Friday, October 13, 2023

Kristina's letter to Johan Philip Silfvercrona, with a postscript in her own handwriting, dated January 22/February 1 (Old Style), 1661


Riksarkivet, page 155 in K 89; Utgångna och ingångna skrivelser; Drottning Kristina d. y. (Christina Alexandra); Svenska drottningars arkivaliesamlingar i riksarkivet; Kungliga arkiv

The letter (copy):

Christina Alexandra.
Jhr wordet Landzhöfding H. Johan Philip SilberCroon aus nebenligender abschrifft ersehen waß Mir von dem Herr Cardinal Azzaline aus Rom advisirt worden vndt berichtet, Weilln Mir nun gar sehr daran gelegen, daß der einhalt deßen förderlig pexequiret werde, Alß ist hiemit mein sonders Gnädiger will vndt befehl, daß Jhr ein solches forderligst verrichtet, vndt dahero vngesäumbdt die anstallt vndt verordnung machet, damit gedachte Vier Tausendt Reichstahl je ehr je lieber Zu Venedig mögen geZahlet worden, hieran wirdt [...] verrichtet was Jch gerne sehe, vndt thue Euch im übrigen Göttl. Schutzes empfhelen. Datum Norköping den 22 Januarij 1661
Christina Alexandra.
J Stropp

Donne moÿ avis de ce que vous aves executè pour mon Service de que vous Serez arivè en Hollande, noublie pas le Süs forfide det envoÿes moÿ ausi ün petronelia. Sil sen aÿe de bon en Hollande Sür quoÿ vous considerez vostre Souvenes vous ausi Jouide;

Above: Kristina.

Above: Cardinal Decio Azzolino.

Note: Because I have not yet seen the original or other copies of this letter and do not know where the original or any other possible copies might be (if any of them survive), Joakim Stropp, the copyist who wrote copies of the letters (the originals of which he also wrote at Kristina's dictation) for this register, must have been really bad at either the French language, really bad at reading Kristina's jumbly handwriting, or both if his attempted copy of the French postscript ended up having nonsense words in it.

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