Saturday, July 16, 2022

Postscript from Kristina's letter to Manuel Texeira, dated September 7/17 (New Style), 1678


Bibliothèque interuniversitaire (Montpellier); Manuscrits de la reine Christine; VIII: Lettere della regina ai suoi ministri; Varii Poscretti della regina al Signore Texeira; Lettres à Texeira; 117: Christine de Suède à Texeira, [s. l.], 17 septembre 1678 (digitisation page 139v-140r)

Christine (1626-1689 ; reine de Suède), Manuscrits de la reine Christine: Lettere della regina ai suoi ministri, : , 1601-1700.

The Foli@ online digital heritage library is here:

Copyright SCDI-UPV - Collections Université de Montpellier (shelfmark H 258).

Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 3, pages 430 and 484, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1759

The postscript:

17. Settembre. — Non mi fate più queste paure, e conseruateui; del resto Sappiate che l'Abb[at]e Santini vi parla della pace in q[ues]ta lett[er]a Secondo li Sentimenti del B. P. e non Secondo li miei p[er]che quanto à me io non credo per la pace p[er] vn pézzo, ne la desidero la guerra fa p[er] mè, e Se dura Spero di far bene li fatti miei mà la pace p[er] adesso mi Spianterebbe, p[er]che hò bisogno di tempo p[er] aggiustarli, e Se l'hò non dubitate che tutto andrà bene. la battaglia di Mons è stato vn gran colpo, et io vedo la fiandra assicurata p[er] Sempre, et accomplito il mio pronostico; la presa di Christianstat farà respirar vn poco la Suezia, et il Soccorso di Bahus è una fortuna grande in mezzo à tante disgrazie.

With modernised spelling:

17 settembre. —
Non mi fate più queste paure, e conservatevi. Del resto, sappiate che l'abbate Santini vi parla della pace in questa lettera secondo li sentimenti del Beatissimo Padre e non secondo li miei, perché, quanto a me, io non credo per la pace per un pezzo, nè la desidero. La guerra fa per me, e se dura, spero di far bene li fatti miei; ma la pace per adesso mi spianterebbe, perché ho bisogno di tempo per aggiustarli; e se l'ho, non dubitate che tutto andrà bene.

La battaglia di Møn è stato un gran colpo, ed io vedo la Fiandra assicurata per sempre ed accomplito il mio pronostico. La presa di Kristianstad farà respirar un poco la Svezia, ed il soccorso di Bohus è una fortuna grande in mezzo a tante disgrazie.

Arckenholtz's transcript of the postscript (in his French translation from Italian; I have italicised the part from page 484; the latter part from page 430 is repeated after it):

Sachez au-reste que l'Abbé Santini vous parle de la paix dans cette Lettre selon le sentiment de S. S. ...... mais pas selon moi; car je ne la crois pas du tout, ni ne la desire non plus. La guerre me convient plus, & si elle continue, j'espére de faire bien mes affaires, mais la paix me déconcerteroit à-présent, parce qu'il me faut du tems pour les ajuster; & si je l'ai, ne doutez pas que tout n'aille bien. La Bataille de Mons a été un grand coup, & je vois la Flandre assurée pour toujours, & ainsi mon pronostic est accompli. La prise de Christianstad fera respirer un peu la Suède, & le secours de Bahus est une grande fortune au milieu de tant de disgraces.

Swedish translation (my own):

Vet dessutom att abboten Santini talar till Er om fred i detta brev enligt Hans Helighets känsla ...... men inte enligt mig; ty jag tror det inte alls, och jag önskar det inte heller. Krig passar mig mer, och om det fortsätter, hoppas jag kunna göra mina affärer väl, men fred skulle förvirra mig nu, ty jag behöver tid att anpassa dem; och om jag har det, tvivla inte på att allt är bra. Slaget vid Mons var ett stort slag, och jag ser Flandern försäkrat för alltid, och därmed är min prognos fullbordad. Intagandet av Kristianstad kommer att låta Sverige andas lite, och Bohus hjälp är en stor förmögenhet mitt i så många skamfläckar.

English translation (my own):

Know, moreover, that Abbot Santini speaks to you of peace in this letter according to the sentiment of His Holiness ...... but not according to me; for I do not believe it at all, nor do I desire it. War suits me more, and if it continues, I hope to do my business well, but peace would disconcert me now, because I need time to adjust them; and if I have it, do not doubt that all is well. The Battle of Mons was a great blow, and I see Flanders assured forever, and thus my prognosis is accomplished. The capture of Kristianstad will let Sweden breathe a little, and the help of Bohus is a great fortune in the midst of so many disgraces.

French translation of the original (my own):

Le 17 septembre. —
Ne me donnez plus ces craintes et prenez garde. Au reste, sachez que l'abbé Santini vous parle de la paix dans cette lettre selon les sentiments du Béatissime Père et non selon les miens, car, pour moi, je ne crois pas à la paix de longue durée, ni ne la désire. La guerre est en ma faveur, et si elle dure, j'espère bien faire mes affaires; mais la paix pour le moment me ruinerait, car j'ai besoin de temps pour remettre les choses en ordre; et si je l'ai, ne doutez pas que tout aille bien.

La bataille de Møn a été un grand coup, et je vois la Flandre assurée à jamais et mon pronostic accompli. La prise de Christianstad donnera un peu de répit à la Suède, et le secours de Bohus est une grande fortune au milieu de tant de disgrâces.

Swedish translation of the original (my own):

Den 17 september —
Ge mig inte dessa rädslor igen, och var försiktig. För övrigt, vet att abbot Santini talar till Er om fred i detta brev enligt den välsignade faderns känslor och inte enligt mina, ty jag inte tror på fred på länge, och jag önskar den inte heller. Kriget är till min fördel, och om det håller i sig, hoppas jag kunna göra mina affärer väl; men fred för nu skulle förstöra mig, ty jag behöver tid att ställa saker till rätta; och om jag har det, tvivla inte på att allt kommer att gå bra.

Slaget om Møn har varit ett stort slag, och jag ser Flandern vara säker för alltid och min prognostik uppnådd. Intagandet av Kristianstad kommer att ge Sverige lite andrum, och Bohus' hjälp är en stor lycka mitt i så många onåder.

English translation of the original (my own):

September 17. —
Do not give me these fears again, and be careful. For the rest, know that Abbot Santini speaks to you about peace in this letter according to the sentiments of the Most Blessed Father and not according to mine, because, as for me, I do not believe in peace for a long time, nor do I desire it. The war is in my favour, and if it lasts, I hope to do my business well; but peace for now would ruin me, because I need time to put things right; and if I have it, do not doubt that everything will go well.

The Battle of Møn has been a great blow, and I see Flanders assured forever and my prognostic accomplished. The capture of Kristianstad will give Sweden a little breathing space, and the succour of Bohus is a great fortune in the midst of so many disgraces.

Above: Kristina.

Note: The Battle of Møn took place from May 31 to June 1, 1677 as part of the Scanian War. A smaller Swedish squadron under Admiral Erik Sjöblad attempted to sail from Gothenburg to join the main Swedish fleet in the Baltic Sea. It was intercepted by a superior Dano-Norwegian force under Niels Juel and decimated over the course of two days. The Swedes lost eight ships, and over 1,500 men were killed, wounded or captured, including Admiral Sjöblad himself, while the Danish losses were insignificant.

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