A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Esq;, volume 4, page 424, published by Thomas Birch, 1742
The letter:
The letter:
... From Rome, by letters dated the 25th December, they advise me, that the queene of Swede was arrived there, mett by two legatts cardinalls, and came late on the munday: then thursday went forth, and ventered on horseback between two cardinals, attended by all the other cardinals, princes, and magistrates, horse and foote-soldiers belonging to the pope, with as much pompe and splendor as the master of ceremony could devise; and this day hath beene confirmed or bishop'd by the pope, and communicated at his hands, and to morrow dines with the pope, a ceremony seldom knowne. His holyness hath been at a verry vast expence, hoping thereby to invite all the princes, which some report have inclinations to popery, as the king of Denmarke, duke of Saxony, marquis of Brandenburgh, and the kinge of Swethland, who they say might by that means quietly enjoy Poland, and make a faire way for the empire.
From France, by letters dated the 21st of January, stilo novo, they advise, that the kinge of Swethland continues his progress in Prussia, and that there is hope of an accomodation betweene him and the duke of Brandenburgh, and that the oulde queene of Swede was departed from Lorretto, where she had made a present of a scepter and a crowne, and an image in silver of the virgin Mary, and was departed for Rome. ...
Your honour's most humble servant,
Jan. 17, 1655 [sic].
With modernised spelling (with year date error corrected):
Right Honourable,
... From Rome, by letters dated the 25th December, they advise me that the Queen of Swede was arrived there, met by two legates cardinals, and came late on the Monday, then Thursday went forth and ventured on horseback between two cardinals, attended by all the other cardinals, princes, and magistrates, horse and footsoldiers belonging to the Pope, with as much pomp and splendour as the master of ceremony could devise; and this day hath been confirmed or bishopped by the Pope and communicated at his hands, and tomorrow dines with the Pope, a ceremony seldom known.
His Holiness hath been at a very vast expense, hoping thereby to invite all the princes which, some report, have inclinations to popery, as the King of Denmark, Duke of Saxony, Marquis of Brandenburg, and the King of Swedeland, who they say might by that means quietly enjoy Poland and make a fair way for the Empire.
From France, by letters dated the 21st of January, stilo novo, they advise that the King of Swedeland continues his progress in Prussia, and that there is hope of an accomodation between him and the Duke of Brandenburg, and that the old Queen of Swede was departed from Loreto, where she had made a present of a scepter and a crown and an image in silver of the Virgin Mary and was departed for Rome. ...
Your Honour's most humble servant.
January 17, 1656.
French translation (my own):
Très honorable seigneur,
... De Rome, par des lettres datées du 25 décembre, on m'a fait savoir que la reine de Suède y était arrivée, accueillie par deux cardinaux légats, et qu'elle était arrivée tard le lundi, puis le jeudi elle était sortie et s'était aventurée à cheval entre deux cardinaux, accompagnée de tous les autres cardinaux, princes et magistrats, chevaux et fantassins appartenant au pape, avec autant de pompe et de splendeur que le maître des cérémonies pouvait imaginer; et aujourd'hui elle a été confirmée ou évêque par le pape et a pris la communion de ses mains, et demain elle dînera avec le pape, cérémonie rarement vue.
Sa Sainteté a fait des dépenses très importantes, espérant ainsi inviter tous les princes qui, selon certains, ont des inclinations vers le papisme, comme le roi de Danemark, le duc de Saxe, le marquis de Brandebourg et le roi de Suède, qui, disent-ils, pourraient ainsi jouir tranquillement de la Pologne et ouvrir la voie à l'Empire.
De France, par des lettres datées du 21 janvier, stilo novo, on notifie que le roi de Suède continue sa marche en Prusse, et qu'il y a espoir d'un arrangement entre lui et le duc de Brandebourg, et que la vieille reine de Suède est partie de Lorette, où elle a fait présent d'un sceptre, d'une couronne et d'une image en argent de la Vierge Marie, et est partie pour Rome. ...
De Votre Honneur
Le très humble servant.
Le 17 janvier 1656.
Swedish translation (my own):
Ers Ärevördighet,
... Från Rom underrättar de mig, genom brev daterade den 25 december, att Sveriges drottning anlände dit, möttes av två legatkardinaler och kom sent på måndagen, sedan på torsdagen gick hon ut och vågade sig till häst mellan två kardinaler, uppvaktad av alla andra kardinalerna, furstarna och magistraterna, hästarna och fotsoldaterna som tillhörde påven, med så mycket pompa och prakt som ceremonimästaren kunde tänka ut; och idag har hon blivit konfirmerad eller biskopad av påven och tagit nattvarden i hans händer, och imorgon skall hon dinera med påven, en ceremoni som sällan är känd.
Hans Helighet har varit till en mycket stor kostnad, i hopp om att därigenom kunna bjuda in alla de furstar som, enligt vissa rapporter, har böjelser för påvedömet, såsom konungen av Danmark, hertigen av Sachsen, markisen av Brandenburg och konungen av Sverige, som de säg kan på så sätt lugnt njuta av Polen och göra en rättvis väg för imperiet.
Från Frankrike meddela de genom brev daterade den 21 januari, stilo novo, att konungen av Sverige fortsätter sin framfart i Preussen, och att det finns hopp om ett boende mellan honom och hertigen av Brandenburg, samt att den gamla drottningen av Sverige reste från Loreto, där hon hade gjort en present av en spira och en krona och en bild i silver av Jungfru Maria och reste till Rom. ...
Ers Ärevördighets ödmjukaste tjänare.
Den 17 januari 1656.
Above: Kristina.
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