Sunday, October 6, 2024

"TV Tropes" that I think fit Kristina

Above: Kristina.

I've been an avid and frequent visitor to the TV Tropes website since 2012, and after eleven years of looking there at the different kinds of tropes appearing in and used to describe various movies, TV shows, books, characters and even real-life people, etc., I've decided to try my hand at listing some tropes that fit Kristina. I'm not a "troper" on the website itself, so this is a "just for fun" thing, but without any further ado, here are some tropes that I think are applicable to Kristina. Enjoy!

The tropes (in alphabetical order, just like on the website, and with explanations and specific examples on some):

A Child Shall Lead Them: Kristina became queen of Sweden at barely six years old, although she/he/they didn't begin ruling personally until her/his/their eighteenth birthday on December 8 (Old Style), 1644.

Abdicate the Throne: One of the defining and most famous (or infamous) moments of Kristina's whole life.

Academic Athlete

The Ace: Kristina was obviously a very multi-talented person, ranging from proficient to completely fluent in at least seven foreign languages in addition to her/his/their native Swedish, was reputed to have an almost savant-level memory and recall ability, and was an expert in ancient history, politics, the arts, etc.

Action Girl

Affection-Hating Kid: Towards her/his/their mother Maria Eleonora.

Affectionate Nickname: As far as I have been able to discover at the time of writing, Kristina's nicknames among her/his/their family, friends and contemporaries included "Kerstin" or "Kjerstin", "Christienchen", "Stienchen", "Augusta" and "Hera". And that isn't even counting Minerva of the North, after the Roman goddess of wisdom, justice, law, victory and the arts. She was also nicknamed the Semiramis of the North, after the legendary queen regnant of Assyria who conquered much of the Middle East and the Levant and stabilised and strengthened her empire after a brutal civil war.

Ain't Too Proud to Beg: During a meeting with the Swedish clergy in October 1660 during her/his/first visit to Sweden since the abdication, Kristina is said to have tearfully begged on her/his/their knees to be allowed free exercise of the Catholic faith during her/his/their stay.

Ambiguous Gender: Starting literally on the day Kristina was born, if her/his/their autobiography is to be believed.

Ambiguously Bi: I hesitate to say this about a real-life person, especially since Kristina did not have access to the vocabulary, understanding and concepts that we have now; but based on the evidence, it is genuinely, seriously possible that she/he/they might have been bi. There is not as much documentation (that I currently know of or can find) about Kristina's relationship with Ebba Sparre as there is about her/his/their later and longer-lasting relationship with Cardinal Decio Azzolino, but it is clear that both people were very dear to Kristina in a way that went beyond the platonic.

Ambiguously Gay: See the above.

Animal Lover: Kristina's favourite animals in particular were dogs and horses.

At the Opera Tonight: And ballets. The most famous anecdotes about Kristina at such events are from Madame de Motteville and Mademoiselle de Montpensier from the time of Kristina's first visit to France, in September 1656.

Awesome Moment of Crowning

Badass Adorable: Kristina says this about her/his/their six year old self in her/his/their unfinished memoirs:

"This [Muscovite] embassy caused a little adventure which seems to me worthy of being reported. I was so much a child that it was feared that I could not bear this embassy with the gravitas that was necessary. It was feared that they would frighten me with their barbarous manners and clothes, which were still unknown to me. So they gave me a great deal of preparation on that. I was instructed in all the ceremonial, and urged not to be afraid. This doubt annoyed me greatly, and I asked angrily, 'Why should I be afraid?'

I was told that the Muscovites were people dressed quite differently from us, that they had long beards, that they were terrible, that there were a large number of them, but that I shouldn't be afraid of them. By chance, those who were my comforters on this occasion were the Grand Constable and the Grand Admiral, who themselves had large beards, which made me say on that subject, laughing: 'What do I care about their beards? Don't you have big beards? And I'm not afraid of you. So why should they scare me? Instruct me well, and leave it all to me.'

In fact, I kept my word to them. I gave the audience on the throne, according to custom, with a mien so confident and majestic that, instead of being afraid, as has happened to other children on similar occasions, I made the ambassadors feel what all men feel when they approach anything that is greater than them, and I thrilled mine, who admired me, as one usually does over all the trifles of the children one loves."

Badass Boast: Among other examples, Kristina says this about her/his/their childhood self in her autobiography: "Those who participated in my upbringing were in despair, for I completely exhausted them and never let them rest, neither day nor night. When they tried to make me stop this tiring way of life, I made fun of them and said, 'If you are sleepy, go to bed, I can take care of myself.' Consequently, my days and hours were divided into affairs of state, studies, and sport. I devoted few moments to resting and other bodily needs that take so much time for other people."

Badass Bookworm

Badass in Distress: The famous May 1652 incident in which Kristina fell into the harbour and nearly drowned; as well as the July 1647 assassination attempt and the July 1667 riot in Hamburg, during which Kristina had to escape in disguise through the back door of the mansion she/he/they had been staying in. Almost each of these incidents ended with Kristina taking them in stride and boasting of her/his/their stamina or heroism.

Badass Pacifist: Kristina worked very hard to bring the Thirty Years' War to an end.

Baritone of Strength

Be Careful What You Wish For: Being a former monarch without a crown, a country or unlimited finances was definitely not all Kristina had believed or hoped it would be, especially in the first years after the abdication.

Beneath the Mask

Bifauxnen: That is, if one considers or believes the theory that Kristina was just a very masculine woman. Slightly subverted when considering the possibility that Kristina might have been genderfluid.

Big Eater

Big Fun

Boisterous Bruiser


Brainy Brunette

Brawn Hilda

Breaking Old Trends: Kristina famously refused to marry or have children.

Broken Pedestal: Kristina, when she/he/they realised that she/he/they did not like Descartes very much upon meeting him in person, and the feeling was mutual aside from being subverted in that the two did still have genuine respect and admiration for each other.

Brutal Honesty

Camp Straight: During the Azzolino years.

The Cassandra

Casual Danger Dialogue: In a famous incident from May 1652, after Kristina accidentally fell into the waters of the harbour and was saved from drowning (along with Herman Fleming), and far from being shaken, upset or overwhelmed at all by the shock of almost dying, after going home she/he/they was in an upbeat mood and even joked that she was used to drinking water (even though this water was "a bit salty and brackish") while Fleming was "worse off" for being used to beer.

Celibate Heroine: At least as far as anyone knew or knows for sure.

The Chains of Commanding

Chick Magnet: Kristina was widely rumoured to be this.

Child Prodigy

Childhood Friends: Kristina with her/his/their first cousins, who also doubled as her/his/their foster siblings.

Clothing Damage: Kristina often got ink stains on her sleeves from writing so much.


Contrapposto Pose: Kristina in some post-abdication portraits.

Cool Crown

Cool Old Lady: Kristina was this in her later years, but since she was 62 when she died, she was hardly old by today's standards.

Costume Evolution: After the abdication Kristina started wearing men's clothes on a regular basis; and in her/his/their later years she/he/they started wearing négligés and low-cut décolletée gowns in addition to men's clothes.

Cultured Badass

Daddy's Girl: Although Kristina barely knew or remembered her/his/their father, the two were very close, to the point that at age three, after she/he/they saw him for the last time, she/he/they is said to have cried inconsolably for three days straight — and this was a child who rarely ever cried.

Dances and Balls

Dark and Troubled Past: Kristina barely knew her/his/their father and was almost six years old at the time of his death, and then spent the next few years living with her/his/their grieving, depressed, anxious, and traumatised mother whose mental health and emotional stability were known to be fragile.

Deadpan Snarker

Death Glare

Desperately Craves Affection

Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life

Determinator: Among other examples, in a letter to the Comte de Brienne on February 1 (New Style), 1648, the French ambassador and Kristina's close friend, Pierre Hector Chanut, wrote: "She is indefatigable at travail in the countryside, even to the point that she remains on horseback for ten hours while hunting. Neither cold nor heat bother her." Other contemporaries also noticed this tendency.

Determined Defeatist

Did Not Think This Through

Ditzy Genius

Does Not Like Spam: Kristina wrote that the only food she/he/they did not like was ham and anything made from pork.

Drama Queen

Dreamworks Face: In some portraits.

Dude, Where's My Respect?: Kristina felt this way a lot after her abdication, even about merely perceived disrespect.

Early Personality Signs: There's this famous anecdote about an infant Kristina, in her/his/their own words:

"The King took me with him on his journey to Kalmar. Upon arrival, he subjected me to a little test which greatly strengthened his love for me. I was not yet two years old when we went to Kalmar. One man was hesitant about shooting the salute from the garrison and the cannons at the fortress to greet him in the customary way, as he was afraid of frightening a child as important as I was. To make no mistake, the governor there asked for the orders. After thinking, the King answered: 'Go on, shoot. She is the daughter of a soldier and she must get used to it.'

I was with the Queen in her carriage, and instead of being frightened like any other child at such a tender age, I laughed and clapped my hands; not yet being able to speak, I expressed my joy as well as I could at that age in my fashion, gesturing that they should fire again. This little event increased the King's tenderness for me, because he hoped I was born as intrepid as himself."

Elemental Motifs: Fire, fire, fire.

Ethereal White Dress: Kristina wore one on her/his/their coronation day and again on her/his/their abdication day.

Expository Hairstyle Change: In 1655 or 1656, Kristina had her/his/their head of curly brown or dark blonde hair shaved bald or nearly so and took to wearing dark men's wigs that were just as rarely combed as her/his/their natural hair and were also a size or two too big. In the 1660s Kristina began wearing her/his/their hair flat on the sides of the head with a part in the middle and with either looped braids around her/his/their ears or loose ringlets.

Family of Choice: Cardinal Azzolino, several of the other cardinals of the Squadrone Volante, and several favourite noblemen, artists, singers and musicians from Italy and all over Europe became something like this to Kristina during her/his/their Roman era.

Fearless Fool

Fearless Infant: See "Early Personality Signs".

Feminine Mother, Tomboyish Daughter

Femininity Failure

First Love: Ebba Sparre.

Freudian Excuse: Kristina blamed her/his/their less than favourable views of women in general on her/his/their mother's behaviour and her/his/their own visceral disgust at pregnancy and childbirth.

The Gadfly: Kristina famously had a habit of saying things specifically to shock or provoke people just for the thrill of it, sometimes intentionally but also sometimes from genuinely not understanding most social norms and social cues.

Genius Bruiser

Genki Girl

Gilded Cage: Kristina saw her life and her main castle of residence as this during the last four years of her reign.

Girliness Upgrade: See "Costume Evolution".

Glory Seeker

Go-Getter Girl

Good is Not Nice

Good is Not Soft

The Good King: To an extent.

Going Native: Kristina in Rome, especially in her/his/their later years.

Gratuitous French: Appears in some of Kristina's Swedish-language letters.

Gratuitous Italian: Appears in some of Kristina's otherwise French-language letters to Cardinal Azzolino.

Gratuitous Latin: Appears mostly in some of Kristina's Swedish-language letters.

Grim Up North: Kristina saw Sweden as this to some extent.

Guttural Growler

Happily Adopted: When Maria Eleonora's parental rights were stripped, Kristina was put (back) into the custody of her/his/their aunt, Princess Katarina, and her husband, the Count Palatine Johan Kasimir, just a few months before turning ten. For the most part, Kristina welcomed the change of atmosphere.

Heroes Love Dogs

The Heroine: Was often hailed as one by her/his/their men and in panegyrics.

The High Queen

Honor Before Reason: Even the usually logical Kristina could sometimes be prone to this.

Hot-Blooded: Kristina was a huge extrovert, a free spirit, and could admittedly be reckless and impulsive.

I Just Want to Be Free: One of the motives for Kristina's abdication.

I Just Want to Be Loved

I Just Want to Be Special

I Choose to Stay: Kristina was forced to resort to this in 1651 when she/he/they first attempted to get the Council's consent to abdicate; in 1669 she decided to stay in Rome after being banned from Sweden until after her/his/their grandcousin King Karl XI turned eighteen. Even after the King came of age in 1672 and showed himself more welcoming to his cousin than his regents had been, Kristina still chose to stay in Rome.

I Did What I Had to Do: Kristina saw her role in the execution of Monaldeschi as this.

Ice Queen

The Idealist

I'm Not Afraid of You: Kristina to pretty much everyone, by her own self-proclamation.

Important Haircut: See the first part of "Expository Hairstyle Change" above.

Improbable Infant Survival: Kristina is said to have been subjected to several suspicious accidents as a baby, the first of which happened when a large beam suddenly fell across the cradle, and later one of her shoulders became permanently lowered supposedly after either accidentally falling or being dropped on purpose.

In the Blood: Kristina inherited a lot of personality traits and flaws from both parents as well as from her Vasa ancestors and relatives on her father's side.

Inferiority Superiority Complex

Innocently Insensitive

Instant Expert: Kristina when it came to anything and anyone she/he/they took an interest in, at least according to descriptions and boasts.

It's All About Me

It Runs in the Family: Kristina inherited her/his/their stubborn streak from both parents as well as from her/his/their Vasa ancestors.

I've Come Too Far

Jerk with a Heart of Gold

The Lad-ette: Although theories vary on whether Kristina was either what we would now call a butch lesbian or bi woman or a trans man or genderfluid or anything in between.

Lady and a Scholar: Not much of a lady though.

Lady Looks Like a Dude

Large and in Charge

Large Ham

The Leader

Leeroy Jenkins: As has been said before, and as is known, Kristina could sometimes be reckless, impulsive and lacking in foresight or forethought.

Like Mother, Like Daughter: As much as Kristina would have hated to admit it, she/he/they inherited her/his/their independent streak, free spirit, stubborn streak, impulsiveness and incomprehension of finance mostly from her/his/their mother.

Like Parent, Like Child: Kristina inherited her/his/their strong will and fearlessness mostly from her/his/their father, as well as her/his/their robust facial structure and features.

Like Parent, Unlike Child: Kristina rejected what she saw as her mother's vanity and hyper-feminity and extended this view to most women in general.

Limited Wardrobe: Kristina wore men's clothes for most of her/his/their adult life.

Living Emotional Crutch: Kristina was unwillingly this during childhood to her/his/their mother in the months and years immediately after her/his/their father's death.

Lonely Among People

Lonely at the Top

Lonely Rich Kid: Kristina whenever her/his/their mostly similar-aged cousins and the children of the courtiers weren't around.

Loophole Abuse: Kristina made her/his/their older cousin Karl Gustav her/his/their heir to the throne and even adopted him as her/his/their son after refusing to marry him, let alone anyone else.

Lovable Nerd

Love at First Sight: Kristina and Cardinal Azzolino.

Love Hurts: Evident in Kristina's three famous post-abdication letters to Ebba Sparre, and also in some of her/his/their letters to Azzolino.

The Makeover: Kristina had her/his/their hair cut short or head shaved and started wearing men's clothes very soon after the abdication.

Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: I think I read somewhere once that Cardinal Azzolino had something of a feminine physique (unless I am mistaken), but I'll have to look for where I found that. Kristina did possibly have a masculine physique at least outwardly, as there was no sign of it in her/his/their skeletal structure.

Master of Disguise: While travelling through Denmark in 1654, Kristina was disguised in men's clothes and went by the pseudonym Count Dohna, after one of her friends.

Master of the Mixed Message

Messy Hair

Modest Royalty

Mommy Issues


Mouthy Kid

My Beloved Smother: Kristina saw Maria Eleonora as this.

Near-Death Experience: Kristina's weak health caused her/him/them to have several of these during childhood and young adulthood.

Nerves of Steel

Nigh-Invulnerable: Or rather, Kristina preferred to see herself/himself/themself as such.

No Sense of Personal Space

No Social Skills

Not Afraid to Die

Not Like Other Girls

Not So Above It All: Cardinal Azzolino was Kristina's first and only experience loving a man romantically, something she/he/they thought was impossible until the day they met.

Official Couple: Kristina is known to have introduced Ebba Sparre to the English ambassador Bulstrode Whitelocke as "my bedfellow"; and years later in Rome she/he/they and Cardinal Azzolino were widely suspected and then indubitably known to be in a relationship.

One of the Boys: Need I say more?

Opposites Attract: The masculine, boisterous Kristina and the feminine, demure Ebba.

Outdoorsy Gal

The Outside World: After the abdication, Kristina immediately set out exploring as much of northwestern Europe as possible before ultimately going south and settling down in Rome, with Italy having been a longed-for destination almost the whole time.

Quirky Curls

Parental Abandonment: Gustav Adolf was away fighting in the Thirty Years' War (in which he was eventually killed) for most of Kristina's first six years, and then in July 1640, when Kristina was still fifteen, Maria Eleonora escaped from Sweden and went to Denmark. Upon hearing the news of it, Kristina was so overwhelmed that she cried and cried and cried for her mother, became desperately anxious and stimmed by "wringing her hands", locked herself in her rooms, refused to eat for days; and when her guardians tried to get in and comfort her, she refused to be comforted and even screamed at them that they were the reason why her mother had hated living in Sweden and why she had consequently abandoned her.

Passing the Torch: On June 6 (Old Style), 1654, Kristina abdicated the throne in favour of her/his/their cousin Karl Gustav. She/he/they had already made him her/his/their successor and heir in 1649, with him being declared hereditary prince and gaining the title of "His Royal Highness" on the same day as Kristina's coronation in 1650.

Passionate Sports Gal

The Pig-Pen: Kristina notoriously left her/his/their hair and even wigs uncombed for a week and sometimes for up to two weeks on a regular basis, got ink on her/his/their sleeves while writing, and would come back from hours outdoors with tanned or dirty skin and dirty, grimy hands.

Picky Eater: Kristina did not like pork or alcoholic drinks of any kind except for small beer.

Pimped-Out Cape: The robe Kristina commissioned for her/his/their coronation in 1650 was made in Paris and made of purple velvet with gold and pearl embroidered trim and decorated with 7,645 embroidered gold crowns in groups of three all over the robe. Sadly, the crowns and pearls have long since been peeled and torn off, with only the imprints remaining, and the original ermine fur hem and collar are also long gone.

Plot-Triggering Death: Kristina became queen of Sweden when her/his/their father was killed during the Battle of Lützen on November 6 (Old Style), 1632, although the news did not reach her/him/them until a month later — ironically on her sixth birthday.

Plucky Girl

Politically-Active Princess: Even long after the abdication.


Purple Is Powerful: Kristina's coronation robe is purple.

Rambunctious Italian: Although she/he/they was Italian by choice and Italy was her/his/their adopted homeland for most of her/his/their adult life, Kristina definitely had this personality, in contrast to the quiet, introverted nature of most Swedes.

Raised by Dudes: For the most part.

Rank Up: Kristina suddenly went from being princess to queen regnant (and technically also king) of Sweden just one month before her/his/their sixth birthday.

Really Gets Around: Was rumoured to do this with both men and women.

"The Reason You Suck" Speech: Kristina often gave these to people who found themselves on the receiving end of her/his/their anger, frustration or disgrace.

Reasonable Authority Figure

Rebellious Princess

Rebellious Spirit

Reluctant Ruler: At least during the last four or so years of her/his/their reign.

Renaissance Man: Kristina was interested in all the hot topics of her/his/their day: philosophy, religion, history, politics, the arts, the emerging scientific understanding that was slowly but surely displacing ancient superstitions...

Requisite Royal Regalia

Riches to Rags: To a limited extent.

Royal Blood

Royals Who Actually Do Something

Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!

Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Kristina left Sweden just days after abdicating.

Second Love: Cardinal Azzolino was this to Kristina, following Ebba Sparre.

Shared Family Quirks: Kristina inherited her/his/their sometimes overly daring and fearless personality from her/his/their father King Gustav II Adolf, and she/he/they inherited her/his/their anxious tendencies and almost lifelong trouble with understanding and managing finances from her/his/their mother Maria Eleonora.

The Shut-In: Was forced to be this for a few years as a young child during the most serious period of her/his/their mother's grief at the death of Kristina's father.

Shipper on Deck: In 1651 Kristina functioned as this toward Jakob Kasimir de la Gardie and Ebba Sparre, even going so far as to force Ebba to break off her engagement to Bengt Oxenstierna. Kristina tried to justify this by saying that Ebba and Bengt were cousins too closely related and that she/he/they therefore forbade their union, but it is also known that she/he/they greatly preferred the De la Gardie family over the Oxenstierna family, and she wanted to keep Ebba close.

Significant Wardrobe Shift: See "The Makeover".

Simple, yet Opulent: Kristina wore simple clothes most of the time, sometimes men's clothes, sometimes women's clothes or even a mishmash of both, with usually only a ring, bracelet or the like to hint at her/his/their royal status.

Sir Swears-a-Lot (or Lady Swears-a-Lot): Contrary to libellous claims that Bourdelot taught Kristina to swear, Kristina writes in her/his/their autobiography that she/he/they picked up the habit as a child growing up in early 17th century Swedish culture where everyone swore, but that she/he/they had quit it in later adulthood.

The Social Expert: Kristina was lucky in that her/his/their royal status and position of power and authority made people see her as this even in the face of her unapologetically awkward social skills and tendency to completely miss or consciously ignore most social cues and norms.

Socially Awkward Hero

Spell My Name with an S: The spelling of Kristina's name in English and in older Swedish varies between the K spelling and the spelling "Christina". Modern Swedish predominantly uses the K spelling, although the Ch spelling was used in Kristina's time and in her/his/their own handwriting. In Italian her name is rendered as "Cristina" and in French as "Christine".

The Spock

Take a Third Option: See "Loophole Abuse".

Steel Ear Drums: Even as a toddler Kristina was not frightened or even startled or deafened by loud cannonfire going off right next to her.

The Stoic: Most of the time, and amazingly even already as a very young child.

Strong Family Resemblance: Kristina as a child was noted by a peasant man (Lars Larsson) and Maria Eleonora (her/his/their mother) to bear a striking resemblance to her father Gustav Adolf, especially with the prominent forehead and chin and the large, hooked nose.

Take Care of the Kids: Inverted. During the abdication ceremony, Kristina had Karl Gustav, her/his/their cousin, promise to take care of her/his/their mother in her/his/their absence.

Teen Genius

Thrill Seeker

Took a Level in Cynic: Kristina in her/his/their later years, to an extent.


Tomboy and Girly Girl: Kristina was the tomboy to mother Maria Eleonora's and best friend/lover Ebba Sparre's Girly Girls.

Tomboy Princess

Tomboyish Voice

Tranquil Fury

Tsundere: Of the "Harsh/Spicy" type.

Universally Beloved Leader: Not as much at certain times in real life as in the "civilities" and panegyrics.

Unkempt Beauty

Unwillingly Girly Tomboy

The Usurper: Was suspected of and prevented from becoming this to the Swedish throne in case King Karl XI were to pass away during his minority.

Verbal Tic: Kristina had a habit of writing or shouting "Par Dieu!" (French for "By God!") when amazed or outraged by something.

Warrior Princess: Dreamed of being one, but never got the chance.

What's Up, King Dude?: To an extent.

When You Coming Home, Dad?: Kristina as a very young child in the only letters she/he/they ever wrote to her/his/their father.

Wild Hair

Wise Beyond Their Years: Kristina was said to be this as a child.

The Wonka

You Are in Command Now: Kristina found out she/he/they was now queen of Sweden on her/his/their sixth birthday.

You Can't Go Home Again: Kristina more than happily embraced this after her/his/their abdication and departure from Sweden, and again, but this time more begrudgingly, in 1669 after being temporarily banned from there.

Youngest Child Wins: Kristina was the youngest and only surviving of four legitimate children born to Gustav Adolf and Maria Eleonora. Her/his/their only other sibling to survive to adulthood was Count Gustaf Gustafsson of Vasaborg, who was born illegitimate and was ten years older and whose mother was a woman named Margareta Slots.

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