Monday, May 20, 2024

Lucas Holstenius's diary entry, dated October 28/November 7 (New Style), 1655


Revue des langues romanes: quatrième série, tome cinquième, page 539, published by the Society for the Study of the Romance Languages, 1891
The diary entry:

7. scripsi exemplar actorum ob ineptitudinem notarii. Visitavi comitem Montecuculli; sub noctem iterum exhibitum fuit drama minus.

French translation (my own):

7. J'ai rédigé une copie des actes à cause de l'incompétence du greffier. J'ai rendu visite au comte Montecuccoli; la nuit, un drame a été présenté à nouveau.

Swedish translation (my own):

7. Jag skrev en kopia av handlingarna på grund av tjänstemannens oduglighet. Jag besökte greve Montecuccoli; på natten presenterades ett drama igen.

English translation (my own):

7. I wrote a copy of the acts because of the ineptitude of the clerk. I visited Count Montecuccoli; at night there was a drama presented again.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Raimondo Montecuccoli.

Above: Lucas Holstenius.

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