Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Excerpt from John Pory's letter to an unknown recipient, dated December 3/13 (New Style), 1632


The court and times of Charles the First, volume 2, page 212, published by Robert Folkestone Williams, 1848

The letter excerpt:

London, December 13, 1632.
... The king's death is most certainly confirmed, not only by an express to the Holland ambassador, but by another also to his majesty from Curtius, his agent, not now at Frankfort as formerly, but in the Swedish army; so that now there is no more wagering of the business. The Queen of Sweden being a most disconsolate lady, and the Chancellor Oxenstiern, are now at Erfurt. ...

With more modernised spelling:

London, December 13, 1632.
... The King's death is most certainly confirmed, not only by an express to the Holland ambassador, but by another also to His Majesty from Curtius, his agent, not now at Frankfurt as formerly, but in the Swedish army, so that now there is no more wagering of the business. The Queen of Sweden, being a most disconsolate lady, and the Chancellor Oxenstiern are now at Erfurt. ...

French translation (my own):

Londres, 13 décembre 1632.
... La mort du roi est confirmée avec certitude, non seulement par un exprès adressé à l'ambassadeur de Hollande, mais aussi par un autre adressé à Sa Majesté par Curtius, son agent, qui n'est plus à Francfort comme autrefois, mais dans l'armée suédoise, de sorte qu'il n'y a plus à parier sur cette affaire. La reine de Suède, qui est une dame très inconsolable, et le chancelier Oxenstierna sont maintenant à Erfurt. ...

Swedish translation (my own):

London, den 13 december 1632.
... Konungens död bekräftas med all säkerhet, ej blott genom en express till Hollands ambassadör, utan av en annan även till Hans Majestät från Curtius, hans agent, som inte nu befinner sig i Frankfurt som förut, utan i den svenska armén, så att det nu finns ingen mer vadslagning av affären. Drottningen av Sverige, som är en högst tröstlös dam, och kanslern Oxenstierna är nu i Erfurt. ...

Note: Curtius = John William Curtius (1598-1678), 1st Curtius Baronet of Sweden, FRS, was a diplomat representing the House of Stuart during the Thirty Years' War and the exile of King Charles II. In later life, he served as Resident Ambassador of the English Crown in the Holy Roman Empire and was head magistrate for two districts of the Electoral Palatinate.

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