Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Kristina's note, year 1683


Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 4, pages 118 and 119, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1760

"Also Kristina could not dissimulate her feelings with regard to the court of France, to have, at the same time as the Turk threatened Christianity with a general desolation, infringed the most solemn treaties made recently at Nijmegen under the frivolous pretext that the Empire, by ceding to France the three bishoprics of Toul, Metz and Verdun, had also ceded to it all the lands and provinces which had held these bishoprics as fiefs, or other, from the earliest times. To give it some colour of justice, Louis XIV ordered two chambers of assembly at Metz and at Breisach, composed of French judges who awarded him such duchies, principalities, free cities of the Empire and other portions of land that he found to be of his propriety.

The Queen must even have explained it by mouth to those who frequented her court, to the point of shocking the cardinals who were inclined towards France..."

The note:

La Regina non dice, ne fà mai niente a caso, ne rende conto ad altri che a Dio delle azzioni i delle parole sue. Hà operato, e parlato sempre da par suo, e cosi farà fino alla morte, o che ciò piaccia, o dispaccia a quei SS:ri. Cardinali Confederati, ai quali conviene di ricordare, che si come non si può prentendere dal leone di non rugire, cosi s'inganna chi spera che muti mai la M. S. il suo linguaggio.

French translation (by Arckenholtz):

La Reine ni dit ni ne fait rien au hazard, & ne rend compte à personne qu'à Dieu de ses actions & de ses paroles. Elle a toujours agi & parlé par elle-même, & c'est comme elle fera jusqu'à la mort, soit que cela plaîse ou déplaîse à Mrs. les Cardinaux Confédérés, auxquels il convient de se souvenir, que comme on ne peut pas exiger du Lion de ne point rugir, de-même celui-là se trompe qui espére que Sa Majesté changera jamais de langage.

A scribe's copy:

La Regina non dice, ne fà mai niente a caso; Delle opere, e delle parole sue non rende conto se non a Dio solo, con l'ajuto del quale hà operato, e parlato sempre da par suo, e cosi farà, se le piacerà, sin'alla morte, e però s'inganna chi spera di farle mutar sentimento, o linguaggio.

French translation (by Arckenholtz):

La Reine ni parle ni ne fait jamais rien au hazard. Elle ne rend compte de ses actions & de ses paroles qu'à Dieu, avec l'aide duquel elle a toujours agi & parlé par soi-même; & c'est comme elle fera, s'il lui plaît, jusqu'à la mort. Cependant celui-là se trompe, qui espére de la faire changer de sentiment & de langage.

Swedish translations (my own):

Drottningen varken säger eller gör något slumpmässigt, och är inte ansvarig inför någon annan som helst än Gud för sina handlingar och ord. Hon har alltid handlat och talat för sig själv, och det är som hon kommer att göra fram till döden, vare sig det behagar eller misshagar de konfedererade kardinalerna, som skulle göra klokt i att komma ihåg att som ett lejon inte kan krävas att inte ryta, så den som hoppas att Hennes Majestät någonsin kommer att ändra sitt språk, har han fel däri.


Drottningen talar eller gör aldrig något slumpmässigt. Hon ger redogörelse för sina handlingar och sina ord endast till Gud, med vars hjälp hon alltid har handlat och talat på egen hand; och det är vad hon kommer att göra, om hon vill, till döden. Emellertid har han som hoppas få henne att ändra sina känslor och språket fel.

English translations (my own):

The Queen neither says nor does anything at random, and is accountable to no one but God for her actions and words. She has always acted and spoken for herself, and it is as she will do until death, whether it pleases or displeases the Confederate Cardinals, who would do well to remember that just as a lion cannot be demanded not to roar, so he who hopes that Her Majesty will ever change her language is mistaken.


The Queen never speaks or does anything at random. She only gives account for her actions and her words to God, with whose help she has always acted and spoken on her own; and that is what she will do, if she pleases, until death. In the meantime, he who hopes to make her change her feelings and her language is mistaken.

Above: Kristina.

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