Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Kristina's letter to the Marquis Gianmattia del Monte, written November 1688


Mémoires concernant Christine, volume 2, page 289, Johan Arckenholtz, 1751

The letter:

Dite al Governat. Gen. ch' io sarò in Hamburgo in 12. giorni (in tempo d'estate, d'Inverno del più) ogni volta che la mia presenza sarà necessaria, ma non vorrei movermi per bagatelle, ne per chimere, egli m'intenderà. Vi confesso ch' l' pensar d'haver a partir di Roma, mi fà crepare il cuore: mà se si trattasse del servitio della mia patria, e del mio Regno, saro sempre pronta a mettere mille vite per loro. Basta ch' io lo sappi.

French translation (by Arckenholtz):

Dites au Gouverneur Général, que je serois dans 12. jours à Hambourg (en Eté j'entends, car en Hiver il me faut plus de tems) aussi-tôt que ma présence y seroit nécessaire. Mais je ne voudrois pas me remuer d'ici pour des bagatelles ou pour des chiméres. Il m'entendra. Je vous avouë, que la seule pensée de quitter Rome me perce le cœur. Mais s'il s'agissoit de rendre service à ma Patrie & à mon Roïaume, je serois toûjours prête à leur sacrifier mille vies. Il suffiroit que je le susse seulement.

English translation (my own, from Arckenholtz's French translation):

Tell the Governor General that I will be in Hamburg in 12 days (in summer I mean, because in winter I need more time) as soon as my presence there is necessary. But I wouldn't want to stir from here for trifles or for fancy. He will hear me. I confess that the very thought of leaving Rome pierces my heart. But if it was a question of being of service to my homeland and my kingdom, I would always be ready to sacrifice a thousand lives for them. It would suffice that only I know it.

Above: Kristina.

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