Historia della Sacra Real Maestà di Cristina Alessandra Regina di Svetia, pages 93 to 94, by Count Galeazzo Galdo Priorato, 1656
The history of the sacred and Royal Majesty of Christina Alessandra Queen of Swedland, &c., book 3, translated by John Burbury, 1658
The letter:
Charissimæ in Christo filiæ nostræ Christinæ Sueciæ Reginæ Illustri. ALEXANDER PAPA VII. Charissima in Christo filia nostra salutem, & Apostolicam benedictionem. Vbi primùm allatum Nobis est, Maiestatem tuam apud Bruxellas Romanæ, hoc est Catholicæ, fidei integritatem, licet non palam, amplexam, è veterum errorum colluuione emersisse, nouamquè per Spiritum Sanctum creatam in ea esse Sapientiam, in quam nihil inquinatum incurrit, quantum gaudium ad intimum animi sensum permanauerit, nulla tanta est in verbis vis, & magnitudo, qua in exequi, aut exprimere dicendo possimus. Hanc sanè multò maximam lætitiam, cui vix quicquam adijci posse videbatur, summoperè auxit huc à Te institutum inter; vt Apostolorum trophæa, & Fidem Apostolico ore laudatam, Nosquè, quos licet immeritos Petri, atquè sui ipsius vice terris præesse Christus voluit, venereris. Qua in re non modò præclarissimorum Principum immortales laudes æquæbis, qui sibi gloriosum dux erunt, triumphales fasces, & lauream ad Piscatoris, Romanorumquè Pontificum pedes deponere, verum etiam ab ipsa Vrbe, rectè sentiendi, docendiquè Magistra, hauries veræ, at Cælestis doctrinæ præcepta. Quoniam tamen non sinè aliqua eorum iacturæ qui sibi inanem scientiæ opinionem induerunt, & apud semetipsos solum prudentes sunt, tantum lumen adhuc sub modio conditur, debet tandem excelso è loco omnibus prælucere, vt & illi per hæc exempla, & vestigia ingrediantur. Mittimus ad Maiestatem tuam dilectum filium Lucam Holstenium, Domesticum nostrum, & Prothonotarium Apost[o]licum, S. Petri Basilicæ Canonicum, & Vaticanæ nostræ Bibliothecæ Custodem, virum omniŭ litterarum eruditione, ac singulari pietate nobis eximiè charum; qui tibi publicè Catholicam Fidĕ ex veteri, & recepto Romanæ Ecclesiæ more profitenti adsit, & à quo pluribus nostræ erga te charitatis, voluptatisquè perceptæ immensa planè vis explicetur. Certissimam autem in spem adducimur ab eomet, qui adeò misericorditer in te aperatus est salutem, nihil omissuram Maiestatem tuam, vt amplissimi huius beneficij se non indignam ostendat, summoquè in hanc Sanctam Sedem obsequio, obnixaque obedientia omnibus testaturam, se Catholicam Fidem ardenter concupijsse, flagrantissimequè suscepisse. Ab eodem Luca, & paternam nostram amantissimam benedictionem, & plura in hanc sententiam accipiet Maiestas tua, cui à Deo felicitatem, atquè vt eam, quam dextera sua mirabiliter in te fecit, virtutem confirmet, impensissimè precamur. Datum Romæ apud Sanctam Mariam Maiorem sub Annulo Piscatoris, die x. Octobris 1655. Pontificatus Nostri Anno Primo. Natalis Rondininus.
With modernised spelling:
Carissimæ in Christo filiæ nostræ, Christinæ Sueciæ Reginæ Illustri.
Alexander Papa VII.
Carissima in Christo filia nostra, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Ubi primum allatum nobis est, Majestatem Tuam apud Bruxellas Romanæ, hoc est Catholicæ, fidei integritatem, licet non palam, amplexam, e veterum errorum colluvione emersisse, novamque per Spiritum Sanctum creatam in ea esse sapientiam, in quam nihil inquinatum incurrit, quantum gaudium ad intimum animi sensum permanaverit, nulla tanta est in verbis vis, et magnitudo, qua in exequi, aut exprimere dicendo possimus.
Hanc sane multo maximam lætitiam, cui vix quicquam adiici posse videbatur, summopere auxit huc à te institutum inter, ut apostolorum trophæa, et fidem apostolico ore laudatam, nosque, quos licet immeritos Petri, atque sui ipsius vice terris præesse Christus voluit, venereris. Qua in re non modo præclarissimorum principum immortales laudes æquabis, qui sibi gloriosum dux erunt, triumphales fasces, et lauream ad Piscatoris, Romanorumque pontificum pedes deponere, verum etiam ab ipsa Urbe, recte sentiendi, docendique magistra, hauries veræ, at cælestis doctrinæ præcepta. Quoniam tamen non sine aliqua eorum jacturæ qui sibi inanem scientiæ opinionem induerunt, et apud semetipsos solum prudentes sunt, tantum lumen adhuc sub modio conditur, debet tandem excelso e loco omnibus prælucere, ut et illi per hæc exempla, et vestigia ingrediantur.
Mittimus ad Majestatem Tuam dilectum filium Lucam Holstenium, domesticum nostrum, et prothonotarium apostolicum, Sancti Petri Basilicæ canonicum, et Vaticanæ nostræ Bibliothecæ custodem, virum omnium litterarum eruditione, ac singulari pietate nobis eximie carum, qui tibi publice catholicam fide ex veteri, et recepto Romanæ Ecclesiæ more profitenti adsit, et à quo pluribus nostræ erga te caritatis, voluptatisque perceptæ immensa plane vis explicetur. Certissimam autem in spem adducimur ab eomet, qui adeo misericorditer in te aperatus est salutem, nihil omissuram Majestatem Tuam, ut amplissimi hujus beneficii se non indignam ostendat, summoque in hanc Sanctam Sedem obsequio, obnixaque obedientia omnibus testaturam, se catholicam fidem ardenter concupisse, flagrantissimeque suscepisse.
Ab eodem Luca, et paternam nostram amantissimam benedictionem, et plura in hanc sententiam accipiet Majestas Tua, cui a Deo felicitatem, atque ut eam, quam dextera sua mirabiliter in te fecit, virtutem confirmet, impensissimè precamur. Datum Romæ apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem sub Annulo Piscatoris, die 10 octobris 1655, pontificatus nostri anno primo.
Natalis Rondininus.
French translation (my own):
A Notre très chère fille en Christ, l'illustre Reine Christine de Suède.
Pape Alexandre VII.
Notre très chère fille en Christ, Nos salutations et Notre bénédiction apostolique. Lorsqu'il Nous a été rapporté pour la première fois que Votre Majesté avait embrassé, bien que non ouvertement, l'intégrité de la foi romaine, c'est-à-dire catholique, qu'elle était sortie de la saleté d'anciennes erreurs et que la nouvelle sagesse créée par le Saint-Esprit est venu en elle, dans lequel rien de souillé n'entre — il n'y a aucune force ou grandeur dans les mots avec lesquels Nous pouvons exécuter ou exprimer la grande joie qui est entrée dans Notre âme.
Bien sûr, ce très grand bonheur, auquel il semblait qu'on ne pouvait presque rien ajouter, était considérablement augmenté par son intention de venir ici, afin qu'elle puisse louer les trophées des apôtres, la foi qui elle-même a été louée de bouche par les apôtres, et Nous, que le Christ a voulu présider sur la terre à la place de Pierre et de lui-même, bien qu'à tort. En cette matière, non seulement elle égalera les louanges immortelles des princes les plus illustres, princes qui, pour leur gloire, ont déposé leurs fardeaux triomphaux et leurs lauriers aux pieds du Pêcheur et du pontife romain, mais elle sera également instruite dans les préceptes de la vérité et de la doctrine céleste par la Cité elle-même et par les maîtres de la pensée et de la connaissance justes. Parce que, cependant, non sans quelque perte pour ceux qui se sont revêtus d'une vaine opinion de la science et ne sont sages qu'entre eux, tant de lumière est encore cachées sous la lampe, elle doit enfin briller d'un haut lieu vers tous, ainsi qu'eux aussi puissent entrer par ces exemples et ces étapes.
Nous envoyons à Votre Majesté Notre très cher fils Luc Holstenius, Notre domestique, protonotaire apostolique, chanoine de la Basilique Saint-Pierre et gardien de Notre Bibliothèque Vaticane, homme de savoir en toutes lettres d'une piété singulière, et très cher à Nous, qui vous aidera à professer publiquement la foi catholique depuis l'ancienne à la manière de l'Église romaine, et l'immense force de Notre affection pour elle et du plaisir que Nous en sentons sera pleinement expliquée par lui. Mais Nous sommes portés à l'espérance la plus certaine par celui qui vous a si miséricordieusement ouvert le salut, qu'il ne laissera rien à Votre Majesté, afin qu'elle ne se montre pas indigne de cette grande faveur, et qu'elle en témoigne le Saint-Siège avec la plus haute soumission et une obéissance liée à tout ce qu'elle a ardemment désiré la foi catholique et l'a reçue très ardemment.
De la part du même Luc, et de Notre bénédiction paternelle très aimante, et plus encore sur cette intention, Nous prions ardemment que Votre Majesté reçoive le bonheur de Dieu, et qu'Il puisse fortifier le courage que sa main droite a merveilleusement forgé en elle. Donné à Rome à Sainte Marie Majeure sous l'Anneau du Pêcheur, le 10 octobre 1655, la première année de Notre pontificat.
Natalis Rondininus.
Swedish translation (my own):
Till Vår käraste dotter i Kristus, den durchlauchtigsta drottning Kristina av Sverige.
Påven Alexander VII.
Vår käraste dotter i Kristus, Våra hälsningar och apostoliska välsignelser. När det först kom till Oss att Ers Majestät hade omfamnat, men inte öppet, den romerska, det vill säga katolska, trons integritet, att hon hade kommit ur smutsen av gamla villfarelser och att den nya visdom skapad av den Helige Ande kom inom Er, in i vilken inget orent kommer — det finns ingen kraft eller storhet i ord som Vi kan utföra eller uttrycka den stora glädje som kom in i Vår själ.
Naturligtvis ökades denna mycket stora lycka, till vilken det tycktes knappast någonting kunna läggas till, i hög grad av Er avsikt att komma hit, så att Ni kan prisa apostlarnas troféer, den tro som själv har muntligen prisats av dessa apostlar och Oss, som Kristus ville presidera över jorden i stället för Petrus och honom själv, fastän det oförtjänt. I denna fråga kommer Ni inte bara att motsvara de odödliga lovprisningarna från de mest berömda furstarna, furstar som för sin ära lade ner sina triumfbördor och lagrar vid foten av fiskaren och den romerske påven, utan Ni kommer också att bli undervisade i föreskrifter om sanning och himmelsk doktrin av staden själv och av mästare av rätt tänkande och kunskap. Eftersom dock inte utan en viss förlust för dem som klädde sig med en tom vetenskapsuppfattning och endast är sinsemellan visa, så mycket ljus fortfarande döljs under lampan, måste det äntligen lysa fram från en höjd för alla, så att de också kan komma in genom dessa exempel och steg.
Vi sänder till Ers Majestät Vår älskade son Lucas Holstenius, Vår domestik och apostoliska prothonotär, kanonik för Peterskyrkan och vårdnadshavare för Vårt Vatikanbibliotek, en lärd man i alla lettres av enastående fromhet, och Oss mycket kär, som skall hjälpa Er att offentligt bekänna den katolska tron från den gamla på den romerska Kyrkans sätt, och den enorma kraften i vår tillgivenhet mot Er och av det nöje som Vi uppfattar kommer att förklaras fullständigt av honom. Men Vi bringas till det säkraste hopp av honom, som så barmhärtigt har öppnat frälsningen för Er, att han inte lämnar någonting åt Ers Majestät, så att Ni kan visa Er inte ovärdig denna stora ynnest, och att Ni skall betyga för Heliga Stolen med den högsta undergivenhet och bunden lydnad till allt som Ni ivrigt har önskat den katolska tron och ivrigt tagit emot den.
Från samme Lucas, och Vår mest kärleksfulla faderliga välsignelse, och mer till detta ändamål, ber Vi innerligt att Ers Majestät skall få lycka från Gud, och att han må stärka det mod, som hans högra hand förunderligt har gjort i Er. Givet i Rom i Santa Maria Maggiore under Fiskarens Ring, den 10 oktober 1655, det första året av Vårt pontifikat.
Natalis Rondininus.
English translation (by Burbury):
To our most dear Daughter in Christ, Christina the illustrious Queen of Swedland, Alexander VII Pope.
Our most dear Daughter in Christ, Greeting and Apostolicall benediction.
As soon as we heard your Majesty embracing in Bruxels, though not openly, the integrity of the Romane, to wit, the Catholique faith, had risen out of the filth of old errors, and that the holy Ghost had created new wisdom in you; what joy over flowed our soul, no force, or strength of words can expresse. This our greatest gladnesse, to which hardly any thing could be added in appearance, was in a high manner encreas'd by your journey, begun towards this place, to the end you might reverence the Trophyes of the Apostles the faith, which was commended by the Apostles own mouth, and us, whom though unworthy, Christ would have, in Peters stead, and his own, to bear rule o're his Church upon Earth. In doing of which, you not onely will equall the never dying praises of the famousest Princes, who thought it a glory to them, to depose their triumphall Ornaments and Laurells, at the feet of the Fisher, and the Bishops of Rome; but likewise from the City it self, the Mistris of rightly believing, and teaching, draw the precepts of true and heavenly learning. Yet because, not without some hurt unto them, who assume to themselves a vain opinion of knowledge, and onely are wise among themselves, so much light lyes yet hidden under the bushel, [th]at ought at length to shine out to all from an eminent place, that they by these examples and foot steps may likewise come in. We send to your Majesty, our beloved son Luke Holstenius of our Houshold, principal Apostolical Notary, Canon of the Church of St. Peter, and Keeper of our Vatican Library, a man for his knowledge in all learning and singular piety, very dear unto us, who may be assistant to you in your publique profession of the Catholick faith, according to the ancient and accustomed manner of the Roman Church, and by whom our great love to you, and the joy we have received, may more fully be declared. But we firmely hope in him, who hath wrought in you so mercifully salvation, your Majesty will be wanting in nothing that may shew you not unworthy of this most ample benefit, and that by your ready obseqiousnesse, and hearty obedience, you will testifie to all, you have earnestly sought, and most ardently received the Catholick faith. By the sa[i]d Luke, our fatherly and most loving benediction, & more to this purpose, your Majestie will receive, for whom we most earnestly begg all happinesse of God, and that he would strengthen the power, his right hand hath wrought marvellously in you.
Given at Rome at St. Maries the greater, under the ring of the Fisher, on the 10th day of October 1655, in the First year of our Papacy.
Natalis Rondinnius.
With modernised spelling for easier reading:
To Our most dear daughter in Christ, Kristina, the illustrious Queen of Swedeland,
Alexander VII, Pope.
Our most dear daughter in Christ, greeting and apostolical benediction.
As soon as We heard Your Majesty embracing in Brussels, though not openly, the integrity of the Roman, to wit, the Catholic faith, had risen out of the filth of old errors, and that the Holy Ghost had created new wisdom in you, what joy overflowed our soul, no force or strength of words can express.
This Our greatest gladness, to which hardly anything could be added in appearance, was in a high manner increased by your journey begun towards this place, to the end you might reverence the trophies of the Apostles the faith which was commended by the Apostles' own mouth, and Us, whom, though unworthy, Christ would have, in Peter's stead and His own, to bear rule over his Church upon Earth. In doing of which, you not only will equal the never dying praises of the famousest princes who thought it a glory to them to depose their triumphal ornaments and laurels at the feet of the Fisher and the bishops of Rome, but likewise from the city itself, the mistress of rightly believing and teaching draw the precepts of true and heavenly learning. Yet because, not without some hurt unto them who assume to themselves a vain opinion of knowledge and only are wise among themselves, so much light lies yet hidden under the bushel that ought at length to shine out to all from an eminent place, that they by these examples and foot steps may likewise come in.
We send to Your Majesty, Our beloved son Luke Holstenius, of Our household, principal Apostolical Notary, Canon of the Church of St. Peter, and Keeper of Our Vatican Library, a man for his knowledge in all learning and singular piety, very dear unto Us, who may be assistant to you in your public profession of the Catholic faith, according to the ancient and accustomed manner of the Roman Church, and by whom Our great love to you, and the joy We have received, may more fully be declared. But We firmly hope in him who hath wrought in you so mercifully salvation, Your Majesty will be wanting in nothing that may shew you not unworthy of this most ample benefit, and that by your ready obseqiousness and hearty obedience, you will testify to all you have earnestly sought and most ardently received the Catholic faith.
By the said Luke, Our fatherly and most loving benediction, and more to this purpose, Your Majesty will receive, for whom We most earnestly beg all happiness of God, and that He would strengthen the power, His right hand hath wrought marvellously in you.
Given at Rome at Saint Mary's the Greater, under the Ring of the Fisher, on the 10th day of October 1655, in the first year of Our papacy.
Natalis Rondininus.
English translation (my own):
To Our dearest daughter in Christ, the illustrious Queen Kristina of Sweden.
Pope Alexander VII.
Our dearest daughter in Christ, Our greetings and apostolic blessing. When it was first brought to Us that Your Majesty had embraced, though not openly, the integrity of the Roman, that is, Catholic, faith, that she had emerged from the filth of old errors, and that the new wisdom created by the Holy Spirit came within you, into which nothing defiled comes — there is no force or greatness in words with which We can execute or express the great joy that came into Our soul.
Of course, this very great happiness, to which it seemed that hardly anything could be added, was greatly increased by your intention to come here, so that you may praise the trophies of the Apostles, the Faith which itself has been praised by mouth by those Apostles, and Us, whom Christ willed to preside over the Earth in the stead of Peter and Himself, though undeservingly so. In this matter you will not only equal the immortal praises of the most illustrious princes, princes who, for their glory, laid down their triumphal burdens and laurels at the feet of the Fisherman and the Roman Pontiff, but you will also be instructed in the precepts of truth and heavenly doctrine by the City itself and by masters of right thinking and knowledge. Because, however, not without some loss to those who clothed themselves with an empty opinion of science and are wise only among themselves, so much light is still hidden under the lamp, it must at last shine forth from a high place to all, so that they too may enter by these examples and steps.
We send to Your Majesty Our beloved son Lucas Holstenius, Our domestic and apostolic prothonotary, canon of St. Peter's Basilica, and custodian of Our Vatican Library, a man of learning in all letters of singular piety, and very dear to Us, who will assist you in your publicly professing the Catholic faith from the old one in the manner of the Roman Church, and the immense force of Our affection towards you and of the pleasure perceived by us will be fully explained by him. But We are brought to the most certain hope by him, who has so mercifully opened salvation to you, that he will leave nothing to Your Majesty, so that you may show yourself not unworthy of this great favour, and that you will testify to this Holy See with the highest submission and bound obedience to all that you have ardently desired the Catholic faith and most ardently received it.
From the same Lucas, and Our most loving paternal blessing, and more to this purpose, We earnestly pray that Your Majesty will receive happiness from God, and that He may strengthen the courage which His right hand has wondrously wrought in you. Given at Rome at Santa Maria Maggiore under the Ring of the Fisherman, on October 10, 1655, in the first year of Our pontificate.
Natalis Rondininus.
Above: Kristina.
Above: Lucas Holstenius.
Above: Pope Alexander VII.
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