Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Kristina's oral exercise in Latin, dated November 11, 1642


Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 4, page 197, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1760

The oral exercise:

Mytilenses maximam pœnam putarunt si juventus in ignorantiâ & ruditate educaretur, quaniobrem potitâ dominatione maris, rebellibus suis loco pœnæ imposuerant, quòd liberos suos in Artibus liberalibus non informarent.

French translation (my own):

Les habitants de Mytilène pensaient que la plus grande punition serait que les jeunes soient élevés dans l'ignorance et la grossièreté, car ils avaient plutôt imposé une punition à leurs rebelles, qu'ils ne devraient pas éduquer leurs enfants dans les arts libéraux.

Swedish translation (my own):

Folket i Mytilene tyckte att det största straffet vore om ungdomen skulle uppfostras i okunnighet och oförskämdhet, eftersom de istället hade ålagt sina rebeller ett straff, att de inte skulle utbilda sina barn i de liberala konster.

English translation (my own):

The people of Mytilene thought that the greatest punishment would be if the youth should be brought up in ignorance and rudeness, as they had instead imposed a punishment on their rebels, that they should not educate their children in the liberal arts.

Above: Kristina.

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