Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Kristina's oral exercise in Latin, dated November 8/18 (Old Style), 1642


Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 4, page 197, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1760

The oral exercise:

Paulus Æmilius ratus si liberos suos benè educasset, hoc illis meliùs profuturum, quàm multæ divitiæ. Postquam autem Macedoniâ potiretur, ob eam rem motus de omni prædâ nil retinere voluit, quàm Bibliothecam Regiam pro suis filiis.

French translation (my own):

Paul Émile pensait que s'il élevait bien ses fils, cela leur profiterait mieux qu'une grande richesse. Mais après avoir pris possession de la Macédoine, c'est pourquoi il ne voulut rien retenir du mouvement de tous les dépouilles, comme la bibliothèque royale pour ses fils.

Swedish translation (my own):

Paulus Æmilius trodde att om han uppfostrade sina söner väl, skulle detta gynna dem bättre än stora rikedomar. Men sedan han hade tagit Makedonien i besittning, ville han av den anledningen intet behålla av allt bytes förflyttning, såsom det kungliga biblioteket för sina söner.

English translation (my own):

Paulus Æmilius thought that if he brought up his sons well, this would profit them better than great wealth. But after he had taken possession of Macedonia, for that reason he wanted to retain nothing of the movement of all the spoils, such as the royal library for his sons.

Above: Kristina.

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