Monday, August 15, 2022

Postscript from Kristina's letter to Manuel Texeira, dated July 10/20 (New Style), 1675


Bibliothèque interuniversitaire (Montpellier); Manuscrits de la reine Christine; Lettere della regina ai suoi ministri; Varii Poscretti della regina al Signore Texeira; Lettres à Texeira; 87: Christine de Suède à Texeira, [s. l.], [s. d.] [sic] (digitisation page 132v-133r)

Christine (1626-1689 ; reine de Suède), Manuscrits de la reine Christine: Lettere della regina ai suoi ministri, : , 1601-1700.

The Foli@ online digital heritage library is here:

Copyright SCDI-UPV - Collections Université de Montpellier (shelfmark H 258).

Mémoires concernant Christine, reine de Suède, volume 3, page 481, compiled and edited by Johan Arckenholtz, 1759

The postscript (with Kristina's handwriting in italics):

1675. 20. lug[li]o. — Dite al Bidal N. N. da mia parte che il Caualier Terlon  N. N. non hà Solo parte al parentato di Svezia con danem[arc]a e che vi è chi più di lui vi hà Cooperato benche con meno rumore[.] Mi dispiace che non basterà per tener le Corone in pace p[er]che la ragione di Stato trà i Prencipi preuale à tutto.

With modernised spelling:

1675. 20 luglio. —
Dite al Bidal da mia parte che il cavalier Terlon non ha solo parte al parentato di Svezia con Danimarca e che vi è chi più di lui vi ha cooperato, benché con meno rumore. Mi dispiace che non basterà per tener le Corone in pace, perché la ragione di Stato tra i principi prevale a tutto.

Arckenholtz's transcript of the postscript (in his French translation from Italian):

Dites de ma part à Bidal, que Terlon n'est pas le seul qui ait facilité l'union de la Suède avec le Dannemarc, & que quelque autre y a coopéré plus que lui, quoiqu'avec moins de bruit. Il me fâche qu'on ne puisse pas contenir ces Couronnes en paix, parce que la Raison d'Etat parmi les Princes prévant sur tout.

Swedish translation (my own):

Säg till Bidal å mina vägnar att Terlon inte är den ende som har underlättat Sveriges union med Danmark, och att någon annan har samarbetat i det mer än han, fastän med mindre buller. Det retar mig att dessa Kronor inte kan hållas i fred, eftersom statsskälet bland furstar råder över allt.

English translation (my own):

Tell Bidal on my behalf that Terlon is not the only one who has facilitated the union of Sweden with Denmark, and that some other has cooperated in it more than he, although with less noise. It annoys me that these Crowns cannot be contained in peace, because the reason of state among princes prevails over everything.

French translation of the original (my own):

1675. Le 20 juillet. —
Dites à Bidal de ma part que le chevalier de Terlon n'a pas seulement part à la parenté de la Suède avec le Danemark et qu'il y a quelqu'un qui y a plus coopéré que lui, quoique avec moins de bruit. Je suis fâché que cela ne suffise pas à maintenir en paix les Couronnes, car la raison d'État parmi les princes l'emporte sur tout.

Danish translation of the original (my own; using the archaic formal 2nd person pronouns "I/Eder" rather than the modern "De/Deres"):

1675. Den 20. juli. —
Fortæl Bidal på mine vegne, at chevalier de Terlon ikke kun har del i Sveriges slægtskab med Danmark, og at der er nogen, der har samarbejdet mere i det end han, dog med mindre larm. Jeg er ked af, at det ikke vil være nok at holde Kronerne i fred, fordi Statens grund blandt fyrster råder jo over alt.

Swedish translation of the original (my own):

1675. Den 20 juli. —
Säg till Bidal å mina vägnar att chevalier de Terlon inte bara har del i Sveriges släktskap med Danmark och att det finns någon som har samarbetat i det mer än han, fast med mindre buller. Jag beklagar att det inte kommer att räcka med att hålla Kronorna i fred, eftersom Statsskälet bland furstar råder ju över allt.

English translation of the original (my own):

1675. July 20. —
Tell Bidal on my behalf that the Chevalier de Terlon has not only a share in Sweden's kinship with Denmark and that there is someone who has cooperated in it more than he, although with less noise. I am sorry that it will not be enough to keep the Crowns in peace, because the reason of State among princes prevails over everything.

Above: Kristina.

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