Monday, May 20, 2024

Philibert de la Mare's anecdote about Kristina wanting to have Isaac de Peyrère's manuscript about the pre-Adamites printed in Holland after having read it during her/his/their stay in Brussels in 1655


Mélanges de M. Philibert Delamare, conseiller au parlement de Dijon, commencez en 1673 et copiez sur le ms. original; view 101, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits

Isaac de Peyrère's book Præ-Adamitæ was published in Latin in 1655, and an English translation, Men Before Adam, was published in 1656; but I do not feel comfortable posting links to them because in the 19th century they came to be used as a basis for the theories of polygenism and attempts to justify r*cism towards indigenous peoples, particularly in the Americas.

The anecdote:

C'est la Reyne Christine de Suede qui estant à Bruxelles et ayant leu le M S. des preadamites de Mr. de la peyrere le pressa de le porter en Hollande et le Faire Jmprimer. On dit même qu'elle fournit l'argent pour l'impression. Celui qui auoit faicte le premier plan de ces ouurages estoit un Ministre de Guyenne plus habille que Mr. de la Pereyre, qui en auoit les Memoires, et le mit en l'Etat qu'il en [...].

With modernised spelling:

C'est la reine Christine de Suède qui, étant à Bruxelles et ayant lu le manuscrit des préadamites de Monsieur de la Peyrère, le pressa de le porter en Hollande et le faire imprimer. On dit même qu'elle fournit l'argent pour l'impression. Celui qui avait fait le premier plan de ces ouvrages était un ministre de Guyenne plus habile que Monsieur de la Peyrère, qui en avait les mémoires et le mit en l'état qu'il en [...].

Swedish translation (my own):

Det var drottning Kristina av Sverige som, när hon var i Bryssel och efter att ha läst monsieur de la Peyrères manuskript om pre-adamiterna, uppmanade honom att ta det till Holland och få det tryckt. Hon sägs till och med tillhandahålla pengarna för tryckningen. Den som hade gjort den första planen för dessa verk var en minister från Guyenne, skickligare än monsieur de la Peyrère, som hade memorialer och satte honom i staten till [...].

English translation (my own):

It was Queen Kristina of Sweden who, being in Brussels and having read Monsieur de la Peyrère's manuscript about the pre-Adamites, urged him to take it to Holland and have it printed. She is even said to provide the money for printing. The one who had made the first plan of these works was a minister from Guyenne, more skillful than Monsieur de la Peyrère, who had the memorandums and put him in the state to [...].

Above: Kristina.

Notes: La Peyrère = Isaac La Peyrère (1596-1676), a French-born theologian, writer and lawyer. He was born into a Huguenot (French Protestant) family of Jewish ancestry, but towards the end of his life he converted to Catholicism, although the sincerity of his conversion has been questioned.

He was a proponent of the pre-Adamite hypothesis, which is the theological belief that humans or intelligent non-human creatures existed before the Biblical character Adam, who is considered the first human in the Abrahamic religions.

Guyenne was an old French province which corresponded roughly to the Roman province of Aquitania Secunda and the archdiocese of Bordeaux.

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