Thursday, June 13, 2019

Kristina's letter to her uncle Count Palatine Johan Kasimir, dated October 12/22 (Old Style), 1639

Twelve year old Kristina wrote this letter in Latin to her uncle, Count Palatine Johan Kasimir, on October 12/22 (Old Style), 1639.


Drotning Christinas Arbeten och Märkwärdigheter, volume 1, page 108, translated by Carl Christoffer Gjörwell, 1760

The letter:

Serenissime & Illustrissime Princeps, Affinis Charissime,
Dilect. Vestr. literæ duæ heri mihi allatæ sunt, de quibus si quid responsi darem, putabam operæ pretium me facturam. Intelligo ex literis ordinariis Comitem Palatinum debere suscipere exercitum Weimariensem: (quandoquidem esset optandum:) Dominus Thesaurarius mihi heri scripsit misitque relationes in quibus inter alia hæc continebantur: ex quibus hæc tantum paucissimus verbis referre existimamus, Neo-Brisacum habet multos amatores adeoque ex ejus amore insaniunt Reges & Principes: Angliæ Rex non sibi sed nepotibus suis defuncti Friderici liberis in sequestrum tradit, eumque in finem multas pecunias Wimmariensis Militiæ Tribunis obtulit. Galliæ Rex similiter his aureos pollicetur Montes, modo Brisacensem Civitatem sibi cedere velint, quæ sponsæ instar, omnes in suæ amorem illexit, ita ut dubium sit, quisquam procorum tot corrivalis ejusdem thalamo foret gavisurus. Hæc non potui intermittere, quin Tibi referrem, ut videre possit Dilect. Vest. quantum omnes vereantur illam urbem.

Precor ut Deus velit conservare Dilect. Vest. diuturna valetudine, quod ex animo voveo.
Dab. Vlfsundæ d. 12 Oct. A. 1639.
Dilect. Vest. Addictissima Christina R. S.

Swedish translation (by Gjörwell):

Durchlautigaste Förste, Kärälskelige Frände.
I går inhändigade jag twänne Eders Kärlighets bref, hwilka jag härmedelst will beswara. Med den wanliga Posten ser jag, at Pfaltzgrefwen skal antaga befälet öfwer Weimarska Krigshären, hwilket wore en önskelig sak. Herr Skattmästaren skref mig til i går och skickade mig åtskilliga berättelser, utur hwilka jag korteligen wil meddela Eders Kärlighet följande nyheter. Ny-Brisach har många friare, så at både Konungar och Förstar äro häftigt kära i densamma. Konungen i Ängland wil ej hafwa den för sig, men låta taga orten i besitning för sina Systersöner, den afledna Kurförste Fredrics barn, och har til den ändan budit Generalerne wid Weimarske Armeen stora penningesummor. Konungen i Frankrike lofwar dem likaledes gyllene berg, om de i hans händer lämna Staden Brisach, hwilken som en brud gjort dem alla så kära i sig, at det är twifwelagtigt, hwilken af så många friare änteligen blifwer ägare af densamma. Jag har ej kunnat underlåta, at berätta Eders Kärlighet detta, på det Eders Kärlighet derutaf kan intaga, huru angelägen och wigtig denna orten synes dem alla. Jag beder Gud och önskar af alt mit hjerta, at Han må bewara Eders Kärlighet wid en beständig hälsa; och är jag altid
Eders Kärlighets
Ulfsunda, d. 12 Oct. 1639.

French translation (by Arckenholtz):

Sérénissime & Illustrissime Prince, mon très-cher Cousin. On me rendit hier deux lettres de Votre Dilection, auxquelles je crois qu'il me convient de faire quelque réponse. J'apprens par les lettres ordinaires que le Comte Palatin doit prendre le commandement de l'Armée de Weimar: (ce qui seroit à souhaiter:) Monsieur le Thrésorier m'écrivit hier & m'envoïa des relations qui portoient, entre autres choses ceci, dont nous jugeons devoir vous faire part en peu de mots: que le Neuf-Brisach a beaucoup d'amans. Les Rois mêmes & les Princes l'aiment à la folie. Le Roi d'Angleterre veut qu'on le mette en sequestre, non pour lui, mais pour ses Neveux les fils de feu Frédéric Comte Palatin, & il a offert pour cela de grandes sommes d'argent aux principaux Officiers de l'Armée de Weimar. Le Roi de France leur promet pareillement des monts d'or, pourvû qu'ils lui veuillent céder la ville de Brisach, qui comme une Epouse les a tous rendus amoureux d'elle, de sorte qu'on ne sait, lequel de tant de rivaux, jouira de sa couche nuptiale. C'est ce que je n'ai pu me dispenser de vous marquer, afin que Votre Dilection puisse voir combien les uns & les autres considérent cette ville. Je prie Dieu qu'il veuille conserver longtems Votre Dilection en bonne santé, ce que je souhaite de tout mon cœur, à Vlfsund. ...
de Votre Dilection
la très-dévouée
CHRISTINE Reine de Suède.

English translation (from source 2; very last sentence my own translation):

Most Serene and Illustrious Prince, and dear Cousin,
I received from your lovingness two letters yesterday, to which I think it worth while to send an answer. I understand from ordinary letters that the Count Palatine is to take Weimar's army (an excellent plan). Mr. Treasurer wrote to me yesterday, and told me amongst other things this — in a word, that Brisach has many lovers. Kings and princes are quite mad for love of her; the King of England wants her to be set aside not for himself, but his nephews the late Frederic's sons, and to that end has handed over large sums to the officers of Weimar's army. The French king is promising them likewise mountains of gold, provided they give him Brisach, who like a bride has lured them all on to love her, so that it is doubtful which of all these rival princes will enjoy the nuptial couch. I couldn't refrain from letting your lovingness know this, to let you see how fond they all are of that city.

I pray God to keep your lovingness in good health for a very long time; I wish this with all my heart.
Written from Ulvsunda, October 12, 1639.
Your lovingness's most devoted Kristina, Queen of Sweden

English translation (my own):

Most Serene and Illustrious Prince, my beloved Cousin,
Two letters from Your Lovingness were returned to me yesterday, to which I believe it is appropriate for me to reply. I learn from the ordinary letters that the Count Palatine is to take command of the army of Weimar (which is to be hoped). Monsieur the Treasurer wrote to me yesterday and sent me reports which bore, among other things this, of which we deem it necessary to tell you in a few words that New Breisach has many lovers. Even kings and princes love her madly. The King of England wants her to be set aside, not for himself, but for his nephews, the sons of the late Count Palatine Friedrich, and he has offered large sums of money for this to the principal officers of the Army of Weimar. The King of France similarly promises them mountains of gold, provided they cede to him the town of Breisach, which, like a wife, has made them all in love with her, so that we do not know which of so many rivals will enjoy her nuptial bed. This is what I could not avoid telling you, so that Your Lovingness can see how much each and everyone considers this city. I pray to God that He will keep Your Lovingness in good health for a long time, which I wish with all my heart.
Your Lovingness's
most devoted
Kristina, Queen of Sweden.
Given at Ulvsunda, October 12, 1639.

Above: Kristina, year 1638.

Above: Johan Kasimir.

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