Monday, August 12, 2024

Robert Sidney, 2nd Earl of Leicester's diary entry on Kristina's public conversion, dated October 24/November 3, 1655


Sydney Papers, consisting of a journal of the Earl of Leicester, and original letters of Alg. Sydney, pages 156 to 157, by Robert Sidney Leicester and Algernon Sidney, published by Robert Willis Blencowe, 1825

The diary entry:

The 3rd November, that is 24th October, 1655. Christina, late Queen of Sweden, at Inspruck in Tirol, publickly renounced her Protestant religion, and professed herself a Roman Catholick, and was received into that Church with greate solemnity by Lucas Holsteinius, in the quality of a Nuncius Apostolicus, sent thether to that purpose by the Pope. She had in her hart, eight years before, resolved to change her religion, and privately professed herself a Catholick, but not publickly till this time, in the country of a Prince of the House of Austria; in her way to Rome, where greate preparations are made to receive her, she is accompanyde by Pimenfel, who had heretofore bin Spanish Ambassador with her in Sweden, and it is thought hath contributed much to her conversion.

With modernised spelling:

The 3rd November, that is 24th October, 1655, Kristina, late Queen of Sweden, at Innsbruck in Tyrol, publicly renounced her Protestant religion and professed herself a Roman Catholic, and was received into that Church with great solemnity by Lucas Holstenius, in the quality of a nuncius apostolicus, sent thither to that purpose by the Pope. She had in her heart, eight years before, resolved to change her religion and privately professed herself a Catholic, but not publicly till this time, in the country of a prince of the House of Austria; in her way to Rome, where great preparations are made to receive her, she is accompanied by Pimentel, who had heretofore been Spanish ambassador with her in Sweden and, it is thought, hath contributed much to her conversion.

French translation (my own):

Le 3 novembre, c'est-à-dire le 24 octobre 1655, Christine, feue reine de Suède, à Innsbruck dans le Tyrol, renonça publiquement à sa religion protestante et se déclara catholique romaine, et fut reçue dans cette église avec une grande solennité par Luc Holstenius, dans le qualité de nuncius apostolicus, envoyé là-bas à cet effet par le pape. Elle avait dans son cœur, huit ans auparavant, résolu de changer de religion et s'était déclarée catholique en privé, mais non publiquement jusqu'à cette époque, dans le pays d'un prince de la maison d'Autriche; sur son chemin vers Rome, où de grands préparatifs sont faits pour la recevoir, elle est accompagnée de Pimentel, qui avait été jusqu'alors ambassadeur d'Espagne avec elle en Suède et, pense-t-on, a beaucoup contribué à sa conversion.

English translation (my own):

Den 3 november, det vill säga den 24 oktober 1655, avsade Kristina, sen drottning av Sverige, i Innsbruck i Tyrolen offentligt sin protestantiska religion och bekände sig som romersk-katolik, och mottogs med stor högtidlighet i den Kyrkan av Lucas Holstenius i kvalitet av en nuncius apostolicus, skickad dit i detta syfte av påven. Hon hade i sitt hjärta, åtta år tidigare, bestämt sig för att byta religion och privat bekände sig att hon var katolik, men inte offentligt förrän nu, i landet av en furste av Österrikes hus; på sin väg till Rom, där stora förberedelser görs för att ta emot henne, åtföljs hon av Pimentel, som hittills varit spansk ambassadör hos henne i Sverige och, man tror, har bidragit mycket till hennes omvändelse.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Lucas Holstenius.

Above: Antonio Pimentel.

Above: Robert Sidney, 2nd Earl of Leicester.

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