Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Excerpt from René Renaud de Sévigné to Christine of France, Duchess of Savoy, dated March 24/April 3 (New Style), 1654


Correspondance du chevalier de Sévigné et de Christine de France, duchesse de Savoie, pages 246 to 247, published by Jean Lemoine and Frédéric Saulnier, 1911

The letter excerpt:

Ce vendredi saint [3 avril 1654].
... L'on me mande que la reine de Suède veut venir en France. Cette visite nous sera plus agréable que celle de Cromwell, que l'on assure qui viendra ici. ...

Swedish translation (my own):

Långfredagen [3 april 1654].
... Jag får veta att Sveriges drottning vill komma till Frankrike. Detta besök kommer att vara mer behagligt för oss än Cromwells, som vi försäkrar Er kommer att komma hit. ...

English translation (my own):

Good Friday [April 3, 1654].
... I am told that the Queen of Sweden wants to come to France. This visit will be more agreeable to us than that of Cromwell, whom ones assure you will come here. ...

Above: Kristina.

Above: Christine of France, Duchess of Savoy.

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