Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Bishop Gilbert Burnet on Kristina's interest in astrology, year 1687


Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time, volume 1, page 389, by Bishop Gilbert Burnet, 1724

Bischof Burnets Geschichte, die er selbst erlebet hat, volume 1, page 805, by Bishop Gilbert Burnet, translated by Philipp Herteln, 1724

Den swenska fatburen, volumes 1 and 2, page 144, Peter Hesselberg, 1768

The anecdote:

... She [Queen Christina] had given her self entirely for some years to the study of Astrology: And upon that she told me, the King [James II] would live yet many years, but added that he would have no son.

German translation (by Herteln):

Diese Königinn [Christina] hatte sich damals [1687] ganz und gar der Sterndeuter-Kunst ergeben / und sagte mir / der König würde noch viele Jahre erleben / aber keinen Sohn bekommen.

Swedish translation (from source 2):

Drottning Christina, säger den Ängelske Biskopen Doct. Burnet, hade den tiden jag war i Rom (år 1687) lagt sig hel och hållen på stjerntydare-konsten, och hon sade mig, at Konung Jakob den 2 i Ängelland skulle ännu lefwa i många år, men icke få någon Son til arfwinge.

Above: Kristina.

Above: King James II of England and VII of Scotland.

Above: Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury.

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