Thursday, June 13, 2019

"Obligatory letter", dated October 28/November 7 (Old Style), 1636


Королева Кристина (Koroleva Kristina), by Boris Grigoriev

Memoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 4, page 191, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1760

Historische Merkwürdigkeiten, die Königinn Christina von Schweden betreffend, volume 4, page 264, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1760

Christina, Queen of Sweden: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric, page 52, by Veronica Buckley, 2004

"Voici la promesse que fit par écrit la jeune Reine de parler Latin avec son Précepteur. Elle est du 28. Octobre 1636."

"Here is the promise the young Queen made in writing to speak Latin with her preceptor. It is of October 28, 1636." - Arckenholtz

Kristina wrote and signed this letter for her/his/their tutor, Johannes Matthiae Gothus, on October 28/November 7 (Old Style), 1636. The nine year old Kristina, using the "royal We", sheepishly admits that she did not speak to her tutor in Latin and promises to speak in Latin next time.

The letter:

Literæ Obligatoriæ.
Nos infra scriptæ promittimus et astringimus nos hac nostra obligatione, nos posthac velle loqui latinè cum nostro præceptore. antea quidem promisimus jdem, sed promisso non stetimus. deinceps Deo auxiliante, Volumus servare jd, quod nunc promisimus. proximo a die lunæ, Deo volente incipiemus hoc nostrum exercitium. In ulteriorem Certificationem has literas manu propria Scripsimus, eisq. Subsripsimus.
Actum Stocholmiæ die 28 octobris 1636.

With modernised spelling (with Kristina's spelling mistakes preserved as much as possible):

Literæ obligatoriæ.
Nos infra scriptæ promittimus et a[d]stringimus Nos hac nostra obligatione, Nos posthac velle loqui Latine cum Nostro præceptore. Antea quidem promisimus idem, sed promisso non stetimus. Deinceps, Deo auxiliante, volumus servare id quod nunc promisimus. Proximo a die lunæ, Deo volente, incipiemus hoc Nostrum exercitium. In ulteriorem certificationem has litteras manu propria scripsimus, eisque subs[c]ripsimus. Actum Stockholmiæ, die 28 octobris 1636.

With modernised spelling:

Literæ obligatoriæ.
Nos infra scriptæ promittimus et adstringimus Nos hac Nostra obligatione, Nos posthac velle loqui Latine cum Nostro præceptore. Antea quidem promisimus idem, sed promisso non stetimus. Deinceps, Deo auxiliante, volumus servare id quod nunc promisimus. Proximo a die lunæ, Deo volente, incipiemus hoc Nostrum exercitium. In ulteriorem certificationem has litteras manu propria scripsimus, eisque subscripsimus. Actum Stockholmiæ, die 28 octobris 1636.

Arckenholtz's transcript of the letter (he corrected Kristina's spelling):

Literæ obligatoriæ.
Nos infra scriptæ promittimus & adstringimus nos hac nostra obligatione posthac velle loqui Latine cum nostro Præceptore. Antea quidem promisimus idem, sed promisso non stetimus. Deinceps, Deo auxiliante, volumus servare id quod nunc promisimus. Proximo a die Lunæ, Deo volente, incipiemus hoc nostrum exercitium. In ulteriorem certificationem has literas manu propria scripsimus, eisque subscripsimus. Actum Stockholmiæ, die 28. Octobris 1636.

German translation (by Arckenholtz):

Wir Endes unterschriebene versprechen und verpflichten uns durch unsre gegenwärtige Verschreibung, daß wir in Zukunft mit unserm Lehrmeister Latein reden wollen. Vorher haben wir eben dieß zwar versprochen, aber nicht Wort gehalten. Künftig wollen wir mit Gottes Hülfe halten, was wir nun versprechen. Nächstkünftigen Montag, wo Gott will, wollen wir diese unsre Uebung anfangen. Zu mehrerer Versicherung haben wir diesen Brief eigenhändig geschrieben und underzeichnet. Geschehen zu Stockholm, den 28ten des Weinmonates 1636.

Translation into reconstructed Early Modern Swedish (my own):

Wij undertecknade lofwa och förplichta oß medh wårt præsente breff att wij skole tahla medh wår Præceptor på Latijn i frambtijden. Wij lofwade dhetta tijdigare, men wij höllo icke wårt ordh. I frambtijden, medh Gudz hielp, wele wij holla hwadh wij lofwa. Nästa Mondagh, om Gudh will, skola wij begynna wår öffningh. Till yttermehra wißo hafwe wij skrifwit och undertecknat dhetta breff medh eghen handh. Actum Stockholm dhen 28 Octobris 1636.

Contemporary Swedish translation (my own):

Vi undertecknade lovar och förbinder oss med vårt nuvarande brev att vi skall tala med vår läremäster på latin i framtiden. Vi lovade detta tidigare, men vi höll inte vårt ord. I framtiden, med Guds hjälp, vill vi hålla vad vi lovar. Nästa måndag, om Gud vill det, skall vi börja vår övning. Vi har skrivit och undertecknat detta brev med vår egen hand till yttermera visso. Gjort i Stockholm den 28 oktober 1636.

English translation (with signature; from source 2):

Obligatory Letter
We, the undersigned, promise and bind ourselves by this one bond that in future we will speak Latin with our tutor. We promised before, but did not keep our promise. Henceforth, with God's help, we will do what we promise. Next Monday, God willing, we will begin this our task. For future certainty we have written this letter with our own hand and signed it.
Given at Stockholm, October 28, 1636.

Above: Kristina as a child.

Above: Johannes Matthiae Gothus.

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