Monday, June 27, 2022

Anecdote on Kristina asking the skipper what kind of man he thinks Descartes is upon his arrival, October 1649


La vie de Mr. Descartes, volume 2, page 388, by Adrien Baillet, 1691

The anecdote:

La Reine que l'arrivée de M. Descartes avoit mise en belle humeur, ordonna que l'on fit entrer le Pilote qui avoit été chargé de l'amener; & luy demanda en riant quelle espéce d'homme il croyoit avoir conduite dans son vaisseau? "Madame", répondit le Pilote, "ce n'est pas un homme que j'ay amené à vôtre Majesté, c'est un demy-Dieu."

Abridged Swedish translation (by Hesselberg):

När Drottning Christina frågade Skepparen, som hade fört Cartesius öfwer til Swerige, hwad för en människja han trodde hafwa haft med sig på Skeppet? swarade han: »Nådigste Drottning, det är icke någon människja, som jag har fört hit til Ed. Maj:t, utan en Half-Gud.«

English translation (my own):

The Queen, whom the arrival of Monsieur Descartes had put in a good humour, ordered the skipper who had been charged with bringing him to be brought to her, and laughingly asked him what kind of man he thought he had brought on his ship. "Madame", replied the skipper, "it is not a man I have brought to Your Majesty, it is a demigod."

Above: Kristina.

Above: René Descartes.

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