Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Whitelocke's anecdote on him joining Kristina horseback riding, her info-dumping to him and her other friends about her favourite authors and books, and someone telling him of Kristina's intention to abdicate, dated February 13/23 (Old Style), 1654


A journal of the Swedish ambassy, in the years M.DCC.LIII. and M.DCC.LIV., volume 1, pages 432 to 433, Bulstrode Whitelocke, 1772

The anecdote:

The queen sent to Whitelocke to beare her company to take the aier on horse-backe, which he did; and by the way she had some little touches with him about his treaty: att their returne to the castle, she intertained Piementelle, Montecuculi, and Whitelocke with pleasant discourse two howers togither.

She spake of most noted authors who had written in the italian, french, latin, greek, and other languages; and before all the rest she commended Petronius. Whitelocke asked her if she had seen a booke lately written in latin by one Milton, an englishman, and how she liked his stile; she highly commended the matter of part of it, and the language.

Then she fell into the prayse of Germanicus, and severall other worthies, Greekes and Romans, and showed her great knowledge in history and in the sciences.

One informed Whitelocke, as a great secret, that the queen intended to quit the crown; and said, that she had proposed it to her counsell of senators, and that she purposed to retire herselfe unto a private life: that the senators were much troubled att it, and sought to disswade her majesty from any such intention; butt that she continued very resolute in her purpose, and sought for a seasonable time and opportunity to effect it.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Bulstrode Whitelocke.

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