Monday, September 30, 2024

Giovan Battista Nani on Kristina sending Matthias Palbitzki to the Republic of Venice to thank it for its participation in the peace negotiations


Istoria della repubblica veneta, volume 2, book 5, page 238, in Degl'istorici delle cose veneziane, volume 9, by Giovan Battista Nani, 1720

The account:

... In quella città [Lubeca] doveva tenersi congresso per dilatare le tregue, e comporre le differenze tra la Polonia, e la Svetia, a cui la Reina Christina, spedito Mattias Balbischi a Venetia per ringratiar la Republica dell'interpositione per la pace d'Imperio, richiedeva la sua mediatione. ...

With modernised spelling:

... In quella città [Lubeca] doveva tenersi congresso per dilatare le tregue e comporre le differenze tra la Polonia e la Svezia, a cui la re[g]ina Cristina, spedito Mattias Palbitzki a Venetia per ringraziar la Repubblica dell'interposizione per la pace d'imperio, richiedeva la sua mediazione. ...

French translation (my own):

... Dans cette ville [Lübeck] devait se tenir un congrès pour prolonger les trêves et régler les différends entre la Pologne et la Suède, à qui la reine Christine, ayant envoyé Matthias Palbitzki à Venise pour remercier la République de son intervention en faveur de la paix de l'Empire, demanda sa médiation. ...

Swedish translation (my own):

... I den staden [Lübeck] skulle en kongress hållas för att förlänga vapenstillestånden och lösa meningsskiljaktigheterna mellan Polen och Sverige, till vilken drottning Kristina, efter att ha skickat Matthias Palbitzki till Venedig, för att tacka Republiken för dess insats för Imperiets fred, begärde hennes medling. ...

English translation (my own):

... In that city [Lübeck] a congress was to be held to extend the truces and settle the differences between Poland and Sweden, to whom Queen Kristina, having sent Matthias Palbitzki to Venice to thank the Republic for its interposition for the peace of the Empire, requested her mediation. ...

Above: Kristina.

Above: Matthias Palbitzki.

Above: Giovan Battista Nani.

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