositione che potrebbe abreuiarci la Vita, habiamo uolhuto, mentre siamo p[er] gr[ati]a di Dio di mente pensata sanam[en]te alla salute del'anima n[ost]ra e disporre delle n[ost]re facoltà sicome di piena n[ost]ra potestà da Dio solo concessaci ne disponiamo mediante il n[ost]ro nucupatiuo Testamento nel modo e forma che segue: Primieram[en]te hauendoci il Sig[no]re Dio chiamata alla luce della Santa fede, ch'è quella che professa la Santa M[ad]re Chiesa Catolica Apostolica Romana, ed hauendoci data gr[ati]a, e virtù di poter non solo professarla a tanto n[ost]ro costo, ma anche perseuerare constantem[en]te in essa mal grado tutte le contraditioni del Jnferno ch'ha potuto suscitarci, protestiamo con intiera rasegnatione la Divina uolontà, di uoler morire nel Grembo della med[esi]ma S[anta] Chiesa, credendo fermamente, che fuori di lei non ui sia salute, dolendoci p[er]ò con la piu uera contritione del Cuore di tutti li peccati da noi comessi dal uso della ragione sin al ultimo respiro, detestandoli com'offese fatte al Sig[nor] Dio, humilm[en]te lo supplichiamo del plenario p[er]dono, sperandolo dalla sua infinita misericordia, sicome della med[esi]ma habiamo rice[u]uto innumerabili benefici, de quali ringratiamo S[a] D[ivina] M[aestà]; con suplicarla perdonare la n[ost]ra ingratitudine; Racomandiamo l'Anima n[ost]ra a Dio nostro Creatore e Redentore, alla B[eata] V[irgine] n[ost]ra auocata, al n[ost]ro Angelo Custode, a S[an] Michele Archangelo, et a tutti ij Santi del Cielo, accio lo preghino, e l'aiutino nell punto della morte, a finche sia fatta degna della uita eterna[.]

Seguita la n[ost]ra Morte uogliamo che dal n[ost]ro Erede sieno fatte celebrare m./20: messe di requie p[er] l'anima n[os]tra[.]

Jtem uogliamo che dal n[ost]ro Erede sieno erette ed institute tre Capellanié, cia[s]cheduna col peso d'una messa quotidiana [a] p[er]petuo p[er] l'anima n[ost]ra nella Basilica di San' Pietro di Roma sotto l'inuocatione ad arbitrio del n[ost]ro Erede, al quale ne riserbiamo il Jus patronatus. Ad Arbitrio [a] fare elemosine a['] Poueri in quella som̃a di denaro, ch'egli giudicherà conueniente[.]

Jl n[ost]ro Cadauere uogliamo che sia uestito di Bianco, e che sia sepellito nella Chiesa della Rotonda di Roma, ò in altra ad arbitrio del n[ost]ro Erede, senza espositio[ne del n[ost]ro] Cadauere, prohibendo ogni pompa funebre et ogn'altra simil' uanità[.]

L'épitaffio sia una semplice lapide con' questa pura inscriptione

D. O. M.
Uixit Christina annos. 63

Ne uogliamo niente de piú ne di meno[.]

Jtem uogliamo che dal n[ost]ro Erede si paghino tutti li n[ost]ri debiti se ue ne sarà[.]

Jtem uogliamo che dià lo scoruccio e la quarantena a tutta la n[ost]ra Corte proportionatam[en]te all'uso della Corte Romana, dispaciendoci che lo stato n[ost]ro non ci permetta di lassarli d'[a]uantaggio[.]

Jtem lasciamo al Papa Regnante in segno della ueneratione e della stima che noi habiamo, come Uicario di Gesu Christo in terra, il Saluatore del Bernini[.] All'Jmperatore, al Ré di Spagna, all Rè di Francia alli Sig[no]ri Card[ina]li n[ost]ri Amici et all'élettore di Brandemburgo, un' legato p[er] ciascheduno in conformità del ordine datone da noi al n[ost]ro Erede[.]

Alla March[es]a Ottauia Capponi oltre le sue prouisioni in uita lasciamo otto mila scudi Romani di Sopradote. Al Pupo della med[esi]ma cento scudi l'anno sin' alli dieci anni inclusiue; èt alla sua Pupa Christ[in]a lasciamo la prouisione della Zia deffonta sin' tanto che sia maritata, ò monacata[.]

A Portia Giustiniani p[er] l'assiduitá e diligenza con cui ha insistito al n[ost]ro Seruitio lasciamo la prouisione in uita, e uogliamo che gli sia accresciuta tanto quanto q[ue]lla della sud[ett]a March[es]a Capponi, e doppo di lei uada la sua prouisione al Conte Giustiniani suo fr[at]ello.

Al March[es]e Gio[uanni] Mattia del Monte lasciamo tutto quello ch'habiamo donato al fù March[es]e suo P[ad]re et in oltre uogliamo che gli sieno pagati m./10. — [scudi] Romani p[er] una uolta tantum, oltre la pensione assegnata al Marchesino suo figlio, e lo dispensiamo dal render conte[.]

Jtem uogliamo che dal n[ost]ro Erede si paghino a MonSig[nor] Santini S[ignor] Conte d'Aliberte All'Abb[at]e Capellani, Al Can[oni]co B. Stefano di Marchij, Secretario Suetese [Galdenblad], e [a] Romolo Spetioli, [a] Don fran[ces]co Cameli, Al Cap[ita]no francesco Landini, A Pietro Antonio Bandiera, Ad Alessio Spalla, èt alla sua moglie, a M[adam]a Giulia Diodati le solite loro prouisione loro uita durante[.]

A Christina Alessandra Schiauetta la prouisione, e la dote ch'hanno ha[u]uto l'altre nostre Schiaue.

Al Conte di Uas[a]nò oltre la prouisione ch'ha da Santa Brigida lasciamo [scudi] 500 annui se si portarà bene[.]

Alla Mar[che]sa Ottauia Capponi, e[d] a Portia Giustiniani, lasciamo li n[ost]ri habiti biancherie, et altre galanterié ch'hanno in loro Custodia, e le dispensiamo dal rendere Conto[.]

A Pietro Antonio Bandiera oltre la prouisione in uita lasciamo tutto quello che spetta alla n[ost]ra Stillaria, tanto d'oro d'Argento, Rami, ferro, quanto d'ogn'altra cosa appartenente alla sua professione, dispensandolo dal render' conto[.]

Dispensiamo parim[en]te il Canonico di Marchij n[ost]ro M[aest]ro di Casa dal render conto della sua amministratione della q[ua]le ci dichiariamo pienam[en]te sodisfatta e gli facciamo in uirtù di q[ues]ta n[ost]ra dispositione ampla quietanza a tutti li sudd[it]i della loro administratione[.]

Comandiamo alli n[ost]ri Secretarij consegnino al n[ost]ro Érede tutte le scritture spettanti alli n[ostr]i dritti pretensioni et interessi Pecuniarij, ch'abrugino ogn'altra scrittura che terranno nella loro secretaria[.]

Lasciamo al n[ost]ro Érede tutti li Crediti che noi habiamo con' la Corona di Suetia, o con qualsisia n[ost]ro Ministro, o altra Persona, secondo le notitie ch'hauara delle n[ost]re Scritture[.]

Jtem uogliamo ch'il n[ost]ro Érede sodisfacci alli legati et altre dispositioni che noi habbiamo fatto de' n[ost]ri Breuetti, uolendo che s'habbino p[er] espressi nel p[rese]nte Diplom[a.]

Jnstituiamo p[er] n[ost]ro Herede uniuersaliss[i]mo con' le sud[et]e dispositione et oblighi Jl Sig[nor] Card[inal]e Decio Azzolini, al q[ua]le p[er] le sue incomparabili qualitá, e p[er] meriti proprij e p[er] quelli ch'ha acquistati con' noi nel corso di tanti anni douiamo queste dimostrationi d'affetto, di Stima, e di gratitudine[.]

Per nostro Esecutore testamentario instituiamo il Papa Regnante, confidando ch'haurà la bontà d'accettare uolontieri q[ues]ta n[ost]ra dispositione[.]

Finalm[en]te racomandiamo con' tutto l'animo alla protezzione del Papa, dell'Jmperat[o]re del Ré di Spagna, del Ré di Francia et a quella del n[ost]ro Érede la n[ost]ra famiglia, particolarm[en]te le n[ost]re pouere Donne, q[ues]to uogliamo che sia il n[ost]ro Testamento, et ultima uolonta, [il] quale uogliamo che uaglia p[er] ragione di Testam[en]to nuncupatiuo, d[ett]o di ragione Ciuile senza scritti, e se p[er] q[ues]ta ragione non ualesse uogliamo che uaglia p[er] ragione di donatione [in] causa mortis e di qualunque [altra] ultima uolontà, e dispositione, cassando, et añullando ogni qualunque [altro] Testamento da noi fatto sin al p[rese]nte giorno p[er] gl'atti di qualunque Notar[i]o e con' qualsiuoglia parole e clausule e derogatorie, uolendo che q[ues]t' ultima solam[en]te uaglia, et habbia il suo effetto, e la sua essequtione non solo nel modo sud[et]o, ma in ogn'altro maggiore. Jn fede di che habiamo segnato il p[rese]nte n[ost]ro Diploma con' n[ost]ra Real' firma, e fattolo munire con il n[ost]ro Sigillo Regio; Dato in Roma [il] p[ri]mo Marzo 1689 —
Christina Alessandra

With modernised spelling:

Christina Alexandra, Dei gratia Suecorum, Gothorum, Vandalorumque Regina.
Noi in virtù del presente Nostro diploma facciamo noto che, ritrovandoci aggravata da tale indisposizione che potrebbe abbreviarci la vita, abbiamo voluto mentre siamo, per grazia di Dio, di mente pensata sanamente alla salute dell'anima Nostra e disporre delle Nostre facoltà siccome di piena Nostra potestà da Dio solo concessaci, ne disponiamo mediante il Nostro nucupativo testamento nel modo e forma che segue.

Primieramente, avendoci il Signore Dio chiamata alla luce della santa fede, ch'è quella che professa la Santa Madre Chiesa cattolica-apostolica-romana, ed avendoci data grazia e virtù di poter non solo professarla a tanto Nostro costo, ma anche perseverare costantemente in essa mal grado tutte le contradizioni del inferno c'ha potuto suscitarci, protestiamo con intiera rassegnazione la Divina Volontà, di voler morire nel grembo della medesima Santa Chiesa, credendo fermamente che fuori di lei non vi sia salute, dolendoci però con la più vera contrizione del cuore di tutti li peccati da Noi comessi dal uso della ragione sin al ultimo respiro, detestandoli com'offese fatte al Signor Dio, umilmente lo supplichiamo del plenario perdono, sperandolo dalla sua infinita misericordia, siccome della medesima abbiamo ricevuto innumerabili benefici, de quali ringraziamo Sa Divina Maestà, con supplicarla perdonare la Nostra ingratitudine; raccomandiamo l'anima Nostra a Dio, Nostro Creatore e Redentore, alla Beata Vergine Nostra Avocata, al Nostro angelo custode, a San Michele Arcangelo, ed a tutti i Santi del Cielo, acciò lo preghino e l'aiutino nell punto della morte, affinché sia fatta degna della vita eterna.

Seguita la Nostra morte, vogliamo che dal Nostro erede sieno fatte celebrare 20,000 messe di requie per l'anima Nostra.

Item vogliamo che dal Nostro erede sieno erette ed istitute tre cappellanie, ciascheduna col peso d'una messa quotidiana [a] perpetuo per l'anima Nostra nella Basilica di San Pietro di Roma sotto l'invocazione ad arbitrio del Nostro erede, al quale ne riserbiamo il jus patronatus; ad arbitrio [a] fare elemosine a' poveri in quella somma di denaro, ch'egli giudicherà conveniente.

Il nostro cadavere vogliamo che sia vestito di bianco e che sia sepellito nella Chiesa della Rotonda di Roma, o in altra ad arbitrio del Nostro erede, senza esposizione del Nostro cadavere, proibendo ogni pompa funebre ed ogn'altra simil' vanità.

L'epitafio sia una semplice lapide con questa pura inscrizione:

D. O. M.
Vixit Christina, annos 63.

Nè vogliamo niente de più, nè di meno.

Item vogliamo che dal Nostro erede si paghino tutti li Nostri debiti, se ve ne sarà.

Item vogliamo che dia lo scorruccio e la quarantena a tutta la Nostra corte proporzionatamente all'uso della Corte Romana, dispaciendoci che lo stato Nostro non ci permetta di lasciarli davantaggio.

Item lasciamo al papa regnante in segno della venerazione e della stima che Noi abbiamo, come Vicario di Gesù Cristo in terra, il Salvatore del Bernini.

All'imperatore, al re di Spagna, al re di Francia, alli signori cardinali Nostri amici, ed all'elettore di Brandeburgo, un legato per ciascheduno, in conformità del ordine datone da noi al Nostro erede.

Alla marchesa Ottavia Capponi, oltre le sue provisioni in vita lasciamo otto mila scudi romani di sopraddote; al pupo della medesima cento scudi l'anno sin' alli dieci anni inclusive; ed alla sua pupa Cristina lasciamo la provisione della zia defunta sin tanto che sia maritata o monacata.

A Porzia Giustiniani, per l'assiduità e diligenza con cui ha insistito al Nostro servigio, lasciamo la provisione in vita; e vogliamo che gli sia accresciuta tanto quanto quella della sudetta marchesa Capponi, e dopo di lei vada la sua provisione al conte Giustiniani, suo fratello.

Al marchese Giovanni Mattia del Monte lasciamo tutto quello ch'abbiamo donato al fu marchese, suo padre, ed in oltre vogliamo che gli sieno pagati 10,000 scudi romani per una volta tantum, oltre la pensione assegnata al marchesino suo figlio, e lo dispensiamo dal render conto.

Item vogliamo che dal Nostro erede si paghino a monsignor Santini, signor Conte d'Alibert, all'abbate cappellani, al canonico B. Stefano di Marchi; segretario svedese [Galdenblad], [a] Romolo Spezioli, [a] don Francesco Cameli; al capitano Francesco Landini, a Pietro Antonio Bandiera, ad Alessio Spalla; ed alla sua moglie, a madama Giulia Diodati le solite loro provisione loro vita durante.

A Cristina Alessandra Schiavetta la provisione e la dote c'hanno avuto l'altre Nostre schiave.

Al conte di Wasenau, oltre la provisione c'ha da Santa Brigida, lasciamo scudi 500 annui, se si porterà bene.

Alla marchesa Ottavia Capponi ed a Porzia Giustiniani, lasciamo li Nostri abiti, biancherie ed altre galanterie c'hanno in loro custodia, e le dispensiamo dal rendere conto.

A Pietro Antonio Bandiera, oltre la provisione in vita, lasciamo tutto quello che spetta alla Nostra stellaria, tanto d'oro, d'argento, rami, ferro, quanto d'ogn'altra cosa appartenente alla sua professione, dispensandolo dal render conto.

Dispensiamo parimente il canonico di Marchi, Nostro maestro di casa, dal render conto della sua amministrazione, della quale ci dichiariamo pienamente soddisfatta e gli facciamo in virtù di questa Nostra disposizione ampla quietanza a tutti li sudditi della loro amministrazione.

Comandiamo alli Nostri segretari consegnino al Nostro erede tutte le scritture spettanti alli Nostri dritti, pretensioni et interessi pecuniari ch'abbrugino ogn'altra scrittura che terranno nella loro segretaria.

Lasciamo al Nostro erede tutti li crediti che Noi abbiamo con la Corona di Svezia, o con qualsisia Nostro ministro o altra persona, secondo le notizie ch'avrà delle Nostre scritture.

Item vogliamo ch'il Nostro erede soddisfaccia alli legati ed altre disposizioni che Noi abbiamo fatto de' Nostri brevetti, volendo che s'abbino per espressi nel presente diploma.

Istituiamo per Nostro erede universalissimo con le suddete disposizione ed obblighi il signor cardinale Decio Azzolini, al quale per le sue incomparabili qualità e per meriti propri e per quelli c'ha acquistati con Noi nel corso di tanti anni, dobbiamo queste dimostrazioni d'affetto, di stima e di gratitudine.

Per Nostro esecutore testamentario istituiamo il papa regnante, confidando ch'avrà la bontà d'accettare volontieri questa Nostra disposizione.

Finalmente raccomandiamo con tutto l'animo alla protezione del papa, dell'imperatore, del re di Spagna, del re di Francia, ed a quella del Nostro erede la Nostra famiglia, particolarmente le Nostre povere donne; questo vogliamo che sia il Nostro testamento ed ultima volontà, [il] quale vogliamo che vaglia per ragione di testamento nuncupativo, detto di ragione civile senza scritti, e se per questa ragione non valesse vogliamo che vaglia per ragione di donazione [in] causa mortis e di qualunque [altra] ultima volontà e disposizione, cassando ed annullando ogni qualunque [altro] testamento da Noi fatto, sin al presente giorno per gl'atti di qualunque notario e con qualsivoglia parole e clausule e derogatorie, volendo che quest'ultima solamente vaglia ed abbia il suo effetto, e la sua esecuzione non solo nel modo suddeto, ma in ogn'altro maggiore. In fede di che abbiamo segnato il presente Nostro diploma con Nostra Real Firma e fattolo munire con il Nostro Sigillo Regio. Dato in Roma, [il] primo marzo 1689. —
Cristina Alessandra.

Arckenholtz's transcript of the will:

Christina Dei Gratia Suecorum, Gothorum Vandalorumque Regina.
Noi in virtù del presente nostro Diploma, facciamo noto, che ritrovandoci Noi aggravata da tale indispositione, che potrebbe abreviarci la vita, habbiamo voluto, mentre possiamo, per gratia di Dio, pensar sanamente alla salute dell'anima nostra, e disporre delle nostre facoltà, si come di piena nostra potestà da Dio solo concessaci, ne disponiamo, mediante il nostro presente nucupativo Testamento nel modo e forma che seque:

Primieramente, havendoci il Sigr. Dio chiamata alla luce della santa fede, ch'è quella che professa la santa madre Chiesa Catholica-Apostolica-Romana, ed havendoci data gratia e virtù di poter, non solo professarla à tanto nostro costo, mà anche perseverare constantemente in essa, malgrado tutte le contradictioni dell'inferno, c'hà potuto suscitarci, protestiamo con intiera risegnatione alla divina volontà, di voler morire nel grembo della medema santa Chiesa, credenda fermamente, che fuori di lei, non vi hà salute. Dolendoci però con la più vera contritione del cuore di tutt'i peccati da noi comessi come offese fatte al Sigr. Dio, humilmente lo supplichiamo del plenario perdono, sperandolo dalla sua infinita misericordia, si come della medema habbiamo ricevuto innumerabili benefici, de' quali ringratiamo la divina Maestà, con supplicarla perdonare la nostra ingratitudine. Racomandiamo l'anima nostra a Dio nostro Creatore, Redemtore, alla beata Vergine nostra Avocata, al nostro Angelo custode, a san Michele Arcangelo, ed a tutti i santi del Cielo, acciò la preghino e l'ajutino nel punto della morte, afin che sia fatta degna della vita eterna.

Seguita la nostra morte vogliamo che dal nostro Erede siano fatte celebrare 20/m messe di requie per l'anima nostra.

Item Vogliamo che dal nostro Erede siano erette ed institute trè Capellanie, ciascheduna col peso d'una messa quotidiana à perpetuo, per l'anima nostra, nella Bisilica di San' Pietro di Roma, sotto l'invocatione ad arbitrio del nostro Erede, al quale ne riserbiamo il Jus patronatus ad arbitrio à fare elemosine, a' poveri in quella somma di danaro, ch'egli giudichera conveniente. Il nostro cadavero vogliamo che sia vestito di bianco, e che sia sepelito nella Chiesa della Rotonda di Roma, ò in altra, ad arbitrio del nostro Erede, senza expositione del nostro cadavero; prohibendo ogni pompa funebre ed ogni altra simil' vanità.

L'Epitafio sia una semplice lapide con questa pura Inscrittione.

D. O. M.

ne vogliamo niente de più nè di meno.

Item vogliamo che dal nostro Erede si paghino tutt'i nostri debiti, se vene saranno.

Item vogliamo che dia lo scoruccio e la quarantena à tutta la nostra Corte, proportionalamente all'uso della Corte Romana; dispaciendoci che lo stato nostro non ci permetta di lasciargli davantaggio.

Item lasciamo al Papa regnante in segno della veneratione, e della stima, che noi habbiamo, come Vicario di Giesu Christo in terra, il salvatore fattò dal Bernini. All'Imperadore, al Ré di Spagna, al Rè di Francia, a' signori Cardinali nostri, ed all'Elettore di Brandenburgo, un legato à ciascheduno, in conformità dell'ordine datone al nostro Erede.

Alla Marchesa Octavia Capponi, oltre le sue provisioni in vita; lasciamo 13/m scudi Romani di sopradote; al pupillo della medema cento scudi l'anno, sin a dieci anni inclusivi, ed alla sua pupilla Christina lasciamo la provisione della zia defonta, sin tanto che sia maritata, ò monacata.

A Portia Giustiniani, per l'assiduità, e diligenza con che hà insistito al nostro servitio, lasciamo le provisioni in vita, e vogliamo, che gli sia accresciuta tanto quanto quella della sudetta Marchesa Capponi, e dopo di lei vada la sua provisione al Conte Giustiniano suo fratello.

Al Marchese Giovanni Mattia del Monte lasciamo tutto quello c'habbiamo donato al fù Marchese suo Padre, ed in oltre vogliamo, che gli siano pagati 10/m scudi Romani per una volta tantum, oltre la pensione assignata al Marchese suo figlio, e lo dispensiamo dal render conte.

Item vogliamo che dal nostro Erede si paghino al Sgr. Santini, Sigr. Conte d'Aliberte, all'Abbate Capelano, al Canonico B. Stenfano di Marchy, Segretario Suedese Galdenblad a Romolo Spetiali, à D. Francesco Cameli, al Cap. Francesco Landini, à Pietro Antonio Bandiera, ad Alessio Spalla, ed alla sua moglie, a Madama Giulia Diodata Alessandra Schiavetta, e la provisione, e la dote c'hanno havuto l'altre nostre schiave.

Al Conto di Vaseno, oltre la provisione, c'hà da Santa Brigida, lasciamo scudi 500. a.

Alla Marchesa Ottavio Capponi, ed a Portia Giustiniani lasciamo i nostri habiti, biancherie, ed altre galanterie, che tengono in lor' custodia, e le dispensiamo dal render conto.

A Pietro Antonio Bandiera oltre le provisioni in vita, lasciamo tutto quello, che spetta alla nostra stellaria, tanto d'oro, d'argento, rami, ferro, quanto d'ogni altra cosa appertenente alla sua professione, dispensandolo dal render conto.

Dispensiamo parimente il Canonico di Marchio, nostro Maestro di Casa dal render conto della sua aministratione, della quale ci dichiariamo pienamenta sodisfatta, e gli facciamo in virtù di questra nostra dispositione, ampla quiettenza à tutt'i sudditti della loro aministratione.

Commandiamo à nostri Segretarii che consegnino al nostro Erede tutte le scritture spettanti à nostri dritti, pretensioni, ed interessi pecuniarii, ch'abbrugino ogn'altra scrittura che terranno nella loro Segretaria.

Lasciamo al nostro Erede tutti i Crediti, che noi habbiamo colla Corona di Suetia, ò con qual si sia nostro Ministro, ò altra persona, secondo le notitie c'haverà dalle nostre scritture.

Item vogliamo che 'l nostro Erede sodisfacci a' legati ed altre dispositioni, che noi habbiamo fatto de' nostri beni, volendo che l'habbino per expressi nel presente nostro Diploma.

Instituiamo per nostro Erede universalissimo con la sudetta dispositione ed obligatione il Sigr. Cardinale Diecio Azzolini, al quale per le sue incomparabili qualità, per meriti proprii, e per quelli c'hà acquistati con noi nel corso di tanti anni, dobbiàmo questa dimonstratione d'affetto di stima, e di gratitudine.

Instituiamo il Papa regnante per il supremo Essecutore di questo testamento, sperandoci ch' havrà la bontà d'aggredir questa nostra dispositione.

Finalmente racomandiamo con tutto l'animo alla protezzione del Papa, dell'Imperadore, del Ré di Spagna, del Rè di Francia, ed a quella del nostro Erede, la nostra famiglia, particolarmente le nostre povere Donne.

Questo vogliamo, che sia il nostro Testamento, ed ultima volontà, il quale vogliamo che vaglia per ragione di Testamento nuncupativo, di ragione civile senza scritti, e se per quella ragion e non valesse, vogliamo, che vaglia per ragione d'ultima volontà in causa mortis, e di qualcunque altra ultima volontà e dispositione, cassando ed annullando ogni qualcunque altro Testamento da noi fatto sin' al presente giorno, per gli atti di qualcunque Notario, e con qual' si voglia parola, ed habbia il suo effetto e la sua essecutione non solo del modo sudetto, mà in ogni altro maggiore. In fede di che habbiamo segnato il presente nostro Diploma, col nostro Real' penello, e fatto lo munire con il nostro sigillo Regio. Dato in Roma il 1. Martio 1689.

French translation (by Arckenholtz):

Christine, par la grace de Dieu Reine des Suédois, des Goths & des Vandales.
Savoir faisons en vertu de notre présent Diplome, que Nous trouvant de nouveau attaquée d'une indisposition qui pourroit abbréger notre vie; Nous avons voulu, pendant que par la grace de Dieu nous pouvons penser sainement au salut de notre Ame, disposer librement de nos biens, comme par le plein pouvoir à Nous accordé de Dieu seul, Nous en disposons par le présent Testament nuncupatif de la manière & dans la forme qui suit:

Prémièrement, comme le Seigneur Dieu Nous a appelée à la lumière de la sainte foi, qui est celle que professe la sainte Mère l'Eglise Catholique, Apostolique-Romaine, & qu'il nous a accordé la grace & la force de pouvoir non seulement la professer, quoiqu'il nous en ait coûté, mais encore d'y perséverer constamment, malgré toutes les contradictions que l'Enfer Nous a pû susciter; Nous protestons avec une entière résignation à la volonté divine, de vouloir mourir dans le sein de cette même Eglise, croïant fermement que hors d'elle, il n'y a point de salut, & Nous nous repentons avec la plus sincère contrition de cœur de tous les péchez que nous avons commis, comme des offenses faites au Seigneur Dieu, le suppliant humblement de Nous en accorder le pardon que nous espérons d'obtenir de sa miséricorde infinie, dont nous avons reçu des bienfaits innombrables dont Nous remercions aussi Sa Majesté divine, & à l'égard desquels nous la supplions de nous pardonner notre ingratitude. Nous recommandons notre ame à Dieu notre Créateur & Rédempteur: à la bienheureuse Vierge notre Avocat: à notre Ange gardien: à l'Arch-ange Michel & à tous les saints du Ciel, les priant de nous assister à l'heure de la mort, afin que notre ame soit renduë digne de la vie éternelle.

Nous voulons qu'après notre mort, notre héritier fasse célébrer vingt mille messes pour le repos de notre ame.

Item voulons que notre héritier érige & institue trois Chapellenies, à la charge que chacune d'elles dira à perpétuité une messe par jour pour le repos de notre ame dans la Basilique de St. Pierre à Rome, sous telle dévotion, que trouvera à propos notre Héritier, à qui nous en réservons le droit de patronat, lui laissant la liberté de faire des aumônes aux pauvres à telle somme d'argent qu'il jugera convenable. Nous voulons que notre corps mort soit vêtu de blanc & enseveli dans l'Eglise de la Rotonda à Rome, ou dans quelqu'autre, à la volonté de notre héritier, sans exposer le corps sur aucun lit de parade, défendant toute pompe funébre & autres vanités.

L'Epitaphe sera simplement une pierre avec cette inscription.

D. O. M.

& rien de plus ni de moins.

Nous voulons que notre héritier païe toutes nos dettes, s'il y en a.

De même voulons qu'il donne le deuil & le traitement de carême à toute notre Cour proportionné à l'usage observé à la Cour de Rome, bien fachée que notre situation ne nous permette pas de les gratifier plus amplement.

Nous laissons au Pape régnant comme une marque de la vénération & de l'estime que nous avons pour lui, Vicaire de Jésus Christ, sur la terre, la statuë du Sauveur faite par Bernini: & à l'Empereur, au Roi d'Espagne, au Roi de France, aux Seigneurs les Cardinaux & à l'Electeur de Brandebourg, un lègs à chacun d'eux conformément à l'ordre donné là-dessus à notre Héritier.

Nous laissons à la Marquise Octavie Capponi outre sa pension viagère, treize mille écus Romains: à son pupille cent écus l'année, pendant dix ans inclusivement, & à sa fille Christine encore en bas-age, la provision de la défuncte Tante, quand elle sera morte jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit mariée ou qu'elle entre dans un Couvent.

Nous laissons à Portia Giustiniani, à cause du zèle & de la diligence qu'elle a fait paroitre à notre service, une rente viagère, et voulons qu'elle soit augmentée jusqu'à la valeur de celle de la marquise Capponi; et après d'elle, cette provision passera au comte Giustiniani son frère.

Nous laissons au Marquis Jean Matthia del Monte tout ce que nous avons donné au feu Marquis son Père, & nous voulons que dix mille Scudi Romains lui soient païez, une fois pour tout, outre la pension assignée au Marquis son fils & nous le dispensons de rendre compte.

Item. Nous voulons que notre héritier païe à Mr. Santini, au Comte d'Alibert, à l'Abbé Cappelano, au Chanoine Stenfano de Marchis, au Sécrétaire Suédois Galdenblad, à Romolo notre Apothicaire, à Dom François Cameli, au Capitaine François Landini, à Pierre Antoine Bandiera, à Alessio Spalla & à sa femme Julie Diodata & Alessandra la fille la provision & la dot, qu'ont euës les autres personnes engagées à notre service.

Nous laissons au Comte Vasano, outre la provision qu'il a de Ste. Brigitte, cinq cents écus par an.

Nous laissons à la Marquise Octavie Capponi & à Portia Giustiniani nos habits, notre linge & autres galanteries qu'elles ont sous leur garde, & nous les dispensons d'en rendre compte.

Outre les provisions viagères, nous laissons à Pierre Antoine Bandiera tout ce qui appartient à notre Laboratoire, tant d'or, d'argent, de cuivre & de fer, que de toute autre chose rélative à sa profession, le dispensant de rendre compte.

Nous dispensons de même le Chanoine de Marchis Notre Major Dome de rendre compte de son administration, dont nous déclarons que nous sommes pleinement satisfaite, & lui donnons en vertu de cette disposition, une ample quittance, comme à tous nos autres Domestiques & serviteurs, de leur administration.

Nous ordonnons à nos Sécrétaires de consigner à notre héritier tout autre écrit concernant nos droits, prétentions & intérêts pécuniaires, & de brûler toutes les autres écritures qu'ils trouveront dans leurs sécrétaireries.

Nous laissons à notre héritier toutes les créances que nous avons sur la Couronne de Suède & sur nos officiers, ou autres personnes quelconques selon les notices qu'il tirera de nos papiers.

Item. Nous voulons que notre héritier satisfasse aux lègs & aux autres dispositions que nous avons faites par nos lettres obligatoires, voulant qu'il les regarde comme exprimées dans cette présente Patente.

Nous instituons pour notre Héritier universel avec la disposition & l'obligation susdites, le Sgr. Cardinal Diecio Azzolini, à qui, pour ses qualités incomparables, pour son mérite, & pour les services qu'ils nous a rendus durant tant d'années, nous devons cette démonstration d'affection, d'estime & de gratitude.

Nous constituons le Pape régnant pour prémier Exécuteur de ce testament, nous flattant qu'il voudra bien avoir la bonté d'agréer cette notre disposition.

Enfin nous recommandons de tout notre cœur à la protection du Pape, de l'Empereur, du Roi d'Espagne, du Roi de France, & à celle de notre héritier, nos Domestiques & particulièrement nos pauvres femmes.

Nous voulons que ce-ci soit notre testament & notre dernière volonté, que nous voulons avoir la force d'un testament nuncupatif, selon le droit Civil, comme s'il n'étoit pas écrit: mais s'il ne peut pas valoir comme tel, nous voulons qu'il ait la force de donnation mortis causa, ou de telle autre sorte de derniére volonté & disposition: cassant & annullant tout autre testament quelconque fait & dressé par nous, jusqu'à ce jourd'hui, par acte de quelque Notaire que ce soit & en quels termes que ce puisse être, voulant que ce testament-ci ait son effèt & son éxécution non seulement de la manière susdite, mais aussi de toute autre plus efficace: En foi dequoi nous avons signé ce présent notre Diplome de notre plume & l'avons fait munir de notre Sçeau Roïal. Fait à Rome ce 1. Mars 1689.

Swedish translation (Riksarkivet; K 99):

Christina Alexandra medh Gudz Nåde, Sweriges och Giöteß Drottning; etc.
Låte i krafft aff detta wårt öpne bref weta, at såsom wij befinna oß beswärade medh en sådan siukdom som kunde förkorta wår lijfztijdh, så hafwe wij emedan Gudh oß den Nåden vndt, at wij kunne betänckia war Siähls Sahligheet, deß lijkest vthaf at wähl berådt moodh, och gott förståndh wehlat om wår [...] och förmögenheet disponera och förordra, som wij och här medh aff den macht och mÿndigheet som aff Gudh oß gifwin är, förmedelst detta wårt mundtel: testamente på fölliande sätt disponera och förordra; först såsom Herren Gudh hafwer kallat oß till liuset, aff den sahligiörande thron, som är den [...] den salige moderen Catholiska, apostoliska, Rommerska Kÿrkian bekiänner, och gifwit oß den Nåden och Krafften, at wij den samme så wijda oß till stådt, icke allenast kunna bekiänna, vthan och däruthinnan beständest framhärda, hwad inkast och gensaÿellse som hela hellfwetis macht där emoot giöra och vptänckia kunnat; På protestera och bekiänne wij, at när Gudh så behagar, wij alldeles willia döö uthj den samma helige Kÿrckioniß Skiöte, troendes fullt och fast at däruthom ingen sahligheet är, och sörgie fördenskull medh en san ånger och [...] af alt hiärta, så länge wij wårt förståndh bruuke, och in till sista andedrächten öfwer alla af oß [...]gångne sÿnder, hwillka oß så mÿcket vnderskyggeligare äro, som wij där medh herren Gudh förtörnat hafwe, bediandes honom ödmiukeligen om fullkombl. förlåtellse, den wij icke mindre hoppas aff hanß andelige barmhertigheet att erhålla, än som wij hanß guddommel. M:t förda oß bewijste otahlige wällgerningar innerligen tacka, bediandes ödmiukel:n at den samma wår otacksamheet, där emoot förlåta wille. Ju det öfrige recommendere wij och befalle wår Siähl Gudh wår Skapare och återlösare, den helige Jungfrw wår Advocatin, Engelen wår wächtare, ÖfwerEngelen S:t Michael och alle Hellgon i Himmelen, at de för oß bedia, och uthj dödz stunden bijfalla willa, på det hon det ewige lijfwet wärdig blifwa måtte.

Sedan är wår willje, at så snart wij igenom döden afgångne äro, skall wår arffwinge tree Siählennes roo låta hålla 20/100 Mäßer.

Jtem wehle wij och, at aff wår Erffwinge anställes och inrättas tree Capellanskap, medh befalldning, at hwardera framhärdeligen en daglig messa vthi S:t Peters Domkÿrckia för wår Siähle hålla skall, vnder den devotion som wår arffwinge befinner tiänligast waræ, hwaröfwer wij reservera honom ius Patronatus som och effter hanß godh: [...] kan till allmoso åth de fattige låta vtdehla den peninge summa som han skattar där till nödig wara;

Wår döde Lekammen wehle wij låta klädas uthj hwitt, och at han begrafwas skall vthj Kÿrckian Rotunda i Rom, eller vthj een annan effter wår Erfwinges gottfuniande, uthan till at blotta wår lekammen, förbiudandes widh begrafning acten all Pracht och annan fåfängia.

Epitaphium skall wara een slatt steen medh denne inscription

D: O: M:
Vixit Christina annos sexaginta tres

Och intet hwarken meera eller mindre.

Dy willjom wij at vthaf wår Erffwinge skall betalas all wår skulld om där någon är; Jtem willjom wij at han gifwer alt wårt hoff foll R. sorgekläder och fastelag testamente proportionaliter effter det bruuk som widh Rommerske hafwer hålles, warandes oß okiärt det wår staat [...] tåhla kan, at dem något vnnre gifwas måtte.

Jtem förordre och lembne wij regerande Påfwen till at techn aff den veneration och æstim som wij för honom drage, som Jesu Christi Ståthållare här på jorden, Statuen som kalleß Salvator Bernoni. Åth Rommerske Keijsaren, Konungen i Hispanien, Konungen i Franckrijke, wåre wenner herrar Cardinalerne och Churfursten af brandenburg, hwardera at Legatum eller gåfwa lijkmätigt den ordre som wij wår arffwinge därom gifwit.

Åth Marchisinnan Octavia Cappone vthan des lijfztijdz vnderhalld lembne wij 10/m Rommerske Scudj ähre till deß hon blifwer 10 (?) åhr gammall, inclusive, och åth den omÿndige dotteren Christina det vnderhålld, som hennes afledne Morsÿster hafft, in till deß hon träder vthj ächtenskap eller och Nunnoståndet.

Åth Cammarfrun Portia Justiniani lembne wij emoot den sÿnnerlige åhoga och flijt, hwar medh hon uthj wår tiänst framhärdat, lijfztijdz vnderhålld medh den tillökning som förbem:te Marchisinna Cappone bekommit, effter hwillken vnderhålldtt hennes broder grefwen Justiniani tillflijta skall.

Åth Marchisen Johan de monte lembnom wij och [...] alt hwadh wij hafwe gifwit framledes Marchisen hanß fader, och wehle at honom des vthan betahlas 10/m Rommerske Scudj på en gång allenast, och uthan den pension som Marchisinnan hanß dotter tillordnat är, befrijandes honom ifrån [...] giörande.

Jtem wehle wij, at wår Erffwinge låter betala till Monseignieur Santini H. grefwen D. de Alibert, Capell Abotten, Cannoniken D: Stephano de Martri, Swänske Secreteraren Romolo Spetiali, Don Francisco Comeli, den franske Capellanen, åth Petro Antonio Brandiera, Alessio Spalla, och hanß hustru M: Avita Deotatj deras wahnlige vnderhålld så länge de lefwe. Åth Christina Alexandra frustugepijgan så wähl deß underhålld som [...] skattan, hwillken slijkt wåre andre tiänarinnor hafwe åthniutit.

Åth grefwen aff Vasano, förordne wij uthom deß inkompst han hafwer af S:t Bregitta åhv: 500. Scudj, så länge han sig wäll förhållandes warder.

Åth Marchisinnan octavia Capponi och Portia Justiniani lembnom wij wåre kläder, lunnetÿg och andre galanterier, som de vthj deras förwarnig hafft, frij kallandes dem för all reda och räckning där öfwer.

Åth Petro Antonio Bandiera lämbnom wij vthom lijfz underhållet, alt hwadh som hörer till distiller wärket, så wähl aff gulld som sillf:r, koppar, Järn och annat som hanß Profession widkommer, befrijandes honom ifrån Räckenskap.

Wij befrije och sammaledes Cannoniken de Martri wår hoffmästare, at giöra räckning för sin administration, medh hwillcken wij förklara oß alldeles warat hafwa förnöyde, gifwe och krafft aff denna wår disposition alle ofwanbem:te bekiänte, at giöras at general quittence öfwer deras administrationer.

Wij befalle wår Secreterare at inhändiga wår Erffwinge alle deß skriffter, som angå wåre retmätiga prætensioner och penninge saker, och at upbränna alla andra skriffter som de vnder händer hafwa, Wij effterlåte wår Erffwinge alle fordringar, som wij hafwe som Sweriges Crono, och wåre betiänte och andra perßoner, ehwem som det hälst wara kunde, effter den effterrättellsen som [...] skriffter honom widh handen gifwa.

Jtem wij wehle at wår Erffwinge wärckställer alle legater eller gåfwor och andre af oß giorde dispositioner, i fallet af de breff och förskrifningar som wij utgifwit hafwa, lijka som woro de till detta wårt instrument exprimerade.

Wij insättia för wår universal Erffwinge, förmedelst ofwaninförde dispositioner och förbiudellser H:r Cardinalen Decio Azzolini, hwillckom wij för hanß oförlijkelige qualiteter och så wähl hanß nogre meriter, som de han hoos oß så många åhr förlop förwärfwat, denne affections wärdering och tacksamheetz declaration skÿlldige äro.

Till detta testamentz öfwerste executor förordna wij Regerande Påfwen, förmodandes aff honom den godhetten, at gerna acceptera willja denne wår disposition.

Ändtel:n recommendere wij af alt hiärta uthi Påfwens, Konungens i Hispanien, Konungens i Frankrijke, och wår arffwinges protection wår familie och i sÿnnerheet wåre fattige qwinnsperßoner.

Detta wehle wij skall wara wårt testamente och ÿttersta willin, och såsom at mundtel.t testamente, för så gilltigt hållas, som något annat effter Civil laag, uthom skriftel. förrättning. Men om detta sådant regard intet giälla skulle, så at wår willje, at det skall hafwa lijka krafft medh en lagl: donation, som skier Causa mortis (:på dödzfall:) eller hwarjehanda annan act, af ens ÿttersta disposition, Casserandes och uphafwandes wij alt annat testamente som af oß för detta in till denne dagen måtte giort warda, förmedelst hwarjehanda Notariae instrument aff hwadh willkorl. ordh, former och Clausuler det och måtte författat wara, och williandes at detta sista skall allenast giälla och hafwa sin wärcken och fullbordan, icke allenast på det sättet som här ofwan sagt är, uthan och i all annor wichtigare måtto. Till hwillcketz säkerheet wij detta wårt öpne breff medh wår Kongl. Fiäders vnderskrifft, och medh wårt Kl. Sigill bekräfftat. Gifwit i Rom d 1 Martj 1689.
Christina Alexandra /..

Another transcript of the above Swedish translation (Riksarkivet; K 99):

Christina Alexandra, medh Gudz Nåde, Sweriges, Giöthes och Wendes
Låte i Krafft af Detta Wårt öpne breef weeta, at såsom Wij befinna Oß beswärade medh en sådan Siukdom som kunde förkorta Wår Lijfztijdh, så hafwe Wij emedan Gudh Oß den Nåden undt at Wij Kunna betänckia Wår Siäls Saligheet, deßlikest uthaf ett Wähl berått modh och gått förstånd welat om Wår timmelige Egendom och förmögenheet Disponera och förordna, som Wij och Hermedh af den macht och mÿndigheet, som af Gudh Oß gifwen är, derom förmedelst detta Wårt muntelige Testamente på Fölliande sätt Disponera och förordna; Först, såsom Herren Gudh hafwer Kallat Oß till Liuset af den saligh giörande Troon, som är den Hwilken den Helige Modren Catholiske Apostoliske, Romerske Kÿrkian bekiänner, och gifwit Oß den Nåden och Krafften, att Wij den samma så Wijda Oß till stådt, icke allenast kunna bekiänna, utan och deruthinnan beständig framhärda, Hwad inkast och gensäijelse som heela Helfwetes macht och deremoth giöra och optänckia kunnat. Sa protestera och bekiänna Wij att enär Gudh så behagar, Wij aldeles Wille döö uthi den samma Helige Kÿrkiones Skiöte, trooendes fult och fast, at deruthom ingen Sahligheet ähr, och sorge fördenskuld medh een sann ånger och ruelse af alt Hierta så länge Wij Wårt Förstånd bruuka och alt in till sidsta ande Drächten öfwer alla af Oß begångne Sÿnder, Hwilka Oß så mÿket Wederstÿggeligare ähro, som Wij dermedh Herren Gudh förtörnat hafwa. bediandes Honom ödmiukeligen om fullkomlig förlåtelse, den Wij icke mindre hoppas af Hans Andelige barmhertigheet at erhålla, än som Wij Hans Guddomel: May:tt för dee Oß bewijste otalige Wälgärningar innerligen tacka, bediandes ödmiukel:n at den samma Wår otacksamheet deremoot förlåta wille. För det öfrige recommendera Wij och befalle Wår Siähl Gudi Wår Skapare och Återlösare den Helige Jungfrw Wår Advocatin, Engelen Wår Wechtare, öfwerangeln S: Michael och alle Helgon i Himmelen at dhe för Oß bedia och uthi Dödzstunden bijfalla Wille, på det hon det ewiga lijfwet wärdigh blifwa måtte.

Sedan är wår willia att så snart Wij igenom Döden afgångne äro skall wår Erfwinge till Siälennes roo låta hålla 20/000 Messer.

Jtem wille Wij och at Wår Arfwinge anställas och inrättas Tree Cappellanskap med befallning at hwardhera framherdeligen Een dagelig Messa uthi S: Peters Dombkyrkio för Wår Siähl hålla skall, under den Devotion som Wår Arfwinge befinner tienligast wara, Hwaröfwer Wij reservera Honom jus Patronatus som och effter Hans goda tÿcke kan till Allmoso[r] åth dee fattige låta uthdeela den penninge Summa, som Han skattar der till nödigh wara.

Wår döde Lekamen weele Wij låta Klädes uthi Hwijt, och at Hon begrafwes skall vthi Kÿrkian Rotanda i Rom eller och uthi een annan effter Wår Arfwinges godt finnande, uthan till at blåtta Wår Lekamen förbiudandes Widh begrafningz Acten all Pracht och annan fåfängia.

Epitaphium skall Wara een slät Steen medh denne eenfoldig Jnscription

D: O: M:
[Vixit Christina annos sexaginta tres.]

Och intet Hwarken mehra eller mindre.

Än williom Wij at uthaf Wår Arfwinge skall betahlas all wår skuldh om der någon är, Jtem williom Wij at Han gifwer alt Wårt Hoffolck SörgeKläder och fastelagz Tractamente proportionaliter effter det bruuk som Wijdh Romske Håfwen Hållas, Warandes oß Kiärt det Wår Staat intet tåhla Kan at dem något mehra gifwas måtte.

Jtem förordne och lembne Wij regerande Påfwen, till ett tekn af den Veneration och estim Hwilken Wij för Honom Drage, såsom Jesu Christi Ståthållare Här på Jorden; Statuen som Kallas Salvator Bernini. Åth Romerske Käijsare; Konungen i Hispanien, Konungen i Frankrijke, Wåre Wenner Herrar Cardinalerne och Churfürsten af Brandenburgh, Hwardhera att Legatum eller Gåfwa; lijkmätig den ordre som Wij Wår Erfwinge derom gifwit.

Åth Marchisinnan Octavia Capponi uthan deß lijftijdz underhåldh lembne Wij 10/m Romske Scudi; åth deß omÿndige Sohn, Hundrade Scudi Åhrligen till deß Han blifwer 10. Åhr gammall inclusivé, och åth den omÿndige dottern Christina, det VnderHåld som Hennes afledne Moor sÿster hafft, in till deß Hon träder i Echtenskapz eller Nunneståndet.

Åth Cammarfruu Poetia [sic] Justeniani lembne Wij emoot den sÿnnerlige åhåga och flijt Hwarmedh Hon uthi Wår tienst framhärdat, lijfztijdh Vnderhåldh, medh den tillökning som förbem:te Marchisinnan Cappona [sic] bekommit, Efter Hwilken Vnderhållet Hennes Broder Grefwen Justeniani till flÿta skall.

Åth Marchesen Johan Mathias Delmente [sic], lembne och bewillie Wij alt hwad Wij hafwe gifwit framledne Marchesen Hans Fader, och Wille at Honom deß Vthan betahlas 10/m Romske Scudi på een gång allenast, och Vthan Den Pension, som Marchesinnan Hans Dotter tillordnat ähr befrijandes Honom från Räkninghz giörande.

Jtem wille Wij at Wår Erfwinge låter betahla till Monseignieur Santini, H:r Grefwen D: Dalibert, Cappell:ni Aboten, Cannonicken D:no Stephan De Martej [sic], Swenske Secreteraren Romolo Spetiati [sic], Dom Francisco Comeli Den franske Cappellanen, åth Petro Antonio Brandiera, Alessio Spalla och Hans Hustru M:a hiuta deotati [sic] Deres Wanlige underhåld så länge Dhe lefwa.

Åth Christina Alexandra frustugu pijgan, så wäll Deß vnderhåld som brudhskatten Hwilken slijke Wåre andre Tienarinnor hafwa åthniutit.

Åth Grefwen af Vasano förordne Wij uthan deß inkomst Han hafwer af S: Brigitta [sic]; Åhrl:n 500 Scudi så länge Han sigh wähl förHållandes Warder.

Åth Marchisinnan Octavia Capponi och Portia Justiniani lemnom Wij Wåre Kläder, Linnetygh och andre galanterier som dhe Vthi Deras förwarning Hafft, frij Kallandes Dhem för all reda och räckningh Dheröfwer.

Åth Petro Antonio Bandiera Lemnom Wij uthom Lijfzunderhåldet, alt hwad som Hörer till Distillier Wärcket, så wäl af Guld som Silfwer, Koppar, Järn och annat som Hans profession widhkommer; befrijandes Honom ifrån Räckenskap.

Wij befrije och sammaledes Canonichen de martri Wår Hofmestare, at giöra Räkningh för sin administration med hwilken Wij förKlara Oß alldheeles hafwa warit förnögde, gifwe och j krafft af Denne wår Disposition alle ofwanbenemde betiente att giöras ett general quittantz öfwer Deras Administrationer Wij befalle Wår Secreterare at inhändiga Wår Arfwinge alle deß Skriffter som angåå Wåre rättmätige Prætensioner och penninge saker, och at vpbränna alla andra Skriffter som dee under Händer hafwa; Wij öfwerlåtom Wår Arfwinge alla fordringar som Wij hafwa Hooß Sweriges Crona och Wåre betiente och andre Personer: ehwru det Helst wara Kunde, efter Den Effterrättelse som Wåre Skriffter Honom wijd Handen gifwer.

Jtem Wij wele at Wår Arfwinge wärckställer alla Legater eller gåfwor och andre af oß giorde Dispositioner; i föllie af de breef förskrijfningar som Wij Vthgifwit hafwa, lijka som Wåre dhe Vthi detta Wårt Jnstrument exprimerade.

Wij insättia för Wår universal Arfwinge förmedelst ofwan inföhrde Dispositioner och förbindelser H:r Cardinalen Decio Azzolini hwilkom Wij för Hans oförlijkeliga qualiteter, och så wähl Hans egne meriter skull, som dee Han Hoos Oß Vthi så många Åhrs förlopp förwärfwat, denne affections Wärderingh och Tacksamheetz Declaration skÿldige äro.

Till detta Testamentets öfwersta Executorer förordne Wij regerande Påfwen, förmodandes af Honom Den godheeten at giärna acceptera willia Denna Wår Disposition.

Änteligen recommendere Wij af alt Hierta uthi Påfwens, Konungens J Hispanien, Konungens i Frankrijke och Wår Arfwinges Protection Wår Familiæ och i synnerheet Wår fattige Qwins Personer.

Detta Wele Wij skall wara Wårt Testamente och ÿttersta Willia och såsom ett Munteligit Testamente för så giltigt Hållas som något annat effter Civil Lagh, uthan skriffteligh Förrättningh. Men om det i sådan regard intet gälla skole, så är Wår Willia at Dhet skall Hafwa lijka kraft medh een laghligh Donation, som skeer Causa mortis /: på dödhz fall :/ eller Hwariehanda annan act af eens ÿttersta Disposition; Casserandes och uphäfwandes Wij alt annat Testamente som af Oß för Dhetta in till Denna Dagen måtte giordt Warda förmedelst Hwariehanda Notarial Jnstrument af Hwad wederlige Ordeformer och Clausuler dhet och måtte författat wara, och williandes at detta sidsta skall alleenast giälla och hafwa sin Wärckan och fulbordan, icke allenast på detta sättet, som Här ofwan sagdt ähr, uthan och i all annor wichtigare måtto, till hwilketz säkerheet Wij Detta Wårt öpne breef medh Wår Kongel: fiäders underskrifft och medh Wår Sigil bekräftadt. Gifwit i Rom den 1 Martij 1689.
Christina Alexandra.
L: S:

With modernised spelling:

Kristina Alexandra, med Guds nåde, Sveriges, Götes och Vendes drottning,
låte i kraft av detta Vårt öppna brev veta att såsom Vi befinne Oss besvärade med en sådan sjukdom som kunde förkorta Vår livstid, så have Vi emedan Gud Oss den nåden unt att Vi kunne betänka Vår själs salighet, desslikest utav ett väl berått mod och gott förstånd velat om Vår timliga egendom och förmögenhet disponera och förordna, som Vi ock härmed av den makt och myndighet som av Gud Oss given är, därom förmedelst detta Vårt muntliga testamente på följande sätt disponere och förordne:

Först, såsom Herren Gud haver kallat Oss till ljuset av den saliggörande tron, som är den vilken den Heliga Modern katolska, apostoliska, romerska Kyrkan bekänner, och givit Oss den nåden och kraften att Vi densamma såvida Oss tillstått, icke allenast kunne bekänna, utan ock därutinnan beständig framhärda vad inkast och gensägelse som hela helvetes makt ock däremot göra och upptänka kunnat, så protestere och bekänne Vi att enär Gud så behagar, Vi alldeles ville dö uti densamma heliga Kyrkonnes sköte, troendes fullt och fast att därutom ingen salighet är, och sorge fördenskull med en sann ånger och ruelse av allt hjärta så länge Vi Vårt förstånd bruka och allt intill sista andedräkten över alla av Oss begångna synder, vilka Oss så mycket vederstyggligare äro, som Vi därmed Herrn Gud förtörnat have, bedjandes honom ödmjukligen om fullkomlig förlåtelse, den Vi icke mindre hoppas av hans andliga barmhärtighet att erhålla än som Vi Hans Gudomliga Majestät för de Oss beviste otaliga välgärningar innerligen tacke, bedjandes ödmjukligen att densamma Vår otacksamhet däremot förlåta ville.

För det övriga rekommendere Vi och befalle Vår själ Gudi, Vår Skapare och Återlösare, den Heliga Jungfru, Vår Advokatin, Ängeln Vår Väktare, Överängeln Sankt Mikael och alla helgon i himmeln, att de för Oss bedja och uti dödsstunden bifalla ville, på det hon det eviga livet värdig bliva måtte.

Sedan är Vår vilja att så snart Vi igenom döden avgångna äro skall Vår ärvinge till själennes ro låta hålla 20,000 mässer.

Item ville Vi ock att Vår arvinge anställas och inrättas tre kapellanskap, med befallning att vardera framhärdligen en daglig mässa uti Sankt Peters domkyrko för Vår själ hålla skall, under den devotion som Vår arvinge befinner tjänligast vara, varöver Vi reservere honom jus patronatus som ock efter hans goda tycke kan till allmosor åt de fattiga låta utdela den penningesumma som han skattar därtill nödig vara.

Vår döda lekamen vele Vi låta klädas uti vit och att hon begravas skall uti kyrkan Rotonda i Rom eller ock uti en annan efter Vår arvinges gottfinnande, utan till att blotta Vår lekamen, förbjudandes vid begravningsakten all prakt och annan fåfänga.

Epitafium skall vara en slät sten med denna enfoldig inskription:

D. O. M.
[Vixit Christina annos sexaginta tres.]

och intet varken mera eller mindre.

Än viljom Vi att utaf Vår arvinge skall betalas all Vår skuld, om där någon är.

Item viljom Vi att han giver allt Vårt hovfolk sorgkläder och fastelagstraktamente proportionaliter efter det bruk som vid romska hoven hållas, varandes Oss kärt det Vår stat inte tåla kan att dem något mera givas måtte.

Item förordne och lämne Vi regerande påven, till ett tecken av den veneration och estim vilken Vi för honom drage, såsom Jesu Kristi ståthållare här på jorden, statyn som kallas Salvator Bernini. Åt romerske kejsare, konungen i Hispanien, konungen i Frankrike, Våra vänner herrar kardinalerna och kurfursten av Brandenburg, vardera att legatum eller gåva, likmätig den order som Vi Vår ärvinge därom givit.

Åt markisinnan Ottavia Capponi, utan dess livstids underhåll, lämne Vi 10,000 romska scudi; åt dess omyndige son, hundrade scudi årligen till dess han bliver 10 år gammal inclusive; och åt den omyndiga dottern Cristina det underhåll som hennes avlidna morsyster haft intill dess hon träder i äktenskaps eller nunneståndet.

Åt kammarfru[n] [Porzia] Giustiniani lämne Vi emot den synnerliga åhåga och flit varmed hon uti Vår tjänst framhärdat, livstid underhåll, med den tillökning som förbemälte markisinnan [Capponi] bekommit, efter vilken underhållet hennes broder greven Giustiniani tillflyta skall.

Åt markisen Johan Matthias del Monte lämne och bevilje Vi allt vad Vi have givit framlidne markisen hans fader och ville att honom dessutan betalas 10,000 romska scudi på en gång allenast, och utan den pension som markisinnan hans dotter tillordnad är, befriandes honom från räkningsgörande.

Item ville Vi att Vår ärvinge låter betala till monseigneur Santini, herr greven d'Alibert, Cappelani abboten, kanoniken domino Stefan de Marchis, svenske sekreteraren, Romolo [Speziali], don Francesco Camelli, den franske kapellanen, åt Pietro Antonio Bandiera, Alessio Spala och hans hustru madama [Giulia Diodata] deras vanliga underhåll så länge de leva. Åt Cristina Alessandra, frustugupigan, såväl dess underhåll som brudskatten vilken slika Våra andra tjänarinnor hava åtnutit.

Åt greven av Wasenau förordne Vi utan dess inkomst han haver av Sankt Birgitta årligen 500 scudi så länge han sig väl förhållandes varder.

Åt markisinnan Ottavia Capponi och Porzia Giustiniani lämnom Vi Våre kläder, linnetyg och andra galanterier som de uti deras förvarning haft, frikallandes dem för all reda och räkning däröver.

Åt Pietro Antonio Bandiera lämnom Vi utom livsunderhållet allt vad som hör till distillerverket, såväl av guld som silver, koppar, järn och annat som hans profession vidkommer, befriandes honom ifrån räkenskap.

Vi befrie ock sammaledes kanoniken de markis, Vår hovmästare, att göra räkning för sin administration, med vilken Vi förklare Oss alldeles hava varit förnöjda; give ock i kraft av denna Vår disposition alla ovanbenämnde betjänte att göras ett general kvittans över deras administrationer.

Vi befalle Vår sekreterare att inhändiga Vår arvinge alla dess skrifter som angå Våra rättmätiga pretensioner och penningesaker och att uppbränna alla andra skrifter som de under händer hava.

Vi överlåtom Vår arvinge alla fordringar som Vi have hos Sveriges Krona och Våra betjänte och andra personer, ehuru det helst vara kunde, efter den efterrättelse som Våra skrifter honom vid handen giver.

Item Vi vele att Vår arvinge verkställer alla legater eller gåvor och andra av Oss gjorda dispositioner i följe av de brev förskrivningar som Vi utgivit hava likasom Våra de uti detta Vårt instrument exprimerade.

Vi insätte för Vår universal arvinge förmedelst ovan införda dispositioner och förbindelser herr kardinalen Decio Azzolini, vilkom Vi för hans oförlikliga kvaliteter och såväl hans egna meriters skull som de han hos Oss uti så många års förlopp förvärvat denna affektionsvärdering och tacksamhetsdeklaration skyldiga äro.

Till detta testamentets översta exekutorer förordne Vi regerande påven, förmodandes av honom den godheten att gärna acceptera vilja denna Vår disposition.

Äntligen rekommendere Vi av allt hjärta uti påvens, konungens i Hispanien, konungens i Frankrike och Vår arvinges protektion Vår familiæ och i synnerhet Vår fattiga kvinnspersoner.

Detta vele Vi skall vara Vårt testamente och yttersta vilja och såsom ett muntligt testamente för så giltigt hållas som något annat efter civil lag, utan skriftlig förrättning. Men om det i sådan regard inte gälla skulle, så är Vår vilja att det skall hava lika kraft med en laglig donation, som sker causa mortis (på dödsfall) eller varjehanda annan akt av ens yttersta disposition, kasserandes och upphävandes Vi allt annat testamente som av Oss förr detta intill denna dagen måtte gjort varda förmedelst varjehanda notarial instrument av vad vederliga ordaformer och klausuler det ock måtte författat vara, och viljandes att detta sista skall allenast gälla och hava sin verkan och fullbordan icke allenast på detta sättet som härovan sagt är, utan ock i all annor viktigare måtto, till vilkets säkerhet Vi detta Vårt öppna brev med Vår Kungliga Fjäders underskrift och med Vår Sigill bekräftat. Givet i Rom, den 1 martii 1689.
Kristina Alexandra.
L. S.

English translation (my own):

Kristina, by the grace of God, Queen of the Swedes, Goths and Vandals.
Make it known by virtue of Our present diploma that, finding Ourself again attacked by an indisposition which could shorten Our life, We wished, while by the grace of God We can think freely and healthy of the salvation of Our soul, to dispose freely of Our goods, as, by the full power granted to Us by God alone, We dispose of them by this nuncupative testament in the following manner and form:

Firstly, as the Lord God called Us in the light of the holy Faith which is that which Our Holy Mother professes the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church, and that He has granted Us the grace and the strength of power not only the profess, whatever it cost Us, but still to persevere constantly in spite of all the torments that Hell may have aroused in Us, We protest, with complete resignation to the Divine Will, to wish to die in the bosom of this same Church, firmly believing that without it there is no salvation; and We repent with the most sincere contrition from the heart of all the sins We have committed as offenses against the Lord God, begging Him humbly to grant Us the forgiveness that We hope for His infinite mercy from which We have received countless kindnesses. We thank His Divine Majesty, and beg Him to forgive some oversights of our ingratitude, recommending Our soul to God, Our Creator and Redeemer, to the Blessed Virgin who intercedes for Us, to Our holy Guardian Angel, to the Archangel Michael and to all the saints in Heaven, asking them to assist Us at the hour of death, so that Our soul may be made worthy of eternal life.

We wish Our heir to have twenty thousand masses celebrated for the rest of Our soul after Our death.

We wish that Our heir erects and institutes three chaplains, with the charge that each of them will say in perpetuity one mass per day for the rest of Our soul, and this in the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, under such devotion that will judge it by the way of Our heir, to whom We reserve the right of patronage, leaving him the freedom to make alms to the poor of such amount of money as he deems suitable.

We wish Our dead body to be clothed in white and buried in the Church of La Rotonda in Rome, or in some other, at the will of Our heir, without exposing Our said body in state, defending all funereal pomp and other vanities.

The epitaph will simply be a stone with this inscription:


And nothing more, nothing less.

We wish Our heir to pay Our debts, if there are any.

Likewise, We wish him to give mourning clothes and the treatment of Lent to all Our Court, proportionate to the usage observed at the Court of Rome, and We do very much regret that Our position does not allow Us to gratify them more fully.

We leave to the reigning Pope, as a mark of the veneration and esteem that We have for him, Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth, the statue of the Saviour by Bernini; and to the Emperor, the King of Spain, the King of France, the Cardinal Lords and the Elector of Brandenburg, a legacy to each in accordance with the order given above to Our heir.

We leave to the Marquess Ottavia Capponi, in addition to her lifetime pension, thirteen thousand Roman scudi; to her pupil one hundred scudi a year for ten years inclusive, and to her daughter Cristina, still underage, the provision of the deceased aunt, when she is dead, until the said Cristina is married or enters a convent.

We leave to Portia Giustiniani, because of the zeal and diligence which she had in Our service, a lifetime annuity, and wish it to be increased to the value of that of the Marquess Capponi; and after her this provision will pass to Count Giustiniano, her brother.

We leave to the Marquis Giovanni Mattia del Monte all that We have given to the late Marquis his father, and We wish ten thousand Roman scudi to be paid to him once and for all; and this in addition to the pension assigned to the young Marquis, his son.

We want Our heir to pay Mr. Santini, the Count d'Alibert, Father Cappelano, Canon Stephano de Marchis; the Swedish secretary Galdenblad; Romolo, Our apothecary; Don Francesco Camelli, Captain Francesco Landini, Pietro Antonio Bandiero, to Allessio Spalla, to his wife Giulia Diodata and to his daughter Alessandra, the provision and the dowry that the other people engaged in Our service had.

We leave to the Marquise Ottavia Capponi and to Portia Giustiniani, already mentioned, Our clothes, Our linen and other trifles that they have in their care, and We exempt them from reporting on them.

In addition to the life provisions, we leave to Pietro Antonio Bandiero all that belongs to Our laboratory, as well in gold, silver, copper and iron, as in anything else relating to his profession of alchemist, and We exempt him from returning the account.

We also exempt the Canon de Marchis, Our butler, from giving an account of his administration, with which We declare that We are fully satisfied, and give him, by virtue of this provision, an ample receipt, as to all Our other servants and servants of what makes up their administration.

We order Our secretaries to put in writing to Our heir all documents concerning Our pecuniary rights, claims and interests.

We leave to Our heir all the claims that We have on the Swedish Crown and on Our officers and other persons whatsoever, according to the notices which he will draw from Our papers.

We wish Our heir to satisfy the legacies and other provisions that We have made through Our mandatory letters, wishing him to regard them as expressed in this patent.

We establish for Our universal heir, with the aforementioned provisions and obligations, Signor Cardinal Decio Azzolino, to whom, for his incomparable qualities, for his merit and for the services he has rendered Us for so many years, We owe this display of affection, esteem and gratitude.

Finally, We wholeheartedly recommend the protection of the Pope, the Emperor, the King of Spain, the King of France, and that of Our heir, Our servants, and particularly Our poor women.

We wish this to be Our testament and Our last will; We wish this written present to have the force of a nuncupative will, according to civil law, as if it were not written; but, if it cannot be valid as such, We wish it to have the force of donation mortis causa, or of such other form of last will and disposition, breaking and cancelling any other will whatsoever made and drawn up by Us to date, by deed of any notary whatsoever and in whatever terms it may be, wishing that this will have its effect and its execution not only in the above manner, but also in any other more effective; in faith whereof We have signed this present diploma with Our hand, and have it provided with Our royal seal.
Made in Rome, March 1, 1689.
Kristina Alexandra

Contemporary Swedish translation of the original (my own):

Kristina, med Guds nåd, Sveriges, Götes och Vendes drottning.
Göre vetterligt huruledes Vi, i kraft av Vårt nuvarande diplom, eftersom Vi åter finner Oss attackerade av en sjukdom som kunde förkorta Vårt liv, har Vi velat, samtidigt som Vi med Guds nåd kan tänka sunt på Vår själs frälsning och disponera fritt av Vår egendom, såsom genom den fulla makt som Gud har givit Oss allena, förfogar Vi härmed över den muntligen på det sätt och i den form som följer:

För det första, som Herren Gud har kallat Oss in i ljuset av den Heliga Tron, vilket är det som den Heliga Modern, romersk, katolska och apostoliska Kyrkan bekänner, och som han har givit Oss nåden och styrkan att inte bara kunna bekänna det, fastän det har kostat Oss, men ändå att ständigt hålla ut i det, trots alla motsägelser som Helvetet har kunnat inge hos Oss, protesterar Vi med en hel resignation mot den gudomliga viljan att vilja dö i dennes Kyrkans sköte, varande fast övertygad om att det inte finns någon frälsning utanför den; och Vi omvänder Oss med hjärtats uppriktigaste ånger av alla de synder som Vi har begått, som kränkningar som begåtts mot Herren Gud, och bönfaller honom ödmjukt att ge Oss förlåtelsen för dem som Vi hoppas få genom hans oändliga barmhärtighet, från vilken Vi har mottagit otaliga förmåner för vilka Vi också tackar Hans Gudomliga Majestät, och för vilka Vi ber honom att förlåta Oss Vår otacksamhet. Vi överlämnar Vår själ till Gud, Vår Skapare och Återlösare, till den välsignade Jungfrun vår Advokat, till Vår Skyddsängel, till Ärkeängeln Mikael och till alla Heliga i Himlen, och ber dem att hjälpa Oss i dödens stund, så att Vår själen kan göras värdig evigt liv.

Vi vill att Vår arvinge skall ha tjugo tusen mässor celebrerade efter Vår död för Vår själs vila.

Vi vill också att Vår arvinge skall upprätta och inrätta tre präster, på villkor att var och en av dem för all framtid kommer att säga en mässa per dag för vår själs vila i Peterskyrkan i Rom, under sådan hängivenhet som Vår arvinge kan finna lämplig, till vilken Vi förbehålla Oss rätten till beskydd, lämnande honom friheten att ge allmosor åt de fattiga i sådan summa pengar som han finner lämpligt. Vi vill att Vårt döda lik skall klädas i vitt och begravas i Rotondakyrkan i Rom, eller i någon annan kyrka, efter Vår arvinges vilja, utan att avslöja liket på någon paradsäng, förbjudande begravningståget och andra fåfänga.

Epitafiet skall helt enkelt vara en sten med denna inskription:

D. O. M.

Och Vi vill varken mer eller mindre.

Vi vill att Vår arvinge skall betala alla våra skulder, om det finns några.

Vi vill också att han skall ge sorgekläder och fastelag till hela Vårt hov i proportion till den sed som iakttas vid Roms hov, ty Vi är mycket ledsna över att Vår situation inte tillåter Oss att tillfredsställa dem mer fullständigt.

Vi överlåter åt den regerande påven, som ett tecken på den vördnad och aktning Vi har för honom, Jesu Kristi ståthållare på jorden, statyn av Frälsaren gjord av Bernini, och till kejsaren, till konungen av Spanien, till konungen av Frankrike, till monsignori kardinalerna och till kurfursten av Brandenburg, ett legat till var och en av dem i enlighet med den order som därom givits till Vår arvinge.

Vi lämnar åt markisinnan Ottavia Capponi, utöver hennes livspension, tretton tusen romerska scudi, till hennes avdelning hundra scudi per år, under tio år inklusive, och till hennes dotter Cristina, ännu i barndomen, den saliga mosters försörjning efter hon dör, tills hon är gift eller går in i ett kloster.

Vi lämnar åt Porzia Giustiniani, på grund av den iver och flit hon visat i Vår tjänst, en livränta, och Vi vill att den skall ökas till värdet av markisinnan Capponi; och efter henne kommer denna försörjning att övergå till greve Giustiniani, hennes bror.

Vi lämnar åt markisen Gianmattia del Monte allt som Vi gav till den salige markisen, hans far, och Vi vill att tio tusen romerska scudi skall betalas till honom, en gång för alla, utöver den pension som tilldelats markisen hans son, och Vi befriar honom från att redogöra för det.

Vi vill också att Vår arvinge skall betala signor Santini, greve d'Alibert, abboten Cappelano, kanonikus Stefano de Marchis, svenske sekreteraren Galdenblad, Romolo Spezioli, Vår apotekare, don Francesco Camelli, kapten Francesco Landini, till Pietro Antonio Bandiera, till Alessio Spalla och hans hustru Giulia Diodata och Alessandra, dottern, försörjningen och hemgiften som de andra människorna som var engagerade i Vår tjänst hade.

Vi lämnar åt greve Wasenau, utöver den försörjning han har av den Heliga Birgitta, femhundra scudi om året.

Vi lämnar åt markisinnan Ottavia Capponi och Porzia Giustiniani Våra kläder, Våra linne och andra galanterier som de har i sitt förvar, och Vi befriar dem från att redogöra för dem.

Utöver livsförnödenheterna lämnar Vi åt Pietro Antonio Bandiera allt som hör till Vårt laboratorium, vare sig det är guld, silver, koppar och järn, samt allt annat som rör hans yrke, vilket befriar honom från att redogöra för dem.

Vi befriar likaledes kanonikus de Marchis, Vår hovmästare, från att göra en redogörelse för sin administration, med vilken Vi förklarar att Vi är fullt nöjda, och Vi ger honom enligt denna bestämmelse en riklig kvittans, liksom alla Våra andra tjänare av deras administration.

Vi beordrar Våra sekreterare att till Vår arvinge överlämna alla andra skrifter som rör Våra rättigheter, anspråk och ekonomiska intressen och att bränna alla andra skrifter som de finner hos sina sekreterariat.

Vi lämnar åt Vår arvinge alla de anspråk Vi har på Sveriges Krona och på Våra officerare, eller någon annan person som helst enligt de notiser som han kommer att dra ur våra papper.

Vi vill också att Vår arvinge tillgodoser de testamenten och andra bestämmelser som Vi har gjort genom våra bindande brev, och vill att han skall betrakta dem som uttryckta i detta patent.

Vi instiftar som Vår universelle arvinge, med ovannämnda disposition och skyldighet, signor kardinalen Decio Azzolino, till vilken Vi för sina ojämförliga egenskaper, för hans förtjänst och för de tjänster han har utfört Oss under så många år, Vi är skyldiga denna tillgivenhets-, aktnings- och tacksamhetsbetygelse.

Vi utser den regerande påven som den överste exekutör av detta testamente, smickrande Oss själva att han skall vara vänlig nog att acceptera denna Vår disposition.

Slutligen rekommenderar vi helhjärtat våra tjänare, och särskilt våra fattiga kvinnor, till skydd av påven, kejsaren, konungen av Spanien, konungen av Frankrike och vår arvinges.

Vi vill att detta skall vara Vår sista vilja och testamente, att Vi vill ha kraften i ett muntligt testamente, enligt civillagen, som om det inte vore skrivet; men om det inte kan vara giltigt som sådant, vill Vi att det skall ha kraften att ges på dödsfall, eller av något annat slag av sista vilja och läggning, bryta och ogiltigförklara varje annat testamente som helst som har gjorts och upprättats av Oss, till denna dag, genom handling av vilken notarie som helst och i vilka termer det än må vara, och önskar att detta skall få sin verkan och dess utförande inte bara på ovannämnda sätt utan också på något annat mer effektivt sätt. Till yttermera visso har Vi underskriva detta Vårt diplom med Vår penna och låtit förse det med Vårt Kungliga Sekret. Gjort i Rom den 1 mars 1689.
Kristina Alessandra.

English translation of the original (my own):

Kristina, by the grace of God, Queen of the Swedes, Goths and Vandals.
We make known how, by virtue of Our present diploma, finding Ourself again attacked by an indisposition which could shorten Our life, We have wanted, while, by the grace of God, We can think healthily of the salvation of Our soul and dispose freely of Our property, as by the full power granted to Us by God alone, We hereby dispose of it nuncupatively in the manner and in the form which follows:

First, as the Lord God has called Us into the light of the Holy Faith, which is that which the Holy Mother Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church professes, and as He has granted Us the grace and the strength to not only be able to profess it, although it has cost us, but still to persevere in it constantly, despite all the contradictions that Hell has been able to suscitate in Us, We protest with an entire resignation to the divine will to want to die in the bosom of this same Church, firmly believing that outside of it there is no salvation; and We repent with the most sincere contrition of heart of all the sins which We have committed, as offenses done to the Lord God, humbly imploring Him to grant Us the forgiveness of them which We hope to obtain from His infinite mercy, from which We have received innumerable benefits for which We also thank His Divine Majesty, and in respect of which We beg Him to forgive Us Our ingratitude. We commend Our soul to God, Our Creator and Redeemer, to the Blessed Virgin our Advocate, to Our Guardian Angel, to the Archangel Michael and to all the Saints in Heaven, begging them to assist Us at the hour of death, so that Our soul may be made worthy of eternal life.

We want Our heir to have twenty thousand masses celebrated after Our death for the repose of Our soul.

We also want Our heir to erect and institute three chaplaincies, on condition that each of them will say in perpetuity one mass per day for the repose of Our soul in the Basilica of St. Peter at Rome, under such devotion as Our heir may find appropriate, to whom We reserve the right of patronage, leaving him the freedom to give alms to the poor in such sum of money as he deems appropriate. We want Our dead body to be dressed in white and buried in the Church of the Rotunda in Rome, or in some other church, at the will of Our heir, without exposing the body on any parade bed, forbidding any funeral procession and other vanities.

The epitaph will simply be a stone with this inscription:

D. O. M.

And We want nothing more or less.

We want Our heir to pay all Our debts, if there are any.

We also want him to give mourning and Lenten treatment to Our entire court in proportion to the custom observed at the court of Rome, being very sorry that Our situation does not allow Us to gratify them more fully.

We leave to the reigning Pope, as a mark of the veneration and esteem We have for him, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, the statue of the Saviour made by Bernini, and to the Emperor, to the King of Spain, to the King of France, to Monsignori the Cardinals and to the Elector of Brandenburg, a bequest to each of them in accordance with the order given thereon to Our heir.

We leave to the Marquise Ottavia Capponi, in addition to her life pension, thirteen thousand Roman scudi, to her ward one hundred scudi a year, for ten years inclusively, and to her daughter Cristina, still in childhood, the provisions of the deceased aunt after she dies, until she is married or enters a convent.

We leave to Porzia Giustiniani, because of the zeal and diligence she has shown in Our service, a life annuity, and We want it to be increased to the value of that of the Marquise Capponi; and after her, this provision will pass to Count Giustiniani, her brother.

We leave to the Marquis Gianmattia del Monte all that we gave to the late Marquis, his father, and We want ten thousand Roman scudi to be paid to him, once and for all, in addition to the pension assigned to the Marquis his son, and We exempt him from giving an account of it.

We also want Our heir to pay Signor Santini, the Count d'Alibert, the Abbot Cappelano, Canon Stefano de Marchis, the Swedish secretary Galdenblad, Romolo Spezioli, Our apothecary, Don Francesco Camelli, Captain Francesco Landini, to Pietro Antonio Bandiera, to Alessio Spalla and his wife Giulia Diodata and Alessandra, the daughter, the provision and the dowry which the other people engaged in Our service had.

We leave to Count Wasenau, in addition to the provision he has from Saint Birgitta, five hundred scudi a year.

We leave to the Marquise Ottavia Capponi and to Porzia Giustiniani Our clothes, Our linens and other gallantries which they have in their custody, and We exempt them from giving an account of them.

In addition to the life provisions, We leave to Pietro Antonio Bandiera everything that belongs to Our laboratory, whether gold, silver, copper and iron, as well as anything else relating to his profession, exempting him from giving an account of them.

We likewise exempt the Canon de Marchis, Our majordomo, from rendering an account of his administration, with which We declare that We are fully satisfied, and we give him, under this provision, an ample receipt, as do all Our other domestics and servants of their administration.

We order Our secretaries to deliver to Our heir all other writings concerning Our rights, claims and pecuniary interests, and to burn all other writings that they find in their secretaries.

We leave to Our heir all the claims We have on the Crown of Sweden and on Our officers, or any other persons whatsoever according to the notices he will draw from Our papers.

We also want Our heir to satisfy the bequests and other provisions which we have made by Our binding letters, wanting him to regard them as expressed in this present patent.

We institute as Our universal heir, with the aforesaid disposition and obligation, Signor the Cardinal Decio Azzolino, to whom, for his incomparable qualities, for his merit, and for the services he has rendered to Us for so many years, We owe this demonstration of affection, esteem and gratitude.

We appoint the reigning Pope as the primary executor of this will, flattering Ourself that he will be kind enough to accept this Our disposition.

Finally, We wholeheartedly recommend Our domestics, and especially Our poor women, to the protection of the Pope, the Emperor, the King of Spain, the King of France, and to that of Our heir.

We want this to be Our last will and testament, that We want to have the force of a nuncupative will, according to civil law, as if it were not written; but if it cannot be valid as such, We want it to have the force of being given in mortis causa, or of some other kind of last will and disposition, breaking and annulling any other will whatsoever made and drawn up by Us, until this day, by act of any notary whatsoever and in whatever terms it may be, wishing that this will have its effect and its execution not only in the aforesaid manner, but also in any other more effective way. In witness whereof We have signed this Our present diploma with Our pen and have had it provided with Our Royal Seal. Made in Rome, this March 1, 1689.
Kristina Alessandra.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Cardinal Decio Azzolino.