Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Whitelocke's meeting with Kristina, March 23/April 2 (Old Style), 1654


A journal of the Swedish ambassy, in the years M.DCC.LIII. and M.DCC.LIV., volume 1, pages 524 to 526, Bulstrode Whitelocke, published in 1772

Bulstr. Whitelockes Dag-Bok Öfver Dess Ambassade til Sverige, page 479, translated by Johan Edman, 1777

The diary entry:

Whitelocke attended the queen; and after some discourses of pleasanteries, they fell uppon the treaty, and Whitelocke said to her,

Wh. "My buisnes, madame, is now brought to a conclusion."

Qu. "Is it to your liking?"

Wh. "Pardon me, madame, if I say it is not att all to my liking: for, in the articles which Grave Eric sent me, there were many perticulars to which I could not agree, and I much wondered to receive such articles from him, being perswaded that your majesty was before satifyed by me in most of the perticulars in them."

Qu. "What are those perticulars?"

The articles Whitelocke had in readiness with him, and his observations uppon them, having taken paines this morning to compare their articles with his own, and to frame his objections uppon them.

The queen wrote down the objections with her own hand, and then entered into a debate with Whitelocke uppon the whole, and seemed to be satisfyed in most of the points insisted on by Whitelocke; butt was stiffe uppon the law relating to ships of war, which is mentioned in her eleventh article, and uppon some other perticulars.

After the debate, she desired that Whitelocke would the next morning bring to her his objections in writing; and then she said, "we will not be long before we come to a conclusion of this buisnes."

Whitelocke thought it convenient to make his addresses to the queen herselfe, and, as much as he could, to decline conferences with her commissioner Grave Eric, whom he found more than others averse and crosse to him in this treaty: and the queen was pleased to admit Whitelocke to this way, and was not displeased to have applications in this and other affayres of the like nature, to be made unto her person; wherof Whitelocke had private information before from Piementelle, Woolfeldt, and others, whose advice he persued heerin with good successe.

Her majesty also permitted Whitelocke to have a free debate with her uppon the points controverted, and would returne answears to every argument, with as much reason and ingenuity as any of her ministers of state, and be, sooner than they, satisfyed with what was reason.

She told Whitelocke, that she marvayled that he having received those long articles butt late the last night, should be able to make objections, and to enter into a debate uppon all of them this day, when her people had much longer time to frame these articles. Whitelocke answeared, "Yes, by two or three moneths": after some other discourse, Whitelocke left her in a pleasant humor. ...

Reconstruction of the conversation as it was in French (my own translation):

Whitelocke: «Mon affaire, Madame, est maintenant terminée.»

Christine: «Plaît-elle vous?»

Whitelocke: «Pardonnez-moi, Madame, si je dis que ce n'est pas du tout à mon goût; car, dans les articles que le comte Eric m'a envoyés, il y avait beaucoup de particularités sur lesquelles je ne pouvais pas être d'accord, et je m'étonnais beaucoup de recevoir de tels articles de lui, étant persuadé que Votre Majesté était auparavant satisfaite par moi dans la plupart des particularités qu'ils contiennent.»

Christine: «Quels sont ces particularités?»


Christine: «Nous ne tarderons pas à conclure cette affaire.»


Whitelocke: «Oui, d'ici deux ou trois mois.»

Swedish translation of the conversation (my own):

Whitelocke: »Min affär, madam, är nu avslutad.«

Kristina: »Faller den Er i smaken?«

Whitelocke: »Ursäkta mig, madam, om jag säger att det inte alls faller mig i smaken; för i de artiklar som greve Erik skickade till mig fanns det många detaljer som jag inte kunde gå med på, och jag undrade mycket över att få sådana artiklar från honom, för jag är övertygad om att Ers Majestät förut var tillfredsställd av mig med de flesta detaljerna i dem.«

Kristina: »Vad är det för detaljer?«


Kristina: »Vi skall inte dröja länge innan vi kommer till en avslutning av den här affär.«


Whitelocke: »Ja, med två eller tre månader.«

Swedish translation of the conversation (by Edman):

Wh. »Omsider börjar nu min förrättning at nalkas til slut.«

Drottn. »Jag hoppas efter Edar önskan.«

Wh. »Jag beder Edar Maj:t om förlåtelse, at jag måtte säga det icke aldeles vara efter min önskan; ty uti de punkter Grefve ERIC sändt mig, äro månge omständigheter, til hvilka jag icke kan samtycka; och undrar jag så mycket mer, at han kunnat lemna mig dem, som jag har full anledning at tro, Hennes Maj:t vara nögd med dem jag inlemnat.«

Drottn. »Hvilke äro de omständigheter?« ...

Above: Kristina.

Above: Bulstrode Whitelocke.

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