Saturday, October 29, 2022

Kristina's letter to Matteo Santini, year 1687


Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 4, page 67, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1760

"Among the notes that the Queen wrote to the Abbot Santini, her secretary for the Italian, we find the following. Santini, being ill, tells her that a father Ferdinando had told him that having seen the Queen, he had not only found her in perfect health, but as fresh as a girl of fifteen. 'I hope', said Santini, 'that Your Majesty will live a long series of years.'"

The letter:

D. Ferdinando è un Ciarlone: stò ben per grazia d'Iddio: mà son vecchia, e lo conosco, mà pur non mi voglio disperar. Vi ringrazio, Dio vi esaudisca, e ci faccia campar insieme.

French translation (by Arckenholtz):

D. Ferdinand est une babillard: Je me trouve bien, graces à Dieu; mais je me fais vieille, & je le sens. Cependant je ne me désespére pas. Je vous remercie de vos souhaits. Que Dieu vous exauce, & nous laisse vivre ensemble.

Swedish translation (my own):

Don Ferdinando är en pratmakare. Jag mår bra, Gudi lov; men jag börjar bli gammal, och jag känner det. Men jag är ändå inte förtvivlad däröver. Jag tackar för Era önskningar. Må Gud höra Er och låta oss leva tillsammans.

English translation (my own):

Don Ferdinando is a windbag. I am doing well, thank God; but I am getting old, and I can feel it. But I don't despair of it. I thank you for your wishes. May God hear you and let us live together.

Above: Kristina.

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