Monday, April 22, 2019

My favourite portraits of Kristina

King Kristina had many portraits made of her/him/them during her/his/their lifetime, and these are my personal favourites:

1.) Painted by David Beck, circa 1650.

2.) Kristina as a toddler, late 1620s.

3.) Kristina on horseback, painted by Sébastien Bourdon, 1653.

4.) Kristina as a child, painted by Jakob Heinrich Elbfas, 1630s.

5.) Kristina as a young teenager, late 1630s to early 1640s.

6.) Kristina in a white dress, painted by David Beck, early 1650s.

7.) Kristina painted by Wolfgang Heimbach, year 1660.

8.) Kristina painted by David Beck (possibly after Sébastien Bourdon), year circa 1650.

9.) Kristina in blue by Jakob Ferdinand Voet, 1670s.

10.) Kristina with a lion, painted by Jakob Ferdinand Voet, year circa 1680.

11.) Kristina painted by Abraham Wuchters, year 1661.

12.) Kristina in costume as Minerva, painted by Justus van Egmont, year 1654, the year of Kristina's abdication.

13.) Kristina in costume as Diana, painted by Justus van Egmont, early 1650s.

14.) Kristina as Diana, painted in 1650s.

15.) Kristina, painted by David Beck, year 1650.

16.) Young Kristina painted by Jakob Heinrich Elbfas.

17.) Kristina painted by Sébastien Bourdon, 1650.

18.) Kristina painted by Sébastien Bourdon, 1650.

19.) Kristina at her/his/their coronation, painted by David Beck, 1650.

20.) Kristina painted by Jakob Heinrich Elbfas, year 1638.

21.) Kristina on horseback.

22.) Kristina painted by David Beck, year 1650.

23.) Kristina painted by David Beck.

24.) Kristina painted by David Beck.

25.) A different version of a portrait by David Beck.

26.) A different version of the portrait by Heimbach.

27.) Detail of a portrait by or possibly after Abraham Wuchters, year 1660.

28.) Another portrait by Abraham Wuchters, year 1660.

29.) Kristina painted by Elbfas, year 1641.

30.) Kristina painted by Elbfas, late 1630s.

31.) Kristina painted by Jakob Ferdinand Voet, year 1680.

32.) Older Kristina, 1660s.

33.) Kristina, year 1687, two years before her/his/their death, painted by Michael Dahl.

34.) Kristina painted by Johannes Bannier, year 1650.

35.) Kristina in royal regalia.

36.) Kristina, between 1650 and 1655.

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