Monday, August 12, 2024

Excerpt from Algernon Sidney's letter to his father Robert Sidney, 2nd Earl of Leicester, dated February 12/22, 1660


Letters and memorials of State in the reigns of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James, King Charles the First, part of the reign of King Charles the Second, and Oliver's usurpation, volume 2, page 685, published by Arthur Collins, 1746

Sydney Papers, consisting of a journal of the Earl of Leicester, and original letters of Alg. Sydney, page 175, by Robert Sidney Leicester and Algernon Sidney, published by Robert Willis Blencowe, 1825

The letter:

... I am apt to thinke the Queene Christina will now think fit to turn a Lutheran again, and endeavour to breed some disturbance in Sweden; but I hope her party is soe much diminished by the reports that are made, of the life she leads, that her designes will vanish, without doing any great mischief. ...
February 22, 1660.

With modernised spelling:

My lord,
... I am apt to think the Queen Kristina will now think fit to turn a Lutheran again and endeavour to breed some disturbance in Sweden; but I hope her party is so much diminished by the reports that are made of the life she leads that her designs will vanish, without doing any great mischief. ...
Algernon Sidney.
Copenhagen, February 22, 1660.

French translation (my own):

... Je suis porté à penser que la reine Christine jugera maintenant bon de redevenir luthérienne et de s'efforcer de semer des troubles en Suède; mais j'espère que son parti est tellement diminué par les bruits qu'on fait sur la vie qu'elle mène, que ses desseins disparaîtront sans faire grand mal. ...
Algernon Sidney.
Copenhague, le 22 février 1660.

Swedish translation (my own):

Min herre,
... Jag är benägen att tro att drottning Kristina nu kommer att finna det lämpligt att bli lutheran igen och sträva efter att föda upp någon störning i Sverige; men jag hoppas att hennes parti förminskas så mycket av de rapporter som görs om hennes levnadssätt att hennes dessänger försvinner, utan att göra något stort ofog. ...
Algernon Sidney.
Köpenhamn, den 22 februari 1660.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Robert Sidney, 2nd Earl of Leicester.

Above: Algernon Sidney.

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