Från stoicism till mystik: Studier i drottning Kristinas maximer, page 213, by Sven Stolpe, 1959
Kristina wrote this letter to Cardinal Decio Azzolino on October 20, 1666.
The letter, with Kristina's spellings:
Vostre dix huitiesme lestre du 25 du passe moblige infiniment par le soin que Vous tesmoinges pour ma sante, que ie reCois avec lestime et la reconoissance que vous merites de moy
Je panse que mes presedentes geriront Vostre esprit de la Crainte que Vous avez de [chiffres effacés] en Vous faisant Connoistre que ce danger est enCore fort esloingee. Cest pour quoy Je ne mamuseray pas a Vous repondre sur le raisonnement que vous faittes sur le payement de Thexeira si ce nest de vous asseure que ie nay Jamais este si sote que de vouloir que largent de son payement passat par daustres mains que les siennes propres, et cela est Conserte ainsi depuis long temps.
Adamy qui est en Suede aura desia entame la negotiation des affermes et y donnera la derniere main et ie Vous fairay part de tout Ce qui se passe ausitost que ie le sauray. Cest luy qui fera tout. Cepandant ie Vous prie duser dvne grande preCaution en luy escrivant, Car Jl y a des forte raysons qui moblige a Vous prier de Cela qui Vous seront Coneu vn Jour mais presentement ie ne puis Vous le faire savoir Car on ne peut pas escrire Comme on parle.
pezza se trouve vn peu indispose et Jen suis en paine quoy que iespere que ce ne sera rien.
Je Vous envoy la Copie de la lestre que iay escrit au Cardl. Sforza et suis fort estonne de ce quon ne Vous la pas fait Voir Car Je ne puis avoir rien de segret pour vous Jl est Vray que la lestre ne merite pas destre veu mais enfin ie suis en Colere Contre D. Matteo qui ne Vous la pas envoies a Chet Volant et quon ne Vous la pas monstree ce qui se dit de vous est que le Cardl. Sforza disoit dans la sienne quil se scandalisoit de Vous voiant que mon interest ne Vous empechoit pas de souhaitter la [chiffre effacés] durant mon absence et iay Voulu lasseurer que nous somme daccordt si ie retrouve la lestre dv Cardl. Sforza ie Vous envoieray la Copie afin que vous puissiez attendre le Iargon de la mienne et je Vous lauray envoye Jl y a lon temps mais ie supposay que Vous leussiez veue Car faittes moy la Justice de Croire que ie nauray iamais de segrets pour vous.
les deux flottes son retires san Combat. Celle de france a perdu deux uaissaux de la leure qui sont tombe entre les mains de Anglois. lon fait dans les deux parties des preparatifs immances pour la Campange a venir et Cett gver se passera en negotiation de paix de tout Costes. la flotte des Jndes orientales des Ollandois est arrive heureuse ment en Ollande a vn Vaissaux prest que la tempeste a fait eschouer a lentre de flye et vn austre quelle a iette en ce port ou Jl atten le Vent pour passer en Ollande.
les deputes des princes du Cercle de Vestfalie son aupres de Vrangel pour tacher de renouer la negotiation la Vile bremen. Cepandant lon a envoye par vn trompette les lestre avoCatorialles a Vrangel de la part de lempire et de lempereur luy defendent de passer ovtre et ordonnant de cesser de lhostilite Contre la ditte Vile. on ne sait Comment Cela sera prix du Coste de Suede ny quelle effect cela produira. la vile bloque abbonde de tout Ce quil faut pour se Conserver et est plus fiere que iamais Ce quon appelle le Camp de Suede manque de tout ce quil faut pour subsister et pour les attaquer. tout les passages sont gardes et tout le monde iusques au roy Dannemarque se sont enhardies iusques a oser empecher les secours aux Suedois. Je plaines la Couronne et le Conestable, Car Cette malheureuse et sotte entreprise Va Couster a lun et a laustre leur Gloire et leur reputation Car la Suede ne se peut plus sauver que par vn traitte Alexandrin. Je Vous ay dit que Je Croiois quon feroit vne diette en Suede ie ne say si cela arrivera cet yver, mais si cela Ce fait, Jl faudra que la Suede se saue par miracle dune revolution Car tout sy dispose dune maniere que ie tiens quelle est Jnfalible. et si Cela arive ie seray fort empeche de ma personne, mais ie Vous feray savoir mes resolutions Car ie suis encore fort irresolue. Cepandt Je vous puis asseurer quil ny a poin de lieu plus propre au monde pour attendre les gravs euenements qui se prepare de toutte parts, que cette ville. la timidite de Thexeira ne Vous doit pas estonner elle excede san doutte les messures mais neamoins Jl est bon de se preCautionner Car lenvie de regner fait faire des estranges Choses et en Suede Comme alieurs on sayt emploier le poingart et le poyson, et a vous dire le Vray ie Crois quon me prepare et lun et laustre pour sortir daffaire avec moy, Car ma presence les Chagrine et les inquiette plus que Vous ne panses, et lamour de la nation pour moy quelque grandt quil soit ne suffit pas povr men garantir, Car si iestois moins ayme et desiree iauray moins a Craindre. neamoins Croies que ce nest pas la Crainte qui retarde mon Voyage de Svede cest lestat des Choses qui moblige dattendre ycy a pie ferme les evenements, Car Je Juge ce lieux iusques icy plus propre que la Suede pour mes intentions. Car ma demeure icy produit damirables effects et desia la Suede est presuade quil ne tien pas a moy que ie ne sois en Suede, et sait que ie suis empeche par la Cruaute de Ceux qui sy oppose et Cela augmente lamour envers moy, et laversion et la haine enver les auteurs et fait quen Conservant ma liberte, ie fais pour moy vn Coup destat admirable, et suis prest a touts evenements, en estat de pouvoir prendre party sur le Cham, ce que ie feray quant il sera temps le plus a propos quil me sera possible et Vous seres averty de tout
Jattens auec Jmpacience dapprendre des novvelles de Uostre Conferance auec le duc de Chaune, et Je ne manqueray pas de faire savoir a de Lionne ce qve Uous souhaittes et de bonne maniere et le feray san y manquer a la primiere occasion qve iauray a luy escrire.
Vous pouvez disposer a faver du Duc de Nortumbrie et de qui Vous plaira des mes Chevax et de mes Carosse et de touts ce que iay. pour la pension ie souhaitte quil laye et le luy tesmoingeray moy mesme, et Vous pouuez len asseurer de ma part
Je suis bien fache dapprendre que Monsigor Azzolino se porte encore mal. Je uous prie donne men des nouvelles Car Comme sest vne personne qui Vous est Chere Jl me lest ausi et le doit estre puis quil est Vostre frere pour le reste nos amis donne men ausi des nouvelles et Conserve moy dans leur souvenir et leur faisant de ma part mes amities. adieu
Je ne repons pas a Vostre Chiffre Car Je ne puis ny Changer des sentiments ny Vous les faire Conoistre sen Vous offencer. adieu
Ryter nest pas et ie Vous ay manty deux foix sur la foix de Thexeira sur son suiet.
English translation (my own):
31st letter from Hamburg, October 20, 1666 —
Your eighteenth letter, dated the 25th of last month, obliges me immeasurably by the concern you show for my health, which I receive with the esteem and recognition that you deserve from me.
Your eighteenth letter, dated the 25th of last month, obliges me immeasurably by the concern you show for my health, which I receive with the esteem and recognition that you deserve from me.
I think my previous letters will heal your mind of your fear of [numbers erased] by letting you know that this danger is still far away. This is why I will not amuse myself answering you on the reasoning that you make on Texeira's payment, except to assure you that I have never been so foolish as to want that money from his payment passed through other hands than his own, and this has been agreed upon for a long time.
Adami, who is in Sweden, will have already started the negotiation of the estates and will give the final touches, and I will tell you everything that happens as soon as I know it. He will do everything. However, I ask you to use great caution in writing to him, because there are strong reasons which oblige me to beseech you about this, which will be known to you one day, but, at present, I cannot make them known for you, because one cannot write as one speaks.
Pezza is a bit indisposed, and I am in pain, although I hope it will be nothing.
I am sending you the copy of the letter I wrote to Cardinal Sforza, and am very surprised that you have not been shown it, for I cannot have anything secret from you. It is true that the letter does not deserve to be seen, but still I am angry with Don Matteo, who did not send it to you by post, and that it was not shown to you. What is said about you is that Cardinal Sforza said in his letter that he was scandalised at you, seeing that my interest did not prevent you from wishing for the [numbers erased] during my absence, and I wanted to assure him that we agree. If I find Cardinal Sforza's letter, I will send you the copy, so that you can hear the jargon of mine, and I would have sent it to you a long time ago, but I assumed that you would have seen it, because do me the justice to believe that I will never keep secrets from you.
The two fleets withdrew without a fight. That of France lost two vessels of theirs which fell into the hands of the English. On both sides, immense preparations are being made for the coming campaign, and this war will take place in peace negotiations on all coasts. The fleet of the Dutch East Indies arrived happily in Holland, to a close vessel, which the storm made run aground at the entry of Flye, and another which it threw in this port where it awaits the wind to pass in Holland.
The deputies of the princes of the circle of Westphalia are with Wrangel to try to resume negotiations with the city of Bremen. However, the lawyer's letters to Wrangel on behalf of the Empire and the Emperor were sent by a rumour-monger, forbidding him to overrule and ordering to cease hostility against the said city. We do not know how it will be taken on the Swedish side, or what effect it will produce. The stranded city abounds with everything it takes to conserve itself and is more proud than ever. What is called "the Swedish camp" lacks everything needed to survive and to attack them. All the passages are guarded, and everyone, up to the King of Denmark, has emboldened himself to the point of daring to prevent aid to the Swedes. I feel sorry for the Crown and the Constable, because this unfortunate and foolish enterprise will cost both of them their glory and their reputation, because Sweden can only be saved by an Alexandrian treaty.
I told you I thought that the Riksdag would be convened in Sweden. I do not know if it will happen this winter, but if it does it will be necessary that Sweden is saved by miracle of a revolution, because everything is available there in a way that I wish that it is infallible. And if that happens, I will be very much prevented from [going there] in person; but I will let you know my resolutions, for I am still very undecided. However, I can assure you that there is no place cleaner in the world, to await the serious events which are being prepared on all sides, than this city.
Texeira's timidity should not surprise you. It is probably beyond measure, but nevertheless it is good to be cautious, because the desire to reign makes one do strange things, and, in Sweden as elsewhere, one knows how to use the dagger and the poison and, to tell you the truth, I believe that both are preparing me for getting out of business with me; because my presence grieves and worries them more than you think, and the nation's love for me, however great it may be, is not enough to guarantee me, because if I was less loved and desired, I would have less to fear. Nevertheless, believe that it is not fear that delays my trip from Sweden: it is the state of things that forces me to wait firmly here for events, because I judge this place, so far, cleaner than Sweden for my intentions. My residence here produces admirable effects, and already Sweden is convinced that it is not up to me that I am not in Sweden and knows that I am prevented by the cruelty of those who oppose it; and it increases the love towards me and the aversion and hatred towards the authors, and makes that by preserving my freedom, I am making for myself an admirable coup d'état, and am ready for all events, in a state of power to take sides on the spot, which I will do when it is most timely, and you will be notified of everything.
I look forward to hearing from your conference with the Duke de Chaulnes, and I will be sure to let de Lionne know what you want, and in a good way, and will do it without fail at the first opportunity that I will have to write to him.
You can get rid, for the Duke of Northumberland and whomever you please, of my horses and my coaches and all that I have. As for the pension, I wish he had it, and I will testify to him myself, and you can assure me of it.
I am very sorry to hear that Monsignor Azzolino is still in bad shape. Please give me news, because as he is a person dear to you, he is dear to me too and should be since he is your brother. As for the rest of our friends, also give me news and keep me in their memory, and continue for them, on my behalf, my friendships. Farewell.
I'm not answering your cipher, because I can neither change my feelings nor make them known to you without offending you. Farewell.
Ruyter is not wounded, and I lied to you twice, on Texeira's faith, on that subject.
Above: Kristina.
Above: Cardinal Decio Azzolino.
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