Drottning Christina: en biografi, page 240, by Marie-Louise Rodén, 2008
Kristina wrote this letter to Cardinal Decio Azzolino on November 17, 1666.
The letter:
trenteCinquiesme lestre
17. 1666 — le retardement de vos lestres mont Cause dans cette semaine la plus grande inquietude du monde, et ie nen suis sorti que par la ioye davoir en fin receu Vostre Vintedeuxsiesme lestre du 23 du passe. Je vous remercie du soin que Vous tesmoingez pour ma sante qui se trouve tousiour en mesme estat Jay quitte la biere de puis quelque iours pour leau de Canelle qui est la seulle quon puisse boire en ce pays Car lon ny trouve que de Citrons povris, et toutte les austres delicatesse sont ignores de ces barbares iusques aux noms. Jay quitte la petite biere pour avoir trouve quelle me faisoit mal a lestomaque, et mon estomaque qui peut digerer le fer ny peut resister a la longe, et Vous savez que Cela marriva de mesme laustre fois. le froit excessif que nous avons souffert ces iours me fait la grace de pouvoir boire les eaux de Canelle qui cette Este faute de neige et glace, sembloit de medecine, et presentement Cet le boire le plus delicieux et honestedAlemange a mon goust en Alemange Je Crains seullement quelle ne meschauffe trop a longe. au reste Jl y a prest de trois moys que iay vne douleur estrange a mon Coste Gauge, dans la derniere interCostale. cette douleur minCommode fort tous le mouvement du Corps et mesme la respiration Cest Casi vne douleur semblable a celle que iesuse a rome, dont ie geris par le lait. Cette mesme douleur me prist en Alemange et ie la portais iusque a rome. Celle Cy est Casi de mesme mais elle nest pas au mesme endroit. les medecin ny Voye gouste, et quant on en parle Jl en raysonnent en Jgnorants. Je men vay me mestre aux lait de vasche a faute den trouver de Celluy de Cheure, pour celle dAnesses on nen trouve icy qu'a deux pies, et Jespere par ce remede me tirer daffaire.
17. 1666 — le retardement de vos lestres mont Cause dans cette semaine la plus grande inquietude du monde, et ie nen suis sorti que par la ioye davoir en fin receu Vostre Vintedeuxsiesme lestre du 23 du passe. Je vous remercie du soin que Vous tesmoingez pour ma sante qui se trouve tousiour en mesme estat Jay quitte la biere de puis quelque iours pour leau de Canelle qui est la seulle quon puisse boire en ce pays Car lon ny trouve que de Citrons povris, et toutte les austres delicatesse sont ignores de ces barbares iusques aux noms. Jay quitte la petite biere pour avoir trouve quelle me faisoit mal a lestomaque, et mon estomaque qui peut digerer le fer ny peut resister a la longe, et Vous savez que Cela marriva de mesme laustre fois. le froit excessif que nous avons souffert ces iours me fait la grace de pouvoir boire les eaux de Canelle qui cette Este faute de neige et glace, sembloit de medecine, et presentement Cet le boire le plus delicieux et honeste
Vous me donnez la meillieure nouvelle du monde en masseurent de la longe vie du pape. Je lay demande a dieu pour avoir la grace de me trouver a rome aux temps dun telle revolution et Jl ma exause. Cela fait Conoistre quon est exause quant on ne limportune pas souvent. enfin puis quon Va en Chaise roullante Je le prens pour signum sanitatis et Jl ne faut plus douter de predixions de lAbbe Joachino Car Je Jureroy advoir Veu cette figure la dedan au moins si elle ny est elle devroit y estre Car cette fonction importante merite bien que quelqu'un laye preu en esprit deux cens annes devan quelle soit arrive. mais, Consolons nous Jl y a Cinques hommes en Suede 625603238815432200412739525616938269846469346643869448688 —
Je vous envoy la lestre dAdamy qui est en fin heureusement arrive a Stokholme. Jespere dans peu Vous en pouvoir donner plus de particularites. lAmbasadeur de france escrit aux resident, quil espere de me servir utilement. le temps nous esclairsira de tout. Adamy est party d'ycy tres bien instruit et la Contenence des affaires me fait esperer du bien de sa Commission.
lentreprises de la Vile de Bresme est entierement eschoue comme Vous aurse apprix par mes precedentes. nous sommes a present sur le point dapprendre si nous aurons la paix ou grerre dans lempire; Je ne say quent Croire mais par lordinaire prochain Je panse pouvoir Vous dire affirmativement mon sentiment. Je Crains la gerre et souhaitte la paix, mais quoy quil arrive, la pauvre Suede y perdera trop, car la paix luy Coustera sa gloire et la gerre luy coustera ses Conqueste. Je Vous le dis auec dovleur, mais enfin, Jl le faut dire. Je vous prie ne Vous laisse pas remplir la teste des Chimeres des grandt dessain fondes sur largent de france. Jl ny a rien rien rien lon ne pense a rien, lon ne fait rien et lon ne ne peut rien faire, que perdre tout ce que lon a conquis. Wrangel a eu ordre de faire la paix a quelque prix que ce soit, et Jl ne ne tiens pas a luy quelle ne soit faitte, mais la Ville n'en Veut rien savoir on le trahit on le trompe, on luy broulie les Cartes dune si estrange maniere, quon ne peut enCore Comprendre quelle sera la fin de cette histoire. en Suede lon est san pain san sel son argent, nos mines rujnes tout le monde mal satisfait et aux desespoir dans vne Consternation estrange. toutte larme nest qve de six mile hommes miserables qui perisse miserablement de fim de froit et de misere. toutte nos paces sont san garnisons les magasins vides de provitions de bouche et de gerre. Voila la Veritable estat des choses Cependent ie ne Crois pas quon face la diette Jusque a la fin de lanne prochaine, ou Jl faudra la faire par force le terme estant expire mais lon la trainera le plus quon poura, ett sil est posible on nen fera rien.
Je suis ravye de voir que mon discour sur les neuveux aye este agreable a Vous et a Vos amys. Je Vous en parlerois enCore et Vous diray mon sentiments mais ie Crains que Cela ne soit plus de saison, Car ses raisonnements qui sont Commences par la Caisse des morts pour finir plus dignement merite de finir en Chaise roulante. quoy quil en arrive ie seray tousiour ennemye iure du nepotisme quoy que ie ne la soye pvs des neuveux et que peut estre ie seray vn iour la seulle amye qui leur restera Quant la Commedie sera finie, quoy que ie le seray a lors par pitie plustost que par reConoissance. Cepandant Je me fais forte de mantenir pour veritable tout ce que ie Vous ay dit de lorient et du Septentrion et ie Vous envoy une Copie dune lestre escritte de Stocholme sur se suiet quoy quelle soit un peu vieillie. Je lay receu dun pere provincial qui a passe par icy et ma Confia ce segret Adami ma tout Confirme et ma dit mervellie, mais Cet vne pitie, de Voir quon ne panse rien moin qua tout cela. mais a propos Jl faut que ie Vous dise vne nouvelle qui quoy quelle mest inCroyable a moy mesme ne laisse pas destre Creu de toutte cette Vile de Amburg. on asseure dholande que le Roy dAngleterre et son parlement se sont declares Catoliques, et que le Roy et la maison superieure sont en different avec la Chambre basse, qui sopiniatre encore dan lEresie. Je Voudrois au prix de mon sang que cette nouvelle fust veritable mais ie ne puis et nose la Croire touttefois dieux peut faire des plus grans miracles et on ne doit pas doutter ny de sa bonte ny de sa puissance, mais si cela est Vous verrez que cela produira quelque revolution en france. par lordinaire prochain Je pourois Vous dire Ce qui en est mais Cepandant ie nose me flatter de cette esperance. mais pour retourner au nepotisme preparez Vous a former des loix Contre cette peste, et ne Vous excuse pas sur la difficulte de les mestre en prattique faittes Vostre deVoir dieu fera le reste, et du moins si Vous ny reusissez Vous aurez la gloire, dune belle entreprise. que le difficultes ne Vous estonne pas rien de grand ne se peut entreprendre sans difficultes dieu Vous ayant donne le Courage de le panser Vous donnera ausi les moiens den Venir a bout, et quant Jl sera temps on Vous dira peut estre quelque Chose de plus Cepandant nourissez Ces dignes dessains aupres de Vos amis et animez les a Cette glorieuse entreprise Car Dieu exige se service deux et de Vous.
pour la protexion d'Alemange elle ne pouvoit estre dispute aux Card.l. d'Assia que par le seul S.t Antoine et Je mestonne quil aye eu daustre Competiteurs. Javois sousonne Pio Capable de cette foiblesse et suis fache de ne mestre pas trompe. est Jl possible qve cet homme soit incurable, et quil ne se rebutte iamais
pour Vous austres Vous mavez fait honeur a frascati Comme par tout alieurs ou Vous Vous sovenez de moy. ie Vous en remercie et Vous prie d'asseurer Vos amis que ie leur suis plus accquise que iamais adieu
Je Vous prie de tesmoinger a D. Pietro dArragon que ses amities mobligent et Comme Je lestime beaucoup Vous me ferez plaisir de luy demander pour moy la Continuation de son amitie
Jay oublie dans troys ov qvattre de mes presedentes de Vous dire quon a fait des senateurs nouveaux en Suede, dont lun est frere du Conte Magnus et les austre Creatures et parents Cela fera vn bon effect dans la diette Car cecla est expres Contre les Constitutions et loix du royame. le gran tresorrier a faly a mourir, mais il est revenu du danger et Jen suis ravye par ce que iauray fait vne grande perte en sa personne
English translation (my own):
35th letter [from Hamburg]
November 17, 1666 —
The delay in your letters caused me the greatest anxiety in the world this week, and I only left it with the joy of having finally received your twenty-second letter, dated the 23 of last month. I thank you for the concern you show for my health, which is still in the same condition. I left the beer a few days ago for cinnamon water, which is all one can drink in this country, because there are only rotten lemons here, and all other delicacies are ignored by these barbarians, even their names. I left the small beer after finding that it made my stomach hurt, and my stomach, which can digest iron, cannot resist it in the long run, and you know that it happened to me the same last time. The excessive cold that we have suffered these days gives me the grace to be able to drink the cinnamon water which, this summer, for lack of snow and ice, seemed to be medicine, and at present it is the most delicious and honest drink, to my taste, in Germany. I only fear that it will overheat me in the long run.
November 17, 1666 —
The delay in your letters caused me the greatest anxiety in the world this week, and I only left it with the joy of having finally received your twenty-second letter, dated the 23 of last month. I thank you for the concern you show for my health, which is still in the same condition. I left the beer a few days ago for cinnamon water, which is all one can drink in this country, because there are only rotten lemons here, and all other delicacies are ignored by these barbarians, even their names. I left the small beer after finding that it made my stomach hurt, and my stomach, which can digest iron, cannot resist it in the long run, and you know that it happened to me the same last time. The excessive cold that we have suffered these days gives me the grace to be able to drink the cinnamon water which, this summer, for lack of snow and ice, seemed to be medicine, and at present it is the most delicious and honest drink, to my taste, in Germany. I only fear that it will overheat me in the long run.
Besides, it's been almost three months since I had a strange pain on my left side, in the last intercostal. This pain impedes me very much in all the movements of my body and even just breathing. It is almost a pain similar to that which I had in Rome, which I cure by drinking milk. This same pain followed me to Germany and I carried it to Rome. It is almost the same, but it is not in the same place. The doctors see it there, and when we talk about it, they reason about it ignorantly. I am going to settle for cow's milk, for want of finding that of goat's milk; for that of donkeys, one finds here only two feet; and I hope with this remedy to get me out of trouble.
You give me the best news in the world by assuring me of the Pope's long life. I asked God for the grace to be in Rome at the time of such a revolution, and He answered me. This makes it known that one is answered when one does not bother him often. Finally, since one is going in a wheelchair, I take it for signum sanitatis, and we must no longer doubt the predictions of Father Gioachino, because I swear I saw this figure in there. At least, if it is not there, it should be there, for this important function deserves that someone had foreseen it in spirit two hundred years before it arrived. But, let us console ourselves, there are five men in Sweden who are crazier and [illegible].
I am sending you the letter from Adami, who has finally arrived in Stockholm. I hope soon to be able to give you more details. The French ambassador writes to the resident that he hopes to serve me usefully. Time will clear up everything. Adami left here very well informed, and the capacity of the business makes me hope for the good of his commission.
The business of the city of Bremen is completely failed, as you will have learned from my previous letters. We are now about to learn whether we will have peace or war in the Empire; I do not know what to believe, but by the next ordinary I think I can tell you affirmatively my feeling. I fear war and wish for peace, but whatever happens, poor Sweden will lose too much because peace will cost her her glory and war will cost her her conquests. I tell you this with pain, but finally it must be said. Please do not allow yourself to be filled with dreams, grand designs based on money from France! There is nothing, nothing, nothing! One thinks of nothing, one does nothing, and one can do nothing but lose everything that one has conquered. Wrangel has been ordered to make peace at any cost, and he does not want it made, but the city does not want to know. One betrays him, one deceives him, one clouds the issue for him in such a strange way, that one cannot yet understand what the end of this story will be.
In Sweden, we are without bread, without salt, without money, our mines ruined, everyone dissatisfied and in despair, in a strange consternation. The whole army is only six thousand miserable men, who perish miserably of hunger, cold and misery. All our emplacements are without garrisons, the stores empty of food and war supplies. This is the true state of affairs! However I do not believe that we are convening the Riksdag until the end of next year, when it will have to be done by force, the term having expired, but we will drag it out as much as we can, and if possible, nothing will be done about it.
I am delighted to see that my speech on the nephews was pleasant to you and your friends. I would talk to you about it again and tell you my feelings, but I fear that it is no longer in season, because these arguments, which are started by la caisse des morts, to finish more with dignity, deserve to end up in a wheelchair. Whatever happens, I will always be a sworn enemy of nepotism, although I am no longer with the nephews and maybe one day I will be the only friend they will have when the comedy is over, although I will then be one out of pity rather than recognition.
However, I make it a point to maintain as true all that I have told you about the East and the North, and I am sending you a copy of a letter written from Stockholm on this subject, although it is a little aged. I received it from a provincial father who passed by here and told me this secret. Adami confirmed everything to me and said wonders, but it's a pity to see that one thinks of nothing less than all this. But, by the way, I must tell you a piece of news which, although it is incredible to me, never fails to be believed by the whole city of Hamburg. It is said from Holland that the King of England and his Parliament have declared themselves Catholic, and that the King and the upper house are in dispute with the lower house, which is still obstinate in heresy. At the cost of my blood, I would like this news to be real, but I cannot and dare not believe it. However, God can do greater miracles, and one must not doubt either His goodness or His power; but, if it is, you will see that it will produce some revolution in France. By the next ordinary I will be able to tell you what is, but nevertheless I dare not flatter myself with this hope.
But, to return to nepotism, prepare to form laws against this plague, and do not apologise for the difficulty of putting them into practice! Do your duty, God will do the rest, and at least if you do not succeed, you will have the glory of a good enterprise. Do not let the difficulties surprise you! Nothing great can be undertaken without difficulty. God, having given you the courage to think about it, will also give you the means to overcome it; and when it is time, you may be told something more. However, nourish these worthy designs with your friends and animate them in this glorious enterprise, for God requires this service from them and from you.
For the protection of Germany, it could not be disputed with the Cardinal Hesse by the only Saint Antoine, and I am astonished that he had other competitors. I had suspected Pio capable of this weakness and am angry that I was not mistaken. Is it possible that this man is incurable and that he never rebels?
As for the rest of you, you have honoured me at Frascati, as at everywhere else where you remember me. I thank you for this, and please assure your friends that I am more attached to them than ever. Farewell.
I beg you to testify to Sir Pietro of Aragon that his friendships oblige me, and as I highly esteem him, you will do me the pleasure of asking him on my behalf to continue his friendship.
I forgot in three or four of my previous letters to tell you that we are making new senators in Sweden, one of whom is the brother of Count Magnus, and the others, creatures and parents. This will have a good effect in the Riksdag, as it is expressly against the constitutions and laws of the kingdom. The Grand Treasurer almost died, but he returned from danger, and I am delighted, because I would have made a great loss in his person.
Above: Kristina.
Above: Cardinal Decio Azzolino.
Above: Pope Alexander VII.
Notes: signum sanitatis = a sign of health.
Joachino = the 12th century prophet Gioacchino.
625603238815432200412739525616938269846469346643869448688 = qui sont plus fous et ...
caisse des morts = Italicism, meaning "coffin".
The letter from Stockholm is lost.
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