Sunday, August 18, 2024

Excerpt from Sir Edward Hyde's letter to secretary Sir Edward Nicholas, dated January 27/February 6 (New Style), 1654


State Papers Collected by Edward, Earl of Clarendon, volume 3, page 216, published by The Clarendon Printing House, 1786

The letter excerpt:

Dear Mr. Secretary,
... We have heard that wild discourse you mention concerning the Queen of Sweden, but I conceive it can have no sober foundation. ... I am
Dear Mr. Secretary, Your own, &c.
Paris, this 6th of Feb. 1653-4.

French translation (my own):

Monsieur, le cher secrétaire,
... Nous avons entendu ce discours insensé dont vous parlez à propos de la reine de Suède, mais je crois qu'il ne peut avoir aucun fondement sérieux. ... Je suis
Monsieur le cher secrétaire, votre, etc.
Paris, ce 6 février 1654.

Swedish translation (my own):

Käre herr sekreterare,
... Vi har hört den vilda diskursen Ni nämner om Sveriges drottning, men jag tror att den inte kan ha någon allvarlig grund. ... Jag är
Käre herr sekreterare, Er egen osv.
Paris, den 6 februari 1654.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Sir Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon.

Above: Sir Edward Nicholas.

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