Friday, September 6, 2024

Lucas Holstenius's diary entry, dated November 21/December 1 (New Style), 1655


Revue des langues romanes: quatrième série, tome cinquième, page 544, published by the Society for the Study of the Romance Languages, 1891
The diary entry:

1. Decembr. Post prandium pervenimus vesperi Cœsenam. Scripsi ad em. Card. Barberinum; hospitium habui apud PP Franciscanos. Reginæ ridiculum hastitudium exhibitum.

French translation (my own):

1er décembre. Après le déjeuner, nous arrivons à Césène dans la soirée. J'écrivis au très éminent cardinal Barberini; je suis resté chez les franciscains. La reine a vu une comédie amusante.

Swedish translation (my own):

1 december. Efter middagen anlände vi till Cesena på kvällen. Jag skrev till den eminentaste kardinal Barberini; stannade jag hos franciskanerna. Drottningen visades en rolig komedi.

English translation (my own):

December 1. After luncheon we arrived at Cesena in the evening. I wrote to the most eminent Cardinal Barberini; I stayed with the Franciscans. The Queen was shown a funny comedy.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Lucas Holstenius.

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