Saturday, September 11, 2021

Kristina's letter to Count Per Brahe, dated February 16, 1669


Mémoires concernant Christine, volume 2, page 133, Johan Arckenholtz, 1751

The letter:

Mon Cousin. C'est avec étonnement que j'ai appris la violence dont on a usé pour me déposséder de mes droits contre la justice & la raison. Mais ce qui me console, est de savoir que vous n'avez pas sousigné cette éxécution, étant persuadé que votre prudence aussi bien que l'amitié que vous avez pour moi ne vous ont pas permis de consentir à une si injuste & dangereuse résolution. J'espére que vous soutiendrez toûjours la justice de mes intérêts & que Vous tâcherez par votre autorité d'apporter reméde à un tel désordre pour me rendre d'autant plus redevable à votre affection, & me remettant à ce que vous dira le Sr. Rosenbach de ma part, je prie Dieu qu'il vous tienne en sa sainte garde. Rome ce 16. Févr. 1669.
M. Santini.

English translation (my own):

My Cousin,
It was with astonishment that I learned of the violence that was used to dispossess me of my rights, against justice and reason. But what consoles me is knowing that you did not endorse this execution, being convinced that your prudence as well as the friendship which you have for me did not allow you to consent to such an unjust and dangerous resolution. I hope that you will always support the justice of my interests and that you will try by your authority to remedy such a disorder to make me all the more indebted to your affection, and, remitting me to what Sir Rosenbach will tell you on my part, I pray to God that He will keep you in His holy protection. Rome, February 16, 1669.
Kristina Alexandra.
M. Santini.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Per Brahe.

Note: In accordance with the nobility's ideals in the early modern era, kings and queens considered themselves siblings; when talking to someone of a lower rank than their own, they would refer to that person as "my cousin", regardless of whether or not they were related.

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