Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Excerpt from John Pory's letter to Sir Thomas Puckering, dated December 24, 1632/January 3, 1633 (New Style)


The court and times of Charles the First, volume 2, pages 213 to 215, published by Robert Folkestone Williams, 1848

The letter excerpt:

London, January 3, 1632-3.
... [At Wittenberg] the King of Sweden's body lies embalmed, being attended by a guard of 2000 men. ...

The Chancellor Oxenstiern, for his service and industry, since the king's death, is to be loved and admired by all such as are lovers of the good cause, left by the late king, of famous memory, under his charge and tuition, namely, setting up the Germanic liberty, and levelling of the House of Austria. For the first thing he did, so soon as he was sure of the king's death, was his passing with incredible celerity from town to town, and from city to city (not omitting the least fort or sconce), and his swearing both the civil magistrate and military officer unto the allegiance of the queen; whereby he settled their minds, and kept them from revolting, as the enemy expected, they would have done, whensoever God should call Gustavus Adolphus from among them. And therefore it is verily thought the princes at the Diet will choose him director of the war. Yet the papists here do report he is taken prisoner; but upon what grounds, I know not...

With more modernised spelling:

London, January 3, 1632-3.
... [At Wittenberg] the King of Sweden's body lies embalmed, being attended by a guard of 2,000 men. ...

The Chancellor Oxenstiern, for his service and industry since the King's death is to be loved and admired by all such as are lovers of the good cause left by the late King (of famous memory) under his charge and tuition, namely setting up the Germanic liberty and levelling of the House of Austria. For the first thing he did, so soon as he was sure of the king's death, was his passing with incredible celerity from town to town and from city to city (not omitting the least fort or sconce) and his swearing both the civil magistrate and military officer unto the allegiance of the Queen, whereby he settled their minds and kept them from revolting, as the enemy expected they would have done whensoever God should call Gustavus Adolphus from among them.

And therefore it is verily thought the princes at the Diet will choose him director of the war. Yet the Papists here do report he is taken prisoner, but upon what grounds, I know not...

French translation (my own):

Londres, le 3 janvier 1632-3.
... [A Wittenberg] le cadavre du roi de Suède repose embaumé, accompagné d'une garde de 2 000 hommes. ...

Le chancelier Oxenstierna, pour son service et son industrie depuis la mort du roi, doit être aimé et admiré par tous ceux qui aiment la bonne cause laissée par le défunt roi (de mémoire célèbre) sous sa garde et sa tutelle, à savoir l'instauration de la liberté germanique et le nivellement de la maison d'Autriche. Car la première chose qu'il fit, dès qu'il fut sûr de la mort du roi, fut de passer avec une célérité incroyable de ville en ville et de cité en cité (sans omettre le moindre fort) et de prêter serment d'allégeance à la reine au magistrat civil et à l'officier militaire, ce qui a calmé leurs esprits et les a empêchés de se révolter, comme l'ennemi s'attendait à ce qu'ils le fassent chaque fois que Dieu appellerait Gustave-Adolphe parmi eux.

Et c'est pourquoi on pense vraiment que les princes de la Diète le choisiront comme directeur de la guerre. Pourtant les papistes ici présents rapportent qu'il a été fait prisonnier, mais pour quelles raisons, je l'ignore...

Swedish translation (my own):

London, den 3 januari 1632-3.
... [På Wittenberg] ligger Sveriges konungs lik balsamerat, bevakat av en vakt på 2,000 man. ...

Kanslern Oxenstierna, för hans tjänst och yrkesverksamhet sedan konungens död får älskas och beundras av alla sådana som är älskare av den goda sak som den salige konungen (av berömt minne) lämnat under hans ledning och förvaltning, nämligen att upprätta den germanska friheten och utjämning av huset Österrike. Ty det första han gjorde, så snart han var säker på konungens död, var att resa med en otrolig snabbhet från stad till stad (inte utelämnande av det minsta fort eller skans) och att han svära både civildomaren och militärofficer till drottningens trohet, varigenom han bestämde deras sinnen och höll dem från att göra uppror, som fienden förväntade sig att de skulle ha gjort närhelst Gud skulle kalla Gustav Adolf från bland dem.

Och därför är det sannerligen tänkt att furstarna på Riksdagen kommer att välja honom som chef för kriget. Ändå rapporterar papisterna här att han är tillfångatagen, men på vilka grunder vet jag inte...

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