Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Excerpt from Jakob de la Gardie's letter to Axel Oxenstierna, dated January 16/26 (Old Style), 1627


Rikskansleren Axel Oxenstiernas skrifter och brefvexling, senare afdelningen, femte bandet: Jakob de la Gardies bref 1611-1650, page 416, published by the Royal Scientific Academy of History and Antiquities and P. A. Norstedt and Sons, 1893

The letter excerpt:

Sidst låther jagh min k. broder förnimme, att jagh på tijmen H. K. M:tz nådige skrifuelsse jemptte H. M:tz bref till min k. broder hafver bekommedh (hvilckedh jagh härhoos min k. broder tillsender) och deraf förnimmer, att ännu (Gudi des loff) alle saker der i gott tillståndh äre; och att Gudh alzmechtigh Hennes Ma:ijtt vår nådigeste Drottningh medh en ungh fröken hafver begåfuadh; hvarföre hans guddomelige nambn högeligen vari prisadh och låthe Hs. F. N:de Högtbe:te fröken i all Christelige och Furstelige dygder upvexa, begges deres M. M:ter till hugnedh och fäderneslandet till tröst och glädie.

English translation (my own):

Finally, I let my dear brother know that in the hour I received His Royal Majesty's gracious letter as well as his letter to my dear brother (which I am sending to my dear brother), and I hear from it that all there is still well (thank God); and that Almighty God has blessed Her Majesty, our most gracious Queen, with a young lady; so may His divine Name be praised, and may He let Her Princely Grace the aforementioned Lady grow up in all Christian and princely virtues, for the happiness of both Their Majesties and for the consolation and joy of the Fatherland.

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