Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Excerpt from Marquis Mario Giandemaria's report letter, dated April 26/May 6 (New Style), 1656


Christine de Suède et le cardinal Azzolino: Lettres inédites (1666-1668), page 52 (footnotes), by Baron Carl Bildt, 1899

Rome and the Counter-Reformation in Scandinavia: The Age of Gustavus Adolphus and Queen Christina of Sweden, 1622-1656, page 529, published by Oskar Garstein, 1992

The letter excerpt:

Questo (della Cueva) con li suoi la predicano per la maggior putana del mondo.

French translation (my own):

Cet homme [de la Cueva] et ses partisans proclament qu'elle [Christine] est la plus grande putain du monde.

Swedish translation (my own):

Den här mannen [de la Cueva] och hans anhängare utropar henne [Kristina] som den största slampan i världen.

English translation (my own):

This man [de la Cueva] and his followers are proclaiming her [Kristina] to be the greatest whore in the world.

Above: Kristina.

Note: This letter is now lost, "owing to the devastations of World War II", according to a personal note from the director of the Archivio di Stato in Naples, dated November 24, 1987. It was sadly never published in full before its destruction.

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