Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Excerpt from Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstierna's letter to Axel Oxenstierna mentioning that Maria Eleonora has secretly written to her brother and wants to leave Sweden and take Kristina with her, dated February 17/27 (Old Style), 1634


Rikskansleren Axel Oxenstiernas skrifter och brefvexling, senare afdelningen, tredje bandet: Gabriel Gustafsson Oxenstiernas bref 1611-1640, Per Brahes bref 1633-1651, page 326, published by the Royal Scientific Academy of History and Antiquities and P. A. Norstedt and Sons, 1890

The letter excerpt:

Ett moste jagh förmäla migh haffua in secreto förnummitt, att H. M:tt haffuer sckreffuit ett breff till Churfyrsten aff Brandeburgh och 1:o graverat sigh öffuer Rådet, att de förkrenckia hennes rettigheet i leibgedinget; 2:o att om Churfyrsten funne dett rådeliget, ville H. M:tt see till, att hon kunne komma uthur riket och taga vår unge Dråttning medh sig. Deruppå skall nogra fhå dagar, för ähn vij till Nyköpingh ankommo, vara kommitt svar, att H. M:tt skulle sigh sådana fåfänge tanckar inthet göra, ty han viste fast bettre, att Rådet vore väl affectionerade, allenest hon skulle så comportera sigh emot dem, att hon kunne behålla affection, denn de och noksampt bevist, i dett de haffua declarerat hennes dotter till Sveriges dråttningh. Men dett H. M:tt ville sökia legenheet att komma uthur riket medh Fröken, derifrån affrådde han aldeles, sckriffuandes, att, der hon på dett viset droge der uth, skulle hon eller hennes dotter svårligen mhera komma der in. Detta ähr migh in secreto communicerat. Förmäler dett och för [den sakens] skull, att, der min broder komme medh Cantzleren Götz till taals, han dett kunne förfara och flere particulariter derom förnimma, sedan och [märka], hvadh för en gäst vij haffua att fhås medh. Doch hoppas jagh, att vij alt detta consilio et autoritate skole kunne öffuervinna.

English translation (my own):

I must tell about one thing that I have learned in secret: that Her Majesty has written a letter to the Elector of Brandenburg and 1. complained about the Council, that they are offending her right in the dower estate; 2. that if the Elector finds it advisable, Her Majesty would see to it that she could leave the realm and take our young Queen with her. It will be few days, before we arrived in Nyköping, that an answer on that would come, that Her Majesty would not have such vain ideas, because he [the Elector] knew better that the Council was well affectionate, only that she should behave so towards them to keep that affection, and they also sufficiently proved that they have declared her daughter as Queen of Sweden. But that Her Majesty would look for an opportunity to leave the realm with the Lady, he discouraged her completely, writing that if she should go out that way, she and her daughter would barely get back in. This was communicated to me in secret. I also say, for the sake of this matter, that my brother should speak with Chancellor Götz, he can proceed and understand more details on this, then also see what a guest we'll have. Either way, I hope all this can be overcome with counsel and authority.

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