Sunday, May 24, 2020

Excerpt from intelligence letter on Kristina's arrival in Rome, dated January 9/19 (New Style), 1656


A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Esq;, volume 4, page 405, published by Thomas Birch, 1742

We hear from Rome, that the queen of Sweden made her solemn entrance therein on the 30th of last month; that she was received by the sacred college at the gate called del Populo, where she mounted on horseback between the two legates, a hat upon her head, clothed after the French fashion. That on Christmas day she received afterwards this pretended sacrament of confirmation; that she had dined in publick with the pope in his chamber, his table being half a foot higher than the said queen's; that after the ceremonies of her reception she was lodged in the palace Farneze, there to be as long as she shall sojourn in Rome, which was to be three months, during which she was to be feasted by the pope at the rate of 1000 crowns per diem, and afterwards go for Naples, and from thence for Spain, where she will turn a nun; and that the French minister seeing her so possessed by the Spaniards, did not render her the least respect. ...

With modernised spelling:

Paris, January 19/9, 1655/6.
We hear from Rome that the Queen of Sweden made her solemn entrance therein on the 30th of last month, that she was received by the Sacred College at the gate called del Popolo, where she mounted on horseback between the two legates, a hat upon her head, clothed after the French fashion. That on Christmas Day she received afterwards this pretended sacrament of confirmation, that she had dined in public with the Pope in his chamber, his table being half a foot higher than the said Queen's; that after the ceremonies of her reception she was lodged in the Palace Farnese, there to be as long as she shall sojourn in Rome, which was to be three months, during which she was to be feasted by the Pope at the rate of 1,000 crowns per diem, and afterwards go for Naples, and from thence for Spain, where she will turn a nun; and that the French minister, seeing her so possessed by the Spaniards, did not render her the least respect. ...

French translation (my own):

Paris, le 19/9 janvier 1655/6.
On apprend de Rome que la reine de Suède y fit son entrée solennelle le 30 du mois dernier, qu'elle fut reçue par le Sacré Collège à la porte dite du Peuple, où elle monta à cheval entre les deux légats, un chapeau sur la tête, habillée selon la mode française. Que le jour de Noël elle reçut ensuite ce prétendu sacrement de confirmation, qu'elle dîna en public avec le pape dans sa chambre, sa table étant un demi-pied plus haute que celle de ladite reine; qu'après les cérémonies de sa réception elle fut logée au palais Farnèse, pour y rester aussi longtemps qu'elle séjournerait à Rome, soit trois mois, pendant lesquels elle serait festoyée par le pape à raison de 1,000 écus par jour, et qu'elle ira ensuite à Naples et de là en Espagne, où elle se fera religieuse; et que le ministre français, la voyant si possédée par les Espagnols, ne lui rendait pas le moindre respect. ...

Swedish translation (my own):

Paris, den 19/9 januari 1655/6.
Vi hör från Rom att Sveriges drottning gjorde sitt högtidliga inträde däri den 30 förra månaden, att hon mottogs av det Heliga Kollegiet vid porten som kallas del Popolo, där hon reste sig till häst mellan de två legaterna, med en hatt på sitt huvud, klädd i enlighet med det franska modet. Att hon på juldagen efteråt mottog detta pretenderade konfirmationssakrament, att hon hade ätit offentligt med påven i hans kammare, hans bord var en halv fot högre än den nämnda drottningens; att hon efter ceremonierna för hennes mottagning inkvarterades i Palazzo Farnese, så länge som hon skall vistas i Rom, vilket skulle vara tre månader, under vilka hon skulle festas av påven med en takt av 1,000 scudi dagpenning, och hon kommer sedan att bege sig till Neapel och därifrån till Spanien, där hon blir nunna; och att den franske ministern, som såg henne så besatt av spanjorerna, inte gav henne den minsta respekt. ...

Above: Kristina meeting Pope Alexander VII.

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