Riksarkivet, image 18/page 547 in Maj-Juni 1654; Riksregistraturet
A journal of the Swedish ambassy, volume 2, pages 490 and 491 (Appendix III), by Bulstrode Whitelocke, 1772
The letter (copy):
Nos Christina etc. Notum testatumqz facimus. Quod cum gratissima nobis si[n]t opera Jllustris et Generosi nobis sincere delicti D:ni Bulstrodi Whit[l]ocke, legatj Extraordinarij, qvam communi bono Regni nostrj atqz suæ Reipublicæ ad pangendum inter utrasqz partes, arctioris amicitiæ fœdus nav[av]erat, Jdcirco et quo aliquod illi documentum benevolentiæ nostræ gratæqz hoc nomine memoriæ constet: Proinde dedimus et assignavimus, ut et hisce literis N:ris damus et assignam[us] dicto Domino Legato æris ducenta pondo, vulgo shippundt vocata. Qvæ ducentæ æris pondo, Thesauri nostri Cameræqz rationum Præfecti antememorato Legato sine mora in manus tradere tenebuntur. Jn quorum Fidem maiorem præsentes manu Nostra subscriptas, Sigillo N:ro firmari jussimus.
With modernised spelling:
Nos Christina, etc.
Notum testatumque facimus, quod cum gratissima Nobis si[n]t opera illustris et generosi Nobis sincere delicti Domini Bulstrodi Whitelocke, legati extraordinarii, quam communi bono regni Nostri atque suæ Reipublicæ ad pangendum inter utrasque partes, arctioris amicitiæ fœdus nav[av]erat. Idcirco et quo aliquod illi documentum benevolentiæ Nostræ gratæque hoc nomine memoriæ constet. Proinde dedimus et assignavimus, ut et hisce litteris Nostris damus et assignam[us] dicto domino legato æris ducenta pondo, vulgo skeppund vocata. Quæ ducentæ æris pondo, thesauri Nostri Cameræque rationum præfecti antememorato legato sine mora in manus tradere tenebuntur. In quorum fidem majorem præsentes manu Nostra subscriptas, Sigillo Nostro firmari jussimus.
Whitelocke's transcript of the letter:
Nos Christina, Dei gratia, Suecorum, Gothorum, Vandalorumq; regina, &c. notum testatumq; facimus, quod cum gratissima nobis sint opera illustris et generosi nobis sincere delicti domini Bulstrodi Whitelocke, legati extraordinarii quæ communi bono regni nostri atq; suæ republicæ ad pangendum inter utrasq; partes arctioris amicitiæ fœdus, navaverat; idcirco et quo aliquod illi documentum benevolentiæ nostræ, gratæq; hoc nomine memoriæ constet. Proinde dedimus et assignavimus, ut et hisce litteris nostris damus et assignamus, dicto domino legato, æris ducenta pondo vulgo Schip-pundt vocata, quæ 200 æris pondo, thesauri nostri cameræq; rationum præfecti, antememorato legato, sine mora in manus tradere tenebuntur. In quorum fidem majorem præsentes, manu nostra subscriptas, sigillo nostro firmari jusmus. Dabantur in arce nostra Upsaliensi die 3 Maii, anno 1654.
English translation (by Whitelocke):
We Christina, by the grace of God, queen of the Swedes, Gothes, and Vandals, &c., doe make knowne, and testify, that wheras the endeavours of the illustrious and generous, of us sincerly beloved, the lord Bulstrode Whitelocke, extraordinary ambassador, are most gratefull to us, which he hath negotiated for the common good of our kingdome, and his common-wealth, for the making of a league of stricter friendship between both parties. Therefore, and to the end it may appeare as a testimony of our good will and gratefull memory on this behalfe; we have theruppon graunted and assigned, and by these our letters doe graunt and assigne to the said lord ambassador, two hundred pound of copper, commonly called ship pounds: the which 200 pounds of copper, our treasurors and officers of our chamber of accounts are obliged, without delay, to deliver into the hands of the before-mentioned ambassador. In greater testimony wherof, we have commaunded these presents, subscribed with our hand, to be confirmed by our seale. Given in our castle of Upsale, the 3d day of May, in the year 1654.
Above: Kristina.
Above: Bulstrode Whitelocke.
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