Sunday, October 9, 2022

Kristina's letter to Carlo Borromeo Arese, condoling him on the death of his father Renato II Borromeo, who had died on May 1, dated June 9, 1685


Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 4, page 51, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1760

The letter:

Le 9. Juin 1685.
Mon Cousin, c'est avec un sensible regret que j'ai appris la perte que vous avez faite du Comte votre Pére, & j'en ai tout le sentiment que votre juste douleur mérite. Je n'entreprends pas de vous en consoler, mais je vous remercie seulement de tout ce que vous me dites d'obligeant dans cette funeste occasion, & je prie Dieu qu'il vous tienne en sa sainte garde &c.

Swedish translation (my own):

Den 9 juni 1685.
Min kusin,
Det är med djup sorg som jag har fått veta om Er förlust av greven, Er far, och jag har all den känsla som Er rättvisa sorg förtjänar. Jag åtar mig inte att trösta Er för det, utan jag tackar Er bara för all vänligheten Ni säger till mig vid detta ödesdigra tillfälle, och jag ber Gud att han har Er i sin heliga vård, osv.

English translation (my own):

June 9, 1685.
My cousin,
It is with deep regret that I have learned of your loss of the Count, your father, and I have all the feeling that your just grief deserves. I do not undertake to console you for it, but I only thank you for all the kindness you say to me on this fatal occasion, and I pray God that He have you in His holy keeping, etc.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Carlo Borromeo Arese.

Note: In accordance with the nobility's ideals in the early modern era, kings and queens considered themselves siblings; when talking to someone of a lower rank than their own, they would refer to that person as "my cousin", regardless of whether or not they were related.

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