Saturday, August 10, 2024

Lucas Holstenius's diary entry, dated November 18/28 (New Style), 1655


Revue des langues romanes: quatrième série, tome cinquième, page 544, published by the Society for the Study of the Romance Languages, 1891
The diary entry:

28. Regina substitit Bononiæ; mane vidit monasterium et claustrum S. Michaelis in Bosco; Vesperi spectavit hastitudia, vidi bibliothecam S. Salvatoris.

French translation (my own):

28. La reine s'arrêta à Bologne; le matin, elle a vu le monastère et le cloître de San Michele in Bosco; le soir elle a vu l'hastitudia, j'ai vu la bibliothèque de San Salvatore.

Swedish translation (my own):

28. Drottningen stannade till i Bologna; på morgonen såg hon klostret och klostret San Michele i Bosco; på kvällen såg hon hastitudia, jag såg biblioteket San Salvatore.

English translation (my own):

28. The Queen stopped at Bologna; in the morning she saw the monastery and cloister of San Michele in Bosco; in the evening she saw the hastitudia, I saw the library of San Salvatore.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Lucas Holstenius.

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