Sunday, September 1, 2024

Excerpt from Edward Browne's letter to his father Sir Thomas Browne, dated January 6/16 (New Style), 1665


Sir Thomas Browne's Works, Including his Life and Correspondence, page 87, by Sir Thomas Browne, edited by Simon Wilkin F. L. S., 1836

The letter excerpt:

... I was the other night at the Queene of Sweden's, shee is low and fat, a little crooked; goes commonly in a ueluet coat, crauat, and a man's perruke; she is continually merry, hath a free carriage with her, talks and laughs with all strangers, whom shee entertains, once in a weeke, with musick, and now this carniuall euery other night with comedies. ...
Rome, January 16, 1665.

With modernised spelling:

... I was the other night at the Queen of Sweden's, she is low and fat, a little crooked; goes commonly in a velvet coat, cravat, and a man's peruke. She is continually merry, hath a free carriage with her, talks and laughs with all strangers, whom she entertains once in a week with music, and now this Carnival every other night with comedies. ...
Edward Browne.
Rome, January 16, 1665.

French translation (my own):

... J'étais l'autre soir chez la reine de Suède, elle est petite et grasse, un peu tordue; elle porte généralement un manteau de velours, une cravate et une perruque d'homme. Elle est toujours gaie, a un comportement libre, parle et rit avec tous les étrangers, qu'elle divertit une fois par semaine avec de la musique, et maintenant ce Carnaval tous les deux soirs avec des comédies. ...
Édouard Browne.
Rome, le 16 janvier 1665.

Swedish translation (my own):

Min herre,
... Jag var häromkvällen hos Sveriges drottning, hon är låg och fet, lite sned; går vanligtvis i en sammetsrock, kravat, och en mans peruk. Hon är ständigt glad av sig, har fritt beteende med sig, pratar och skrattar med alla främlingar, som hon underhåller en gång i veckan med musik, och nu denna Karneval varannan kväll med komedier. ...
Edward Browne.
Rom, den 16 januari 1665.

Above: Kristina.

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