Monday, July 1, 2024

Summary of Peder Vibe's letter to Christoffer Urne, the Grand Chancellor of Denmark, and the government of Denmark in Copenhagen, dated June 5/15 (Old Style), 1652


Handlingar rörande Sverges historia, volume 1, page 93, published by Anders Fryxell, 1836
The 3,700th post to this blog!

The letter summary:

... [Stockholm] 5 Juni 1652. Om sekret. Scunk. — Ebbe Ulfeldts quereller. — Om den sjelfgjorda Engelska grefvinnan. — De lånta pengarnas distribution.

With modernised spelling:

... [Stockholm] 5 juni 1652. Om sekreteraren Skunck. — Ebbe Ulfeldts kvereller. — Om den självgjorda engelska grevinnan. — De lånta pengarnas distribution.

English translation (my own):

... Stockholm, June 5, 1652. About the secretary Skunck. — Ebbe Ulfeldt's quarrels. — Of the self-made English countess. — The distribution of the borrowed money.

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