Saturday, September 11, 2021

Excerpt from Karl Gustav's letter to Count Palatine Johan Kasimir, dated October 3/13 (Old Style), 1640


Handlingar rörande Sveriges äldre, nyare och nyaste historia; samt historiska personer, volumes 1 through 3, edited by Count Georg Adlersparre, 1830

The letter excerpt:

J'arriva le 26 du passe heureusement icy à la cour, ou j'ay trouvé tous (Dieu mercy) en fôrt bonne santé. Ayant presenté les lettres de VA à Sa Majesté et à mes soeurs, le lendemain je faisois la mesme chose à Messieurs le Drotz et le Grand Chancelier. ...
De Stockholm le
3 d'October L'an

English translation (my own):

I arrived on the 26th of last month at court, and I found everyone, thank God, in good health. Having presented Your Highness's letters to Her Majesty and my sisters, the next day I did the same for the Steward and the Chancellor. ...
From Stockholm, October 3, 1640.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Karl Gustav.

Above: Johan Kasimir.

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