Friday, July 15, 2022

Postscript from Kristina's letter to Manuel Texeira, dated January 31/February 10 (New Style), 1674


Bibliothèque interuniversitaire (Montpellier); Manuscrits de la reine Christine; VIII: Lettere della regina ai suoi ministri; Varii Poscretti della regina al Signore Texeira; Lettres à Texeira; 78: Christine de Suède à Texeira, [s. l.], 10 février 1674 (digitisation page 131v-132r)

Christine (1626-1689 ; reine de Suède), Manuscrits de la reine Christine: Lettere della regina ai suoi ministri, : , 1601-1700.

The Foli@ online digital heritage library is here:

Copyright SCDI-UPV - Collections Université de Montpellier (shelfmark H 258).

Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 3, page 429, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1759

The postscript (with Kristina's handwriting in italics):

1674. 10. febr[aro]. — Mi par vn hora mill'anni che habbiate parlato al Co[nte]: [...] e mi par che uoi discorrete molto bene Sopra le p[rese]nti congiunt[io]ne: — Quanto alla Suezia credo certo che non farà niente ne prò, ne contra la francia. Jl Rè d'Jnghilterra con la Sua ostinatione franceseria piaccia à Dio che non Si protasse il destino del Padre.

With modernised spelling:

1674. 10 febbraro. — Mi par un ora mill'anni che abbiate parlato al conte [...] e mi par che voi discorrete molto bene sopra le presenti congiunzione. — Quanto alla Svezia, credo certo che non farà niente ne pro, ne contra la Francia. Il re d'Inghilterra, con la sua franceseria, piaccia a Dio che non si portasse il destino del padre.

Arckenholtz's abridged transcript of the letter (in his French translation):

Plût à Dieu que la politesse Françoise du Roi d'Angleterre ne lui attire pas le destin de son Pére.

Swedish translation (my own):

Önskar till Gud att konungen av Englands franska artighet inte förde honom hans fars öde.

English translation (my own):

Would to God that the French politeness of the King of England did not bring him the fate of his father.

French translation of the original (my own):

1674. Le 10 février. — Il me semble qu'il y a mille ans que vous avez parlé au comte [...], et il me semble que vous parlez fort bien des conjonctures présentes. — Quant à la Suède, je crois bien qu'elle ne fera rien ni pour ni contre la France. Le roi d'Angleterre, avec sa franceserie, Dieu veuille qu'il ne s'attire pas le sort de son père.

Swedish translation of the original (my own):

1674. Den 10 februari — Det förefaller mig tusen år sedan Ni talade med greve [...], och det tycks mig som Ni talar mycket väl om den nuvarande konjunkturer. — När det gäller Sverige tror jag verkligen att det inte kommer att göra något varken för eller emot Frankrike. Konungen av England, med sin franceseria, må Gud ge att han inte kommer över sin fars öde.

English translation of the original (my own):

1674. February 10. — It seems to me a thousand years since you spoke to Count [...], and it seems to me that you are speaking very well about the present conjunction. — As for Sweden, I certainly believe that it will do nothing either for or against France. The King of England, with his franceseria, may God grant that he not bring upon himself the fate of his father.

Above: Kristina.

Above: King Charles II of England.

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