Thursday, January 16, 2025

Abraham de Wicquefort on Kristina informing the Portuguese resident António de Silva e Souza that she did not recognise Duke João of Braganza as king of Portugal, May 1654


L'ambassadeur et ses fonctions, volume 1, book 1, page 33, by Abraham de Wicquefort, 1682 (1715 edition)

The embassador and his functions, page 18, by Abraham de Wicquefort, translated by John Digby, 1716

The account:

... Je n'oserois dire, que Jean IV. Roy de Portugal fust Usurpateur, puisque la France, l'Angleterre, la Suede & les Provinces Unies le reconnurent pour Roy legitime, aprés la declaration unanime des Estats du Roïaume; & neantmoins quelque instance, que les Plenipotentiaires de France fissent à Munster, les Mediateurs ne voulurent jamais admettre ses Ministres, ny negocier avec eux comme avec les autres Ambassadeurs. Le Nonce & l'Ambassadeur de Venise disoient, que, puisque le Pape & la Republique n'avoient pas encore reconnu le Roy, ils ne pouvoient point traiter avec ceux qui prenoient la qualité de ses Ministres. ...

La Reine Christine de Suede, qui avoit admis & reconnu ces Ministres, & qui les avoit fait assister à son Couronnement, s'avisa la veille de son abdication, de faire dire au Resident de Portugal, qu'elle ne connoissoit point d'autre Roy de Portugal, sinon Philippe VI. Roy d'Espagne. Mais ce ne fut qu'un caprice, au lieu que la Cour de Rome avoit une raison particuliere, qui l'empeschoit de le reconnoistre. ...

With modernised spelling:

... Je n'oserais dire que Jean IV, roi de Portugal, fût usurpateur, puisque la France, l'Angleterre, la Suède et les Provinces Unies le reconnurent pour roi légitime après la déclaration unanime des États du Royaume; et néanmoins quelque instance que les plénipotentiaires de France fissent à Münster, les médiateurs ne voulurent jamais admettre ses ministres, ni négocier avec eux comme avec les autres ambassadeurs. Le nonce et l'ambassadeur de Venise disaient que, puisque le pape et la République n'avaient pas encore reconnu le roi, ils ne pouvaient point traiter avec ceux qui prenaient la qualité de ses ministres. ...

La reine Christine de Suède, qui avait admis et reconnu ces ministres, et qui les avait fait assister à son couronnement, s'avisa la veille de son abdication de faire dire au résident de Portugal qu'elle ne connaissait point d'autre roi de Portugal, sinon Philippe VI, roi d'Espagne. Mais ce ne fut qu'un caprice, au lieu que la cour de Rome avait une raison particulière qui l'empêchait de le reconnaître. ...

Swedish translation (my own):

... Jag skulle inte våga säga att João IV, konungen av Portugal, var en usurpator, eftersom Frankrike, England, Sverige och Förenade Provinserna erkände honom som den legitime konungen efter Rikets Ständers enhälliga deklaration; och inte desto mindre, oavsett vilka framställningar de franska befullmäktigade gjorde till Münster, ville medlarna aldrig släppa in hans ministrar eller förhandla med dem som med de andra ambassadörerna. Nuntien och Venedigs ambassadör sade att eftersom påven och Republiken ännu inte hade erkänt konungen kunde de inte ta itu med dem som tog kvaliteten på hans ministrar. ...

Drottning Kristina av Sverige, som hade erkänt dessa ministrar och som lät dem närvara vid hennes kröning, tog till sig dagen före sin abdikation att få det sagt till residenten i Portugal att hon inte erkände någon annan konung av Portugal än Filip VI, konungen av Spanien. Men det var bara en nyckfullhet, medan hovet i Rom hade ett särskilt skäl som hindrade det från att erkänna honom. ...

English translation (by Digby):

... I dare not say that John IV King of Portugal was an Usurper, since France, England, Sweden, and the United Provinces acknowledg'd him for a lawful King, after the unanimous Declaration of the States of the Kingdom; yet nevertheless, whatever Instances the Plenipotentiaries of France made at Munster, the Mediators would never admit his Ministers, nor negotiate with them, as with the other Embassadors. The Pope's Nuncio and the Venetian Embassador said, That since the Pope nor the Republick had not as yet acknowledg'd the King, they could not treat with those who took the Quality of his Ministers. ...

Queen Christina of Sweden, who had admitted and own'd those Ministers, and had caus'd 'em to assist at her Coronation, bethought her self the Day before she abdicated, to send Word to the Resident of Portugal, that she acknowledg'd no other King of Portugal than Philip IV King of Spain. But this was only a capricious Humour, whereas the Court of Rome had a particular Reason that hinder'd it from owning him. ...

With modernised spelling:

... I dare not say that John IV, King of Portugal, was an usurper, since France, England, Sweden and the United Provinces acknowledged him for a lawful king after the unanimous declaration of the States of the Kingdom; yet nevertheless, whatever instances the plenipotentiaries of France made at Münster, the mediators would never admit his ministers nor negotiate with them as with the other ambassadors. The Pope's nuncio and the Venetian ambassador said that since the Pope nor the Republic had not as yet acknowledged the King, they could not treat with those who took the quality of his ministers. ...

Queen Kristina of Sweden, who had admitted and owned those ministers and had caused 'em to assist at her coronation, bethought herself, the day before she abdicated, to send word to the resident of Portugal that she acknowledged no other king of Portugal than Philip IV, King of Spain. But this was only a capricious humour, whereas the court of Rome had a particular reason that hindered it from owning him. ...

English translation (my own):

... I would not dare say that João IV, the King of Portugal, was a usurper, as France, England, Sweden and the United Provinces recognised him as the legitimate king after the unanimous declaration of the Estates of the Realm; and nevertheless, whatever representations the French plenipotentiaries made to Münster, the mediators never wanted to admit his ministers nor negotiate with them as with the other ambassadors. The nuncio and the ambassador of Venice said that, since the Pope and the Republic had not yet recognised the King, they could not deal with those who took the quality of his ministers. ...

Queen Kristina of Sweden, who had admitted and recognised these ministers, and who had them attend her coronation, took it into her head the day before her abdication to have it said to the resident of Portugal that she did not know of any other king of Portugal than Philip VI, the King of Spain. But it was only a caprice, whereas the court of Rome had a particular reason which prevented it from recognising him. ...

Above: Kristina.

Above: King João IV of Portugal, Duke of Braganza.

Above: Abraham de Wicquefort.

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