Friday, November 6, 2020

Kristina's letter to Karl Gustav, dated February 15/25, 1652 (Old Style)


Mémoires concernant Christine, volume 1, page 214, Johan Arckenholtz, 1751

The letter:

Stockholm le 15 Févr. 1652.
Mon Cousin. Je vous dois un remerciement, & je me serois déja acquittée de ce devoir, si je n'eusse attendu le départ du Sr. Kaage pour le solenniser. Il vous dira de ma part les sentimens de reconnoissance qui me restent du soin que vous prénez de m'obliger. Vos civilités & vos services rendus vous ont acquis une amitié éternelle. Continuez, je vous prie, de m'obliger & croïez que je m'estimerai toûjours heureuse tant que je vous serai redevable: & afin que je le sois toûjours, ajoutez aux obligations que je vous ai celle de croire, que je ne serai jamais ingrate envers Vous. Je suis,
Mon Cousin,
Votre très-affectionnée Cousine

English translation (my own):

Stockholm, February 15, 1652.
My Cousin,
I owe you thanks, and I would have done this duty already if I had not waited for the departure of Sir Kagge to solemnise it. He will tell you on my part the feelings of gratitude which remain in me for the care you take to oblige me. Your civilities and your services rendered have acquired you an eternal friendship. Continue, I beg you, to oblige me, and believe that I will always consider myself happy as long as I am indebted to you; and so that I always am. Add to the obligations that I owe you that of believing that I will never be ungrateful to you. I am,
My Cousin,
Your very affectionate cousin

Above: Kristina.

Above: Karl Gustav.

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