Friday, November 6, 2020

Kristina's letter to Karl Gustav, dated March 10/20 (Old Style), 1652


Mémoires concernant Christine, volume 1, page 217, Johan Arckenholtz, 1751

The letter:

Mon Cousin. Je prens la part possible à l'affliction que vous cause le changement que médite Mon Cousin le Landgrave. Le sujèt de votre douleur est si juste, que je me trouve embarrassée lorsque je veux chercher des raisons pour vous consoler. Quant à moi je ne me console que par l'espérance ferme, que j'ai, que Dieu ne permettra pas qu'un semblable malheur trouble le contentement dont vous joüissez au milieu de tant de félicités dont le Ciel a été libéral envers vous. J'écris au Sieur Landgrave sur ce sujèt. Si je puis être assez heureuse pour le détourner de ce mauvais dessein; j'aurai beaucoup de satisfaction, & ce sera pour moi un grand plaisir d'avoir eu le bonheur de vous avoir été utile. Je suis,
Mon Cousin,
Votre très-affectionnée Cousine
Stockholm, le 10 Mars 1652.

English translation (my own):

My Cousin,
I take part as possible in the affliction caused by the change which my cousin the Landgrave is contemplating. The subject of your pain is so just that I find myself embarrassed when I want to search for reasons to console you. As for me, I only console myself by the firm hope which I have that God will not allow such a misfortune to disturb the contentment which you enjoy in the midst of so many happinesses with which Heaven has been liberal towards you. I am writing to the Landgrave on this subject. If I can be fortunate enough to turn him away from this bad design; I will have much satisfaction, and it will be a great pleasure for me to have had the good fortune to have been useful to you. I am,
My Cousin,
Your very affectionate cousin
Stockholm, March 10, 1652.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Karl Gustav.

Above: Landgrave Friedrich of Hesse-Darmstadt.

Notes: Friedrich was born and raised a Lutheran, but ultimately converted to Catholicism, became a cardinal in 1652, and was appointed Crown-cardinal of Austria. He was the son of Landgrave Ludwig V of Hesse Darmstadt and his wife Magdalene of Brandenburg, who in turn was the daughter of Johann Georg, the elector of Brandenburg. Magdalena's nephew, through her brother Joachim Friedrich, was the elector Johann Sigismund, the father of Kristina's mother Maria Eleonora, thereby making Friedrich Kristina's first cousin twice removed.

At the time this letter was written in 1652, Friedrich was considering converting to Catholicism, and Kristina had to dissimulate and call this a "bad design", whilst at the same time she/he/they had already and secretly become Catholic in her/his/their heart.

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