Thursday, June 27, 2024

A note for my readers: Colour changes

To anyone who reads this blog, I want to announce that I might be changing the colours of this blog very soon. Although the brown, yellow, red, orange and white background and texts do suit Kristina's character in my opinion, it is my understanding that some people have a hard time reading light text on dark backgrounds, so I will change the colours to ones that might be easier to read in. I do have a colour scheme in mind: so far I have in mind a light blue background with dark purple main body text, the blue is to symbolise Kristina having come from a cold climate like that of Sweden, and the dark purple to represent the traditional colour of royalty, but there may be others depending on how it looks as I edit. After the change in colours is finished, I will post an announcement for that. I thought I should announce this change ahead of time to avoid confusion, and I hope this blog will be easier to read with the new colours for those who do better with dark text on light backgrounds.

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