Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Summary of Peder Vibe's letter to Christoffer Urne, the Grand Chancellor of Denmark, and the government of Denmark in Copenhagen, dated June 25/July 5 (Old Style), 1653


Handlingar rörande Sverges historia, volume 1, page 97, published by Anders Fryxell, 1836

The letter summary:

... [Stockholm] 25 Juni. Drottningen med Pimentelli till Rosendal. — "Pimentellis avocation koste hans lif." — Frankrike malcontent med Sverge. — Glädje öfver Englands seger. — C. Ulfelds gods inskeppas. — (Tyckes som Pimentellis folk haft drottningens liberi.)

With modernised spelling:

... [Stockholm] 25 juni. Drottningen med Pimentelli till Rosendal. — "Pimentellis avokation koste hans liv." — Frankrike malkontent med Sverige. — Glädje över Englands seger. — Corfitz Ulfeldts gods inskeppas. — (Tyckes som Pimentellis folk haft drottningens livré.)

English translation (my own):

... Stockholm, June 25. The Queen with Pimentel to Rosendal. — "Pimentel's avocation cost him his life." — France malcontent with Sweden. — Joy over England's victory. — Corfitz Ulfeldt's estates are enshipped. — (It seems that Pimentel's people have had the Queen's livery.)

Above: Kristina.

Above: Antonio Pimentel.

Above: Corfitz Ulfeldt.

Above: Peder Vibe.

Above: Christoffer Urne.

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