Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Whitelocke and Kristina review the articles of his treaty, March 9/19 (Old Style), 1654


A journal of the Swedish ambassy, in the years M.DCC.LIII. and M.DCC.LIV., pages 485 to 489, volume 1, Bulstrode Whitelocke, published in 1772

The diary entry:

... In the afternoon, Whitelocke attended the queen, who excused her not having conferred with him about his treaty: Whitelocke told her, that, if it were now seasonable, he had them ready, and they might reade them over togither; wherunto she consented, and he read them to her.

She tooke out a paper of notes, written with her own hand in latin, her observations uppon the articles.

After Whitelocke had read the first article, she said, there was nothing therin which needed explanation.

2. The second, she said, would require consideration, and read, out of her notes, the words "communis interesse", which she desired Whitelocke to explaine what was meant by them. He told her those words included matter of safety, and matter of traffique: she then demaunded why the Baltick sea was named, as to free navigation, and not other seas likewise? Whitelocke said, the reason was, bicause att present navigation was not free in the Baltick sea, butt if she pleased to have other seas also named, he would consent to it: she asked, if he would consent as to freedome of navigation in America? Whitelocke told her he could not, and that the treatyes of the common-wealth were comprehended within the bounds of Europe. She asked him what he thought the protector would doe in case she should demaund that liberty? He said, his highnes would give such an answear as should consist with the interest of England, and show a due regard to her majesty.

3. This third article, she said, she would agree unto, butt she thought it necessary, that a forme should be agreed uppon for certificates and letters of safe conduct, that ships might passe free uppon showing of them. Whitelocke said, he thought there would be no need of them, especially if the peace with the Dutch were concluded. She replyed, that if the war continued, it would be necessary.

4. She said, she thought there would be no need of this article, and read another, which she herselfe had drawn in latin, to this effect.

"That if any heerafter should commit treason, or be rebels in one countrey, they should not be harboured in the other." Whitelocke said, the article was already to that purpose, and he thought it was necessary for the good of both nations: she said, it would be too sharpe against divers officers who had served her father, and herselfe, and were now setled in Sweden. Whitelocke offered that amendement which he before tendered to the chancellor, which, when she read, she told Whitelocke, that might include all those men whom she mentioned before. Whitelocke said, that, uppon inquiry into it, he found not one excepted by name from pardon. She said, for any thing to be done heerafter, it was reasonable, and she would consent to it. Whitelocke said, that if any heerafter should come into her countrey, who were excepted from pardon, it was also reasonable to include them in this article.

5. She said, that this and the second article would require further consideration; bicause, if she should consent therunto, it would declare her breach of the newtrality, which she had hitherto kept. Whitelocke told her, if the peace were concluded with the Dutch, that newtrality would be gone; and, if the warre continued, he presumed she would not sticke to declare otherwise then that newtrality: she said, that was true, butt she desired that this, and the second article might be lett alone, untill the issue of the dutch treaty.

6. Article she said was reasonable.

7. She took exception to the words, "bona à suis cujusq; inimicis direpta", which she said was a breach of her newtrality: to that Whitelocke answeared, as before uppon the fifth article, and she desired it might be past over as the second and fifth articles, till the issue of the dutch treaty were known. She said, she would desire the liberty of fishing for herrings: Whitelocke told her, that, uppon equall conditions, he presumed his highnes would consent to that which should be fitt. She asked, what conditions he would demaund? Whitelocke said, those matters of commerce would be better agreed uppon with the advice of marchants.

8. Article she said was equall.

9. There was no difference uppon it.

10. She judged fitt to be agreed uppon.

11. She made some short observations, which by explanation Whitelocke cleered, and she agreed.

12. The like as uppon the 11th article.

13. To this article she read in latin an objection to the proviso, and said, it was reasonable that, if they did breake bulke, they should pay custome for so much only as they sould. Whitelocke told her, that objection showed, that there were great men marchants in Sweden, and that the objection was more in favour of the marchants then of herselfe: she said, the marchants were crafty indeed; and she did not much insist uppon it.

14. The last article which Whitelocke had given in; to this she said, it was fitt that the men of war, that should come into the others ports, should be to a number ascertained, to avoyd suspition. Whitelocke said, he would agree therunto, with a caution, as in the first article, to be added; if they should be driven by tempest, force, or necessity, then to be dispenced with.

Whitelocke desired her majesty to give him a copy of her objections; she told him, they were only a few things which she had written with her own hand, uppon her apprehension of the articles, and that he should have them in writing: butt she desired him not to acquaint any person heer with this conference.

Above: Kristina.

Above: Bulstrode Whitelocke.

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